Page 32 of Christmas Pet

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The last smack hit against my pussy, something I wasn’t expecting. When he roughly slid his finger inside my channel. I reared back and cried out. The sound of my arousal and the slapping of his fingers fucking me left me delirious. Just as I was on the precipice, he stopped and pulled me into a sitting position.

Dazed, I asked, “Why did you stop, sir?”

He slid his fingers into his mouth and licked the taste of me from them. “Because you don’t deserve to come, and I haven’t made up my mind if you deserve to come later either. Perhaps now you’ll understand you have to listen, not answer back, and not question.”

I meekly nodded. “Yes, sir, I understand.” I wanted to add perfectly, but that might get me another smack on my ass, and, for now, I was sore enough.***

The cabin was set off in a secluded, wooded estate with private ski runs. It wasn’t anywhere near as ostentatious or as tacky as the Pennsylvania mansion. While it was huge and had twelve bedrooms, the space felt welcoming and steeped in love. The home was a happy one with a warm and welcoming atmosphere.

I hadn’t seen any of the toys or equipment I’d been expecting, or anyone else for that matter. When we arrived, after enjoying a hot chocolate spiked with Grand Marnier, James whisked me up to our bedroom where I’d had a bubble bath in a tub made for six people. I’d thoroughly enjoyed the jets until James walked in and demanded I stop. He said if I didn’t, he would tie me to the bed all weekend, and I’d miss all the festivities downstairs.

Once again, I was left hanging over the edge. If he allowed me to climax tonight, I might pass out from the intensity.

I glanced over my shoulder at my reflection. James hadn’t smacked me hard enough to leave any marks, which I was thankful for. The last thing I wanted to do was go to a party and have everyone see what sir had done.

Satisfied there were no handprints on my skin, I spun around and inspected my body. Not bad. Melanie definitely had an eye for what suited and emphasized my shape. My crotchless panties left nothing to the imagination. I wasn’t sure about the corset’s cups and my on-show nipples. One wrong move, and my boobs would totally escape.

James sauntered out of the bathroom. He wasn’t just wearing a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt. He was wearing the fuck out of a pair of jeans and a black T-shirt.

The cut showed off his muscular biceps perfectly, and the seat of his jeans showed off his squeezable butt. “I like it when you dress casually, sir. You look very sexy.”

He hadn’t shaven in about two days. The stubble on his jaw made him appear rugged and handsome. And as for the way his hair flopped over his forehead—forget it.

Never mind him saying he was the luckiest guy in the world to have me by his side. I was the luckiest girl.

Every sub at the party would give her right arm to have him as their master, but he was all mine.

“Are you ready for some festive fun?” he asked.

“If that fun entails orgasms that last forever, then I’m more than ready.”

He curled his hands around the curve of my waist. “The orgasms depend—.”

“—on what?”

“Have you been naughty or nice?”

“Very naughty, sir. Very, very naughty.”

He smoothed a palm over my ass cheeks. “Are you tender, pet?”

“A small bit, sir.”

“Let’s hope you don’t do anything tonight to earn another punishment. But selfishly, I hope you do because I would enjoy administering it in front of everyone.” He gently bit my lower lip then licked the sting away. “Did you enjoy your punishment in the car?” He grabbed my hand, pried open my fingers, and placed them on his cock. “I sure as hell did.”

He smoothed his hands over my ass again and traced the edge of my panties before moving his palms to the crease of my ass and lifting me up so the crotch of his jeans rubbed against my most sensitive part. He walked me backward and pushed my back against the wall, all the time grinding his jean-covered erection against me. “I could take you right here, right now, but I’ll wait until later. Until you’re begging me.” He nuzzled his nose against my throat. “You still haven’t answered my question.”

I swallowed hard, doing my best to come back to reality. “Question?”

“Did you enjoy your punishment?”

I’d loved every second, but would he come up with a different punishment if I told him that? One that was less enjoyable?

But I wouldn’t lie. He would know if I did. I gazed into his soulful, brown eyes. “Yes, sir, I enjoyed it, and I also enjoyed having your fingers inside me. I would have enjoyed it even more if you’d finished what you started.”

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance