Page 28 of Christmas Pet

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Nothing else existed in the world except my climax. My thighs tensed and imprisoned his head. James continued to lick and suck, and I squirmed and thrashed against his face.

When my spasms lessened, his tongue turned tender and gentle, easing me slowly back down to reality. My sensitized clit couldn’t withstand anymore. I pushed his head away. Reverently, he kissed his way up my body then kissed me violently, intensely.

“Fuck me. Take me, James.”

“With pleasure.” He placed his hands on my knees and spread me wide.

His eyes flamed. “I want you to come on my cock. Hard. I want to hear you cry. I want to hear you scream.”

He continued kissing me. Devouring me. With zero build-up, he reached between my legs, teasing my slippery and still sensitive clit. I spread my legs further, granting him access. He curled his hand around his cock and slid in. Both of us groaned at the same time.

I hissed out a breath. His width and his length felt glorious inside me. I closed my eyes and pressed my forehead against his as he edged deeper. I clenched around him and drew him in, needing every inch.

“God, Pearl.”

He kissed and licked my lips while thrusting. I was his. I belonged to him.

His fingers explored every inch of my skin they could reach, and his cock drove me to the edge before dragging me back.

The faster he moved, the louder my moans became, but I needed more. I needed him to become an uncaring animal. A beast.

I wound my legs around his waist, and he rammed deep.

“Pearl,” he bit out. He reared back and pounded hard.

The echo of his climax against the glass and was so loud I expected the ceiling to shatter. My second orgasm claimed me, and I dug my fingers into his back, calling, screaming his name.

James thrust a few more times before stilling. Sweat misted our skins, and our breathing slowed.

“That…” I gasped.

He grinned. “I know.”

I stroked my fingers along his shoulders. “We should probably go back. People will begin to talk.”

“I don’t give a fuck what people say. Get dressed. We’re leaving, and I’m taking you back to my apartment.Chapter Fourteen - JamesI threw my pen on top of my desk and rubbed my hands over my face.

Pearl and I had stayed awake until four taking pleasure in one another. Where she was concerned, I couldn’t get enough. This morning, I’d already downed three cups of coffee, but my eyelids felt gritty and my bones heavy.

My body begged me to go home and get some sleep, but I had too much work to do. I’d just finished a three-hour zoom meeting with Erin and Daniel. He’d requested mediation. If that didn’t work, we would have to go to trial.

I assured Erin he was calling her bluff and that he didn’t want to go to trial. He didn’t want the truth about who he was to come out.

I didn’t want to go to trial either. Mainly because Erin wasn’t strong enough emotionally or mentally to withstand the scrutiny.

My intercom buzzed. “Mr. Matthews, Ms. Fitzgibbon is here to see you.”

Fuck. Exactly what I didn’t need right now. “I explained you were busy, but she’s insisting.” Before I could say a word, the door opened, and Lyla strutted in.

“Can I help you with something urgent? I’m in the middle of work.”

She came over to my side of the desk and air-kissed my cheeks. I stiffened. The scent of her heavy perfume stuck in my throat and clogged my nose.

“No need to be like that, James. I’m here to remind you about next week’s fundraiser on Christmas Eve at The Lincoln Center. Since you’re still on the board, you have to go. You haven’t forgotten, have you?”

“I haven’t.”

“Wonderful. Maxwell Hart will be there. Daddy thinks he’s going to be the next president.”

“I’ll be there.”

“Since we RSVP’d together, you’re aware you’ll be my date?”

I glared at her. “Let’s get one thing clear, Lyla. I said I’ll be there, but it won’t be as your date. Once again, there’s nothing between us.”

She puffed out her lower lip and tilted her head. “That’s not true, James. There’s a spark between us. I’ll let you have your bit of fun with the office girl, but eventually, you’ll come running back to me.”

I sighed and shoved a hand through my hair. I had to get through to her somehow. “Lyla, please listen. I respect you, and, sometimes, I even like you. But you’re not what I want. You’ll never give me what I need. I’m sorry if that sounds harsh.”

The coldness in my words had zero effect on her. She lowered her eyes and did her best to appear submissive. “I can be everything you need and more, master.” The words sounded awkward and stilted coming from her lips.

“You’re not a submissive, Lyla. You can’t give yourself to me the way I need.”

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance