Page 20 of Christmas Pet

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He pressed his fingertips against my pussy and rubbed through my folds while his other hand continued groping and massaging my breast. With feather-light strokes, he circled his finger around my clit, flicking back and forth, clockwise and counterclockwise. I needed a stronger touch. A firmer hand. But he kept his caresses light and gentle. Going to my opening but never pushing his finger in.

My breathing became labored, and my breasts and pussy swelled. My clit was so engorged it was almost painful. Then finally, finally, he touched the tip of my clit. A wave of shuddering shocks washed over me. I was going to lose it.

He got down on his knees and pressed the flat of his tongue to my bud. Over and over again, he licked, one side and then the other. My muscles clenched. The beginnings of my orgasm unfurling in my belly. I desperately needed the release his tongue promised.

He moved his mouth lower, his tongue lapping at my opening. I held my breath, waiting, wanting.

Anticipation sent me higher and higher and higher. His mouth found my clit again. My back arched as much as it could. Repeatedly he flicked his tongue back and forth. I wrenched against my restraints. I wanted to be free so I could grab him and hold him.

James slid two fingers inside me. Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God. Slowly at first, pumping them in and out before increasing the pressure and the speed. He sucked my clit, and his fingers went deeper.

My vagina walls tightened, never wanting to let him go. I needed to come. I needed to scream and cry.

He tapped the tip of his tongue against my engorged bud, which felt ten times its normal size. I moaned and sobbed against my gag. I wanted to squeeze my thighs together. I wanted to trap his head between my legs.

He didn’t stop sucking or pumping. He thrust his fingers deep, and I shook and shuddered, squirming and writhing as my orgasm broke through. Liquid heat ran from me, and James lapped every drop up. He didn’t stop pleasuring me until the last undulation.

I slumped forward.

I was more than ready to give myself to him. To have him fuck me—claim me.

Desire hooded his brown eyes. I would beg him to take me any way he pleased, but when he pulled off the gag, I sucked in a breath, and “Oh my God,” was all I managed to blurt out.

“You’re going to be the death of me, pet.” He yanked off his sweatshirt and T-shirt.

“Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

I lowered my eyes to the bulge in his pants before moving up to his lips. I yearned to taste him. To take him in my mouth.

“I’m fucking rock hard.”

I licked my lips, my mouth and throat bone dry, and shivers of desire flashed through my body. Risking his wrath and a punishment, I asked, “Can I taste you, sir?”

“You can taste me and more.” James pushed down his trousers and boxers, stepped out of them, and kicked them away. Droplets of pre-come seeped from his cock.

Dying to taste him, I leaned forward as far as my restraints allowed. He reached for my hair and curled his fingers around, giving a sharp tug.

“You’re going to take every inch of my cock in your mouth, pet. You’re going to drink down every last drop of my come, understand?”

When I didn’t immediately respond, he gave another tug. “Understand?”

“Yes, sir. I understand.”

He placed his palm on the back of my head and positioned himself so his legs were on either side of the chair. The look on his face was one of pure, unadulterated want.

He inched forward, and I curled my tongue around the head of his cock and picked up a droplet. I would swallow everything he gave and would relish the taste. I glanced up at his face. His hips thrust forward, and a wicked smile curled the corners of his lips.

“I like your enthusiasm, pet.”

You’ve seen nothing yet.

He yanked my head back. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever met in my life. Never forget that.” Not giving me a chance to reply, he tapped his flared head against my lips, smearing himself around.

“Open your mouth, pet.” I opened wide, and he slid deep, stretching my lips. He held the sides of my head firm, not allowing me to shy away. I tilted my head back to accommodate more of his width and length.

“Relax your throat muscles,” he said, his voice strained. “Breathe through your nose. When I go deep, hold your breath. When I withdraw, inhale.”

He slid out and eased in again until he was balls deep. I clenched my thighs together, desperate for another orgasm, but I didn’t know if I’d get that lucky.

James’ breathing picked up speed, he tugged my hair, his hips moved faster, and his cock grew harder. I hadn’t touched him with anything other than my mouth, and yet I was driving him wild. The power I had over him was a powerful aphrodisiac.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance