Page 11 of Christmas Pet

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Chapter Six - Pearl“You’re an ass.” I snatched my hand from him and buried it beneath the blanket. “Not going to happen. That’s a line I won’t cross.”

“And yet it’s a line you cross every night in bed.”

“That’s different,” I protested. “Stop bringing it up. I guess you didn’t mean it when you apologized.”

“I meant it, but I want to know what you think about,” James said, his voice low and deep. “I want to know what gets you off.”

I tensed every muscle in my body, willing myself not to react. “That’s way too private.” I swallowed hard and shook my head. “You understand what that word means, right?”

He fixed his dark eyes on me. As he held my gaze, he didn’t blink once. “If you want your conversations to remain private, then don’t have them in the conference room.”

I cleared my throat. I was going to turn the tables on him, and I couldn’t believe I was about to say these words to my boss. “What gets you hard?” I held my breath. “What gets you off?” If I’d shocked him, he didn’t show it. If anything, he seemed the opposite of shocked. He seemed elated.

He regarded me for a second. “Are you sure you can handle it?”

“I’m sure.” That wasn’t true. I was both terrified and thrilled about what he might share with me. But I didn’t want him to think I was someone he could intimidate or that I was shy and nervous. “Despite what Susan said, I’m not a Pollyanna. But I’m sure my private phone conversation told you that.”

James chuckled. Should I tell him that the sound of his laughter left me wet and my clit throbbing and that being alone with him left me dizzy?

I licked my lips. Feeling brave, and unlike myself, I said, “Tell me.”

He leaned closer, and I didn’t back away.

“Dominating sassy subs makes me hard. I get off to beautiful woman succumbing to my needs and desires.”

The temperature in the trailer reached a thousand degrees.

“Should I go on?”

I gave a curt nod.

“You, for example, if I wanted you to submit to me, I would start by introducing you to my world.”

“How?” I asked, my voice raspy.

“Why tell you when I can show you?”

I sucked in a breath. Thoughts raced through my head. What exactly would he show me?

The crush I had on my boss was alive and kicking. Fantasizing about him was one thing, but having him maybe fulfill those fantasies was another. I wasn’t sure I was brave enough to take what he offered, but my damp panties urged me to accept.

I glanced down at my hands. “What happens here doesn’t go any further. What I mean is—”

He nodded. “What happens in the cabin stays in the cabin.”

I clasped my hands on my lap. “Okay.”


“You can, uh, show me.”

He tipped his fingertips beneath my chin. “I demand complete obedience. I won’t hurt you. I won’t harm you. I will only push you as far as you’re able to go. If you need me to stop, use a safe word. Pick one.”

The corners of my lips lifted. “Blizzard.”

He grinned. “One more thing before we begin. You can address me as sir or master when we’re in play.”

My nose wrinkled while my heart pounded. “Master is too old fashioned. I’ll, uh, call you sir.”

The surrealness of the situation stunned me. Nothing about being in the trailer with James seemed real in the slightest. Had my mother slipped something into her cookies or into the eggnog? Perhaps I was hallucinating, and when I woke up in the morning, I’d be in my bed with nothing more than a splitting headache.

“What do you want me to do?” Nerves shook my voice when I spoke.

“It’s not about what I want you to do. What happens between us isn’t only about how you make me feel or what you do for me. It’s about how we make each other feel. This isn’t just about my pleasure. It’s about both our pleasures.” James came in close until his lips were a hairsbreadth from mine. “The first thing I’m going to do is kiss you.”

“Oh.” The word came out more like a squeak than anything else. Time stood still, and I hadn’t known how desperately I wanted him to kiss me until now. Our eyes locked, and he cupped his palms around my cheeks.

He flicked the tip of his tongue around the seam of my lips, and I closed my eyes to savor his taste and his touch.

His tongue slipped into my mouth, and heat surged through me. Arousal soaked my panties as he took our kiss deeper. A voice in the back of my head screamed stop. That I was making a mistake I would live to regret. But the sensations running through my body drowned out my doubts. He dragged his fingers through my hair, and I shifted my position so my boobs pressed against his chest.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance