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“Yes. This is perfect.” I grab it from her hand, drape it over my arm. She begins to walk up to the counter, but I stop her. “Don’t you want to grab something for yourself?” I ask her wagging my eyebrows.

“No. I don’t need anything.” she says, her voice sad and wistful. Uh-oh.

“May, what’s going on? I thought things had changed between you and Andrew?” She has been in love with her stepbrother since she was 16 and he was 22. She told me when she was ten, his father married her mother. She said she didn't know what to expect from him, but he was immediately like a big brother protecting her and everything. She told me as she got older and hormones took over, she began to see him in a new light and by the time she hit sixteen, she was full blown in love. She said it was about this time that Andrew began to push her away.

“I thought so too. He has been kissing me and finding any excuse to get us alone. I thought we were going to finally take the step to make it official, but he is distant again and now I can barely get him to speak to me. I don’t know, Ana. Maybe...maybe he doesn't really feel for me like I do for him. I mean in high school, the girls were all over him. He can have any woman he wants.” she shrugs her shoulders and hangs her head. My heart hurts for her right now. I don’t wholeheartedly agree with her assessment because to even my untrained eye, I can see how much he wants her from the other side of the room. Something must have happened. I just hope he comes to his senses before it's too late. Pulling her into a hug, I tell her what I know in my heart.

“Everything is going to be ok, May. I know it.”

“I hope so, Ana. I love him so much, but I don’t know how much longer I can continue to stand in front of him with my heart ripped open waiting for him to mend it before I have to save myself and walk away.”

“It won’t come to that, May. He loves you. We all know it. Something must have happened that you don’t know about. Just try to talk to him again. Make him listen.” I tell her rubbing her back. I hope like hell it works out.

“Thanks for being here for me, Ana. Lori is going through her own shit with Aiden right now, so I don’t talk to her about any of this.” yea. That is a whole other situation. Those two are equally as stubborn and bullheaded. To watch them argue is like watching Lucy and Desi.

“Always. What do you say we go get lunch before we go home?”

“Sounds great.” good. I’m starving.Back home for a couple of hours, I have put everything away, cleaned the house and made sure his gift was wrapped and under the tree. Over the course of the past four weeks, presents have been appearing under this tree at rapid speeds and each time I look my heart warms. Not because of the gifts themselves, but because I know our children will have this type of Christmas every year and that is more than I ever hoped for. Looking at the clock, I see I have about twenty minutes before he comes home. Taking out the lingerie from the package, I go and take a shower, making sure to use the strawberry body wash he loves. For a second, I stop moving and simply rub the place where our child is snuggled deep and growing. I close my eyes and thank God for this gift, promising to give my life to make theirs the best imaginable.

Once I finish in the shower, I get out, grab the lights, and plug them up. Brushing my hair out, I put on the outfit, lay across the bed, and place the lights over my hair. My body tingles as the anticipation builds. I can barely contain myself as the urge to touch my pussy and take some of the edge off calls to me. “Finally.” I say some unknown time later when I heard the front door close.

“Angel.” he calls out when he walks in. I don’t answer wanting him to find me on his own. I hear his steps as he ascends the stairs and awareness overtakes me. I hear his gasp when he sees me. "Holy fuck, Angel. How can you look so innocent and so sinful at the same time?" he asks, the timber in his tone intoxicating.

"You like it?" he moves closer to the side of the bed giving me direct access to his zipper.

"Touch this hard snake and ask me again. He fucking loves it, baby." he licks his lips and begins unbuttoning his shirt.

Tags: ChaShiree M Romance