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“So how is he?” Rose asks me.

We are all here at Patty Cakes for a weekly luncheon. Man, I’ve learned to depend on these times with these ladies. It’s definitely been a blessing the last few weeks.

“Jason is fine. Well, as fine as can be, I guess. Derrick said that he’s been a little grumpy, but he’s excited about getting out of the rehab center and coming home. Derrick’s there to get him now.”

“He’s going to be fine,” Lacy says. “He promised he’ll be up and ready to dance in time for the wedding.”

Man, I hope so. When Derrick got the call that Jason was hurt in a practice mission, it about killed him. I’ve never seen him so upset. Trent and Lacy came over to the ranch as soon as they found out, and both the Keller brothers stayed up all night drinking coffee, waiting on more news. At the first phone call, we weren’t even told where he was.

The minute that we found out what hospital Jason was flown to, both brothers went straight to his side. None of us breathed easy until we knew for sure that Jason was going to be okay. And then Derrick worked hard on getting him moved close to home to finish out his rehab. We are so thankful every day that he’s going to be okay.

My phone rings, and normally I wouldn’t pick it up, but it’s Derrick. “Sorry, I need to take this.”

I hold up the phone so they see it’s Derrick, and then I walk away from the table and out front. “How’s he doing?”

“We’re on our way home, but I have a favor to ask.”


“Do you care to move out of the cabin and into the big house?”

“Oh! Uh, well, my house’s renovations are done. I can just move back home.”

“No way, honey. I like having you close, and we need to talk about a way of making us together in one house permanent anyway.”

I smile at that. I mean, I know where this is going. We’re always together and haven’t slept apart since we finally found our way to each other. “Okay, well, we can talk about that later. But why do I need to move out of the cabin?”

I can almost hear Derrick’s smile over the phone. It’s like he knows he won a battle. What he doesn’t realize is I don’t want to leave him as much as he doesn’t want to leave me. He’s stuck with me. “I could say more on the subject of how you need to be sleeping, but my little brother is waiting for me in the truck. So it seems when I sprung my brother from the rehab, he wasn’t coming without a certain nurse to come and help him.”

“You hired a nurse?”

“Yep, he said he needed her. And not just anyone. He was pretty adamant about her.”

Wow. This doesn’t seem like Jason at all. He’s more of a “I can take care of myself” kind of guy. “Sure, I’ll get everything ready. I can’t wait to meet her.”

“Thanks, honey. I love you. See you soon.”

A tingle runs down my spine. But I feel it every time he tells me he loves me. I tell him I love him and then turn off the phone. So the wild Jason Keller is bringing a girl home. The way everyone talks about him, I’m finding it hard to believe. But one thing I’ve learned while being back in Forest Grove is that anything is possible.

Get Jason’s story in Be Mine: Coming Home To The Grove #6. Coming Soon. Join here to be notified when it releases:

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