There is only one man I want to go to a hotel room with .

Nick .

What I need to do is get the thought of Nick out of my head. Because at this point I’m starting to not only feel ridiculous, but also pathetic .

I take the champagne glass and push my way through the people, heading toward the balcony. The doors are closed because it’s cold as hell outside, but I’m sweating, and need the fresh air .

When I get on the balcony I look out at the skyscrapers and the lights that fill the city. It’s bright, and I can’t see the sky clearly, or make out any stars. But I love this city, even with the thick population, and everything else that comes with being crammed into an asphalt and steel world .

I lean against the railing and look out at the scene, hearing the blare of car horns honking, seeing the spots of red and yellow from the lights below. I take a sip from my champagne, not able to help letting my mind wander to Nick again. Where is he right now? Has he been thinking about me , too ?

Thinking about me? Am I that desperate ?

I close my eyes and shake my head. I need to just find another guy. That will help me forget about Santa and the massive candy cane he’s sporting .

* * *

I pull at the bowtie, this fucking suit strangling my entire body. I toss back the whiskey, needing another one. As if my prayers are answered, a waiter comes by with a tray filled with the little fuckers. I grab one and start walking away from the group I’ve been speaking with. This corporate parry is not my scene, not in the least, but it is good to mingle with big shots and let them know I am not someone to fuck with. It is good to let other assholes know that I am a bigger one if need be .

I finish off the whiskey in a matter of minutes and start making my way toward the bar. I am already feeling pretty buzzed, and although I should stop, I can’t. Over the last two weeks I’ve tried finding out where Holly is. I haven’t found shit though. She’s disappeared, or hell, maybe Holly isn’t even her real name. I know I should put all of this behind me, chalk it up to a one-night stand, but I just can’t .

All I can think about is Holly, and I know until I find her I can’t walk away. I won’t .

Just as I reach the bar I glance toward the balcony. The outside lights make it easy to see the few people mingling around, but it’s the flash of red hair that makes my heart freeze right in my fucking chest. I know that it’s most likely not Holly, but God, that shade is not something I’ll ever forget. The color of Holly’s hair is engrained in my brain, and the woman who is leaning against the balcony railing has the exact same shade as the woman I am desperate for .

As if on instinct I find myself moving toward her. I’m not sure what I plan on saying when I get there, but I’m also not about to fucking stop myself .

Chapter 12


“ H olly ?”

I gasp. My body goes solid, my heart lodges in my chest. I know that voice .

I’ve been dreaming of that voice .

Still, it can’t be Nick. There’s just no way. To prolong my own agony, I take my time turning around. If I don’t look, I can pretend it’s him .

“Fuck. It is you,” he growls and my knees go weak. I literally have to lean on the railing of the balcony. If I don’t, I’m afraid I might fall .

“Nick?” I ask, and I have to blink several times to make sure it is him and not just some figment of my desire-laden, wishful thinking brain. He looks so different wearing a very expensive tuxedo rather than his Santa outfit. But he looks good, so damn good. Even though he’s covered from neck to toe, I can still see the tattoos that cover his hands, and even the ones he has on his throat. They turn me on like nothing else can .

He turns me on like no one else ever has or ever will .

“Motherfucker!” he growls and then takes three large strides to me, eating up the space between us .

He grabs me by my upper arms, his fingers biting painfully into me—but nothing has ever felt so good .

“Is it really you?” I ask, still not quite believing .

“I’ve been looking for you everywhere, Holly. You have a lot of explaining to do .”

“You have? Wait. What do you mean I have explaining to do ?”

Tags: Jenika Snow, Jordan Marie Hot-Bites Erotic