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He said I was his, though .

“What does that mean?” I ask again, my voice soft. I can hear how nervous I sound. I’m almost afraid to push him, just in case I’m wrong. Yet, everything about Carson right now tells me that I’m not .

“It means you either get in this damn truck right now, or I’ll strip you bare and spank your ass right here in front of God and country .”

My face heats and my heart stalls. “ Spank me ?”

“Exactly. I’ll spank that perfect ass of yours for letting another man get near what is mine .”

“Yours?” God, I feel like we are going back and forth with this, like I’m a broken record. Truth is, I feel like I’m in some other world, like I’d been dropped into someone else’s life. “Carson, we’ve never… I mean, we don’t have that kind of relationship. You’re my guardian,” I whisper, hope making my heart beat a wild melody in my chest at the very thought I could have him as mine .

“You’ve got about one minute to make your move, Jenny. But I promise you that if you run I will come after you,” he says, his voice dead serious .

“I… I’ll just get in the truck,” I whisper, trying to digest everything Carson just told me. I need to know what’s going on, and leaving with him, talking to him, is how I’m going to find out .

Chapter 9


I ’ve got to get control of myself .

Hell !

I’m probably scaring Jenny to death. I don’t want that. The last thing I want is for her to be afraid of me. But seeing another man dare to touch her… Yeah, even now I want to go back there and fucking kill him. Now I find myself coming to terms with the fact that I’ve let Jenny get too far away from me. I’ve just told her how I felt—in so many ways—in the middle of a damn parking lot .

Fuck .

One thought keeps haunting me now. It’s something I don’t want to give voice to. If I do, it will be proof that I’ve been a stupid, blind asshole. It will be proof that Jenny will never be completely mine .

She doesn’t speak as we drive down the old graveled road. I chance a look at her and see her staring out her window, biting on her nails. I know she has a million questions, but for whatever reason she’s not voicing them. I want to scream out my frustration as I turn my gaze back on the road. This is part of the problem. Jenny and I have been too quiet, for too damn long .

“Have you let another man touch you?” I growl, finally asking my question and doing my best to ignore the way the mere words cut me inside. “More than what happened tonight?” If she’s given away her virginity I’ll find a way to get past it, but I can’t guarantee that I won’t hunt the fucker down and kill him .

“What?” she gasps .

I glance at her. Her face is pale and her eyes are wide with surprise—but she didn’t answer the question .

Fucking hell! Is she dodging the answer ?

“That’s none of your business .”

There’s this bite in her voice and I grin. That’s my girl giving me shit even though I need her to tell me the truth .

“Who did you give your cherry to, Jenny ?”

“I… What… Carson, you’re acting insane!” she huffs .

I look around and see the turnoff for the cornfield that I planted. The truck bounces over the dirt road, pot holes and bumps—mostly because I don’t slow down. I come to a stop in front of the old metal gate that blocks the road. This is the back entrance to my farm. I have a key, but this is far enough off the road that Jenny and I can have this out. That’s all that matters right now .

I shut the truck off and we sit there in the quiet and dark. The only sounds you can hear are the crickets outside, a stray hoot owl call here and there, and Jenny’s erratic breathing. The moon is full tonight and it offers a filtered, pale light to shine through the cab of my truck. I tighten my grip on the steering wheel and try to calm down the raw anger and frustration inside of me .

Why did I wait so long to claim Jenny? Why did I assume she would be waiting for me, like I have for her ?

Because I’m an idiot .

“Who is he?” I ask, doing my best to keep the words from sounding like a bitter accusation, but not sure I fully succeed. Truthfully, it cuts me open inside that she gave herself to another man. It will take me time to get over it. I’m still not letting her get away and even if I can’t be her first, I’m damn well going to be the last man to crawl between her legs. I’ll fuck her so hard she’ll never think of letting another man near her again .

Tags: Jenika Snow, Jordan Marie Hot-Bites Erotic