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Kissing her softly, I returned her to her back, Nina spreading her legs wide as she went.

“I’m going to put your legs up, okay?”

She nodded excitedly, her smile warming my heart. If only that were enough.

“Say it,” I coaxed.

“I want you to put my legs up and fuck me,” she said, eyes flashing with desire.

With Nina laying perfectly still, I got her ankles up onto my shoulders and stroked the head of my cock against her pussy to get her ready. I wanted to kiss her, but the position wasn’t quite right. I contented myself with stroking her belly as I pushed inside, Nina rising and gasping with my initial thrust. She was still unbelievably tight, and I took care to go easy on her. Despite the rising urge to pound her until she screamed. She was putting her trust in me, and it was something I took very seriously.

“Harder,” she gasped as I pumped her sweet pussy.

“You sure, sweetheart?”

“Y-yes, f-fuck me hard. I want to feel it.”

Taking her at her word, I shifted the position slightly, so I could get all the way inside her and picked up speed. I still wasn’t going to just start slamming her and slowly worked up to it. Giving her time to adjust before I really went for it.

When it seemed Nina was ready, I put a hand over her mouth, just in case, and started fucking her hard. Pounding her wet pussy until she screamed, the sound muffled by my gentle hand. She was still panting and moaning when I took my hand away. Carefully, I withdrew from her, so I could kiss her. Nina wrapped her arms around me, and we kissed like true loves. I could tell the difference because it was unlike anything else I’d ever felt before. Like I might actually, literally die if we were ever separated.

Zipping up my jeans, I helped Nina get her clothes back on. I kind of felt like a jerk, keeping dressed while she had been stripped bare, but that was just how things had turned out, and she didn’t seem to mind much.

We started eating again like we hadn’t just done what we’d done. Not that we were ashamed of it. At least I wasn’t, and Nina didn’t seem to be either. More that it was something private that only we knew about and didn’t need to be said. We both knew what’d done and what it meant.

We were almost finished eating when it happened. Halfway through our pie, Nina set down her plate, tears glistening in her eyes. I was about to ask what was wrong when she held up a hand to stop me.

“W-we can’t do this anymore,” she said, looking like it was absolute torture.

I wanted to say something. Something that would ease her obvious pain and make things better, but before the right words could come, she picked up her bag and ran off. I gave a moment’s thought to going after her but decided against it. Better give her space and let her tell me what was going on in her own time. I had no idea where this insight had come from, but it seemed like a good idea.Chapter Nineteen - NineChad kept his distance. It was surprising and a bit disconcerting to have a man actually listen to me and respect my wishes. Which only made me love him even more. I loved him so much it hurt. It wasn’t anything to do with him that made me run off like that. Not directly anyway. If anything, I was really proud of him for what he’d managed to do and respected him deeply. Trouble was, I doubted my family would see it that way.

To them, he would be just a working-class brute trying to soil their perfect little princess of a daughter. I hoped that Auntie Blair was right, and I wouldn’t have to go home if it came down to it.

Legally Daddy couldn’t make me go back. I was an adult and able to make my own decisions. Problem was, he didn’t see it that way, and he had lots of ways outside the law to get what he wanted. He had most of the law enforcement officials and judges in his pocket anyway. If he wanted me back, I had to go back. If I defied his wishes, I wasn’t sure I would be able to live without my family or if Chad would be able to live at all. It would look like an accident, of course, nothing linking it back to Daddy. It would probably take dental records to even know that it was Chad.

Despite the circumstances of our parting, I thought about Chad often. I wondered if he thought about me. If he missed me.

Dread crept in like a gathering fog. It was the first time I’d gone to work since the fateful picnic in the park. Though that was only the day before, it felt longer than that. Pain had a way of extending time like nothing else.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance