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“You okay, baby?” I asked.

“Yeah, I-I’m okay.”

I had no real reason not to take her at her word, but Nina seemed a bit distant. She might have been regretting her decision. It was a pretty big step, and I wanted to make sure she was okay with what had happened between us.

“Do you regret it?” I asked, needing to know for sure.

“No, I’m just still hungry,” she said.

I couldn’t help but laugh. Paranoia wasn’t a good look on me.

“Okay, I’ll go and get us something for dessert.”

Though when I got to thinking about it, on the say to the kitchen no less, I got a niggling feeling. Nothing too serious. Just a small doubt that maybe she had just asked for something, so I would stop asking questions. Nina really didn’t seem to like that very much. Which, of course, only made me even more curious. I knew something was going on with her backstory but could only guess what. I already knew she was born rich, and from what I could tell, that rarely boded well for truly happy childhoods.

On a hunch, I went back to the bedroom with no food and peeked in through the door. Nina was fast asleep.Chapter Fourteen - NinaThe sun wasn’t even fully up when I returned to the waking world. The sky outside the window cast in hues of light blue. The kind of color that would look really nice as paint.

I could feel the weight beside me. I looked over and saw Chad sleeping and kissed him lovingly. I had actually done it. I’d really lost my virginity for real and for keeps no going back. There were several times I’d wondered what it might be like, but nothing came even close. For starters, it hardly hurt at all. I was expecting a searing, screaming pain. Not a slight pinch that passed really quickly as he continued to work my pussy beautifully. It was clear my boss really knew what he was doing and didn’t make me feel anything but fantastic.

I was a little afraid because I knew that there was no way Daddy would ever accept Chad as a son-in-law. He was far too much of a snob and wanted me to marry someone ‘worthy of me.’ On the other hand, I was really proud that it had been my own choice. I liked Chad and really wanted to give my virginity to him. I really did like him and was honestly starting to have feelings for him. Though to stay with Chad, to be with him the way I truly wanted, would mean losing my dad’s favor. I didn’t want to lose my family or Chad, though it looked like it was going to come down to a choice between one or the other. One of the many cruel tricks the universe had played on me in my life.

Overcome with conflicting emotions, I figured I should leave before he woke up. Getting on my bra and panties, I gathered up the rest of my clothes and headed out, putting them on by the door. I had a bit of trouble walking from the beautiful fucking I’d had but made it out into the crisp morning air. The birds were just starting to wake up and sing.

I thought about calling Auntie Blair for a ride but didn’t want to wake her up. Taking the house number from the front, I looked up a map from Chad’s house to Blair's and followed the step-by-step instructions. There was a time I might have been afraid to walk the streets of a strange city by myself, but I’d noticed I’d been getting a lot braver recently.

It was farther than I thought. My legs aching almost as much as my pussy by the time I made it to the distinctive black brick walkway to Auntie Blair’s house. The ones Uncle Bill had laid out brick by brick after completely revamping the home. Turning it from a ‘fixer-upper’ into an urban palace. Rumor had it he had single-handedly raised property values in the area and helped save the neighborhood, which had been at risk of dereliction. That’s just the kind of guy he was. Helping the helpless and giving hope to the hopeless. No wonder Auntie Blair had loved him so much.

It was strange to think, but if Auntie Blair had been Daddy’s sister, she would have been an excellent example of his own hypocrisy. She had still grown rich, as had my momma but, she had gone against her family’s wishes and married Uncle Bill. Bill a working-class but honest laborer who could do some truly wonderful things with tools.

When her family put up a fight, it didn’t make a single lick of difference. Blair knew who she was and what she wanted, and dammit if she didn’t love him. I could only imagine her pain after Bill died — though, I had a pretty good frame of reference.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance