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“That’s it, sweetheart,” Chad said, taking gentle hold of my ponytail.

Encouraged, I went down ever further until I was almost halfway down his stiff, throbbing shaft. Taking his lovely manhood in my mouth, closing my lips tight around him, I started to suck deep. Stroking my lips along his shaft to the head and then back again. Repeating the process, again and again, I picked up speed with each pass. The depth of penetration went even further until the head of his cock started going down my virgin throat. I kept going until I was deep throating him.

I was a little scared, sure I might choke or something, his cock was so big as it moved in my throat. I actually only gagged a little. I did my best to relax, and it got even better, mainly when my gentle lover took control. He started moving his massive manhood in my mouth as I continued to suck with all my might.

I would later find out this was called face fucking. I was so sheltered at the time I didn’t even know that. I was the kind of girl who called cocks “pee-pees” until I was 15. I didn’t even really have the words, at least that I was able to say, to refer to even my own girl parts. I almost fainted from embarrassment the first time I had a pelvic exam.

I sucked Chad until my lips started feeling numb. Drawing a near-drowning load up from deep in his massive balls. I did all I could to swallow down every drop. An endeavor that was mostly successful, only a few drops dribbling down my chin. Despite a valiant attempt to stop it with my tongue.

“Good girl,” Chad cooed, wiping my chin clean before putting his thumb in my mouth.

I sucked it vigorously like I had done with his cock, Chad zipping up his jeans as I sucked it clean.

I suddenly found myself leaving the floor. Chad hauled me up into his arms, so we were eye to eye. My head usually only coming up as far as his chest. I threw my arms around his neck and wrapped my leg around his waist, feeling the bulge of his cock rub against my pussy as he supported me with his hands firmly under my ass.

It felt like he was looking down into my soul, all the fires of love burning in the depths of his pupils. I felt a tremble go through me as he came in for a kiss. My entire will gave over to him. I was as clay in his hands literally and figuratively, letting him do what he wanted to me.

Carefully turning away from the couch, my lover carried me toward the nearby bedroom.Chapter Thirteen - ChadNina sucked like a champ. I’d felt her pussy, so I knew she was telling the truth about being a virgin. No way a non-virgin would be that tight. Let alone that sensitive. I would have to take it really easy on her as I fucked her.

There was a vague concern, somewhere in the darker depths of my psyche, that I might have been getting in over my head. Not only because of her age or even the fact I was technically her boss. Even more weighty, to my mind in any case, was our relative position in the social hierarchy. I should have known as well as anyone that it really shouldn’t matter. Just one more arbitrary barrier people put up between each other. But I had never been with a rich girl before, and somehow, it made me uncomfortable.

My mind kept on turning until I placed Nina back onto her feet by the bed. One look and everything became clear. I didn’t want her to leave, then or ever, and absolutely nothing else mattered besides the fact she was there with me.

I didn’t let go even as I put her down, my hands reminding firmly on her beautiful ass. As I kissed her softly, making her hum. I finally relinquished my hold on her ass, stroking my hands up her back. When it felt like she was ready, I took the bottom of her tiny shirt and pulled it up over her head, Nina raising her arms to facilitate the process.

While her arms were still raised, I took care of her sports bra, nearly sling shooting it across the room. Her tits were even more spectacular than I’d imagined, seeming to defy gravity. I wanted to take my time, but I just couldn’t resist, leaning down and taking both her beautiful tits, sucking one nipple and then the other. Nina gasped and then hummed softly, coming back down to earth.

Giving her tits some tender loving care, I progressed downward, planting a trail of kisses between her tits and then down along her belly to the waistband of her jeans. Sweet little Nina held her breath as I unbuttoned her jeans. Still nervous despite the fact I had just eaten her virgin pussy. Though to be fair, the context was about to be different. She was about to be fully nude in front of a man, probably for the first time ever — one of many first times that were about to follow.

Tags: Jamie Knight Romance