Page 28 of My Christmas Doctor

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I glanced back at my laptop and decided my day of writing was over. I hadn't written anywhere near as much as I'd wanted, but it was best I didn't write when I was feeling jittery. Instead I saved my work and closed the laptop down, then pulled a pizza from the freezer and turned on the oven. I'd cuddled up on the sofa, pig out on pizza and watch a funny movie. Then tomorrow I'd see about getting that restraining order.Chapter 14BrianThe day had been a stressful one, I'd had a patient go into cardiac arrest and had just managed to save him. Then spent several hours going over medical tests, and x-rays, and reading reports. I was exhausted, but I still wanted to talk to Jane. She always managed to brighten my day. Sitting in my car, I dialed her number and put the phone on Bluetooth, so I could hear her through the car radio and keep my hands on the steering wheel.

"Brian, oh, I'm so glad you called, I've had the worst day!" she exclaimed and then burst into tears.

"Jane, what's wrong? I'm on my way over to you, just tell me what's going on," I encouraged her as I pulled out of the parking lot. Instead of heading home, as I had planned, I headed toward her apartment, just around the corner from the hospital.

"T-told Mom a-bout you, got in an argument with her—" she sobbed, and a hiccup escaped from her, "then Aar-Aaron—"

"I'm parking now, I'll be right there, just hang on, sweetheart."

"O-okay," she hiccupped again. "I don't normally cry like this, I'm sorry, I don't know what's the matter with me," she whispered through her hiccupped sobs.

"It's okay, I'll be there in just a moment." I parked in the spot marked for her apartment visitors. She didn't have a car, but her apartment allotted two spaces, one for her and one for a visitor. I grabbed my phone and jumped out of the car. A few minutes later, I rapped on her door and she pulled it open and practically fell into my arms.

"Shhh, Jane, sweet Jane, come on, let's go sit and you can tell me what happened." I shuffle walked us into her apartment, shut and locked the door, and then turned her toward her sofa. We sat and she cuddled into me, shoving her face into my shoulder as she sniffled. "Okay, tell me what happened." I had never seen her so upset before, it worried me that something horrible had happened.

Jane nodded, took a breath, and sat up, wiping her cheeks. "God, I'm sorry. I don't usually get so… emotional… I just… it's been a stressful day."

I took her hand in mine. "Why don't you tell me about it."

She took another steadying breath and then began, telling me of her argument with her mother and how she didn't support her writing, which I thought was a disgrace because Jane was seriously talented. Then she told me of Aaron paying her a visit, demanding to be let into her apartment and I was livid. I didn't even know the man, but I was ready to throttle him myself for scaring Jane like that.

"I'll drive you to get the restraining order myself," I said, already mentally rearranging my schedule. "I will protect you, Jane, I won't let him get to you, I promise."

She smiled and laid her head on my shoulder as I cuddled her close. "You don't have to do that. I can go on my own. I don't want to take you away from your patients."

"I do have one I need to look in on before we go, he went into cardiac arrest this afternoon, but after that, I will take you over there. I want to make sure that you are well protected."

She tilted her face up to mine and smiled. "Thank you. You are such a kind man, coming over here and dealing with all of my drama when you had a trying day yourself! Is the patient okay?"

I nodded. "He is for now. I got him stabilized and he's resting comfortably in the ICU. He should recover, thankfully." I said that, knowing it would be a long road for the man. He was both over-weight and a smoker, which had put a heavy strain on his heart. He would have to stop smoking and stick to the diet I'd outlined for him, but if he did, he'd go on to live a long and healthy life.

"You are such a good doctor, a good man." She smiled at me and I could see the admiration in her eyes.

"Thank you." I returned her smile. "So, tell me more about your family. You've said your mom was against you moving here? Against you becoming a published author? I can't understand that. Doesn't she know how talented you are?"

Tags: Stephanie Brother Romance