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He smirked.

I chuckled. So it turned out the big, bad Lyrik West was kinda a sap. “Not a problem. Just here to play some music and mind my business. You won’t even notice I’m here.”

“You’re going to be right out here.” He gestured toward the bank of windows that opened up to the walled-in backyard. “Code to the door is 98564. We keep the main house locked, inside and out, to keep the kids away from the pool if they’re not supervised. You’re welcome to come and go . . . just make sure this shit remains locked.”

Another warning. And I was starting to wonder why the fuck I had agreed to stay here. Maybe I just was wanting to torture myself.

“Got it.”

I glanced through the windows.

Backyard, my ass.

It was some kind of oasis in the middle of downtown Savannah.

Fucking paradise.


Fountains spouted from the four corners of the yard, and each was surrounded by lush, pink flowering bushes. A luxurious pool sat right at the center of it, surrounded by an intricate brick patio and cool deck.

A long wing of the house extended along the right side, that portion one-story.

At the very back of the lot was a miniature replica of the main house. Two small columns framed the front door and small porch, the one story made to look like it was two.

“That’s you. Hope it meets your standards.”

“Looks to me like I’ll be just fine.”

He started to open the door, only to pause when a clatter of footsteps suddenly came pounding down a set of stairs that dumped out in the great room.

A riot of shrieks and laughter and shouting voices flooded the space.

You’d think an entire daycare was on a field trip.


The chaos was summoned by three kids.

“Whoa, guys, watch yourselves. We’ve got company.”

Kid at the helm put on the brakes, nothing but wild black hair and dark, dark eyes.

“You the drummer?” He was all eager grins and easy smiles as he came toward me like we were gonna be the best of friends.

Would put down bets this kid belonged to Lyrik, and I wouldn’t need Rhys’ nuts for collateral.

“Sure am.”

His eyes moved over me. He nodded like he was giving his approval. “Cool.”

Lyrik ran a tattooed hand over the top of the boy’s head. “This is my son, Brendon.”

I lifted my chin at him. “Great to meet you, Brendon.”

“And this is my baby girl, Adia.”

Tried not to puke right there when Lyrik hiked a little girl into his arms.

Probably three or four.

Gnashed my teeth together to keep from losing it. To keep from turning around and walking out the door.


Fucking stupid coming here.

Managed not to flinch when she squealed and threw her arms around his neck, wiggling in his hold and staring out at me with an overdose of cuteness.

Barely forced a wave at her. “Hey, there.”

My attention got pulled to the corner of the room when I got smacked by an apprehensive aura that pulsed against the walls.

To the last of the children who’d come rambling down the steps.

This girl was probably a year or two younger than Brendon.

Wary and shy where she hung back at the base of the stairway.

Definitely one of Lyrik’s brood. Long, black hair that she had in a ponytail, though her eyes were a different shade than the rest of his kids’, like cups of black coffee had been swirled with a shot of caramel.

He sent a soft smile at her. “And this is my niece, Penny Pie. She’s spending the summer with us. Penny, this is Leif. The drummer I told you was gonna be playing with us so Uncle Zee can tour with Liam.”


Not his kid.

I gave her a small wave.

The one she returned was leery.

Like she’d already seen straight through who I was and labeled me.

A bad guy.

Couldn’t fault her for that.

“Nice to meet you, Penny.”


This was awkward as fuck.

Why Lyrik didn’t point me in the direction of the guest house and bypass all of this bullshit, I didn’t know. All of these introductions seemed entirely unnecessary considering I was about to split.

She nodded, seeming to contemplate what to say but stopped when someone from above called for her, “Hey, Penny. Have you seen Greyson’s bear? I can’t find it anywhere, and he needs it for his nap. I swear to God, if I left that back home, we’re all going to be in for it until grandma can get it shipped to us.”

I was slammed with what felt like a million things all at once.

A swell of energy.

Same as what I’d experienced last week.

Only this time, it came at me like a motherfucking tidal wave.

Footsteps echoed as they banged down the stairs, reverberating the floors, vibrating my legs and rocking me to the core.

Ears getting filled with a voice I’d chalked up to fantasy.

Eyes glutting on a face that nearly knocked me to my knees.

Tags: A.L. Jackson Falling Stars Romance