Hours later the alarm on her watch beeped. She flinched but kept her eyes shut. She was still in his bed. Locked once more in his embrace.

He’d left her at one point to check on his patient. She knew because he’d woken her on his return. She’d welcomed him as if he’d been away for centuries. And despite the number of times they’d come together through the night, she didn’t want it to be over already.

“You can’t pretend you’re asleep Nicoletta.” He turned her towards him.

She didn’t answer verbally, but she softened in his arms, kissed him back. Once again she couldn’t stop herself.

“If I were your doctor, I’d sign you off from training today.” He ran his hand down her body. “But I’m not your doctor.”

“I could skip training anyway,” she whispered, holding her breath as she breached her own boundaries—wanting to break the rules for the first time in her life. Wanting him to hold her and tell her it was all going to be fine.

He shook his head. “No. I’m not becoming your distraction.” He pulled out of her arms. “Come to me tonight when you’re done.”

So easily he left her. And she didn’t want him to. She wanted more—for him to be unable to leave, to want to throw everything over just to stay with her…

But this was just an affair for him. He could take her, or leave her, while she couldn’t bear for him to walk away even for a few hours.

Which meant it had to be over.


Austin took the call just after ten that morning, while he was between patient appointments. When her name flashed on his screen his blood chilled. She should be up on the snow right now, not wanting to talk to him.

“What’s up?” he asked.

“My management team have had a new sponsorship offer. I need to attend the meeting in person,” she spoke rapidly. Like she’d rehearsed it.

“And they just happened to call today?” He called this bullshit.


“And you’re leaving right away.” He knew from the tone of her voice.


“And going straight to Switzerland after that.”


“You’re running away.”

“I have to go—”

“I never thought you’d be such a coward.” He glared out the window towards the Lodge and guessed she’d packed her bags already. “You’re running away from what’s happening between us.”

“Nothing is happening between us.” Her whispered words cut.

“Everything is happening Nicoletta. You’re just scared to handle it.” Because she’d never handled anything like it in her life. She’d been so focused on her career, so shackled to her training… she had no clue how to handle the feelings she’d developed for him. Or so he freaking well hoped.

“I can’t Austin. Please understand that. I can’t. I have to—”

He couldn’t stand to hear the break in her voice, but before he could say anything else she ended the call. He tossed his phone on the desk. Her timing was killer. He had a clinic full of patients who he couldn’t let down. He had obligations and responsibilities—his own rules—and was every bit as dedicated and hardworking as she.

And she knew it. She was counting on it.

He glared at the appointment list on his computer, but it didn’t shrink. He had no choice but to work right now. But as soon as he was done he was going after her.

She knew what she wanted and she went for it. She sacrificed so much to achieve her goals. And if he was just another goal to her, had she just checked him off and drawn a line through him for good measure?

Or was she afraid of what she’d have to sacrifice in order to keep him?

She wasn’t supposed to have come to Summerhill at all this season, so why had she really? If it was just for a fortnight fling, why not see it through? Why end it early if she’d been having a good time? He damn well knew she’d gotten off on every second with him.

Except for last night.

Last night had been seriously intense. She’d lashed out—her emotions getting the better of her. And what he’d tried to show her with the mirror had made her feel even more exposed. Because she’d been unable to look away from him, unable to hide her longing. He’d felt the way she’d clung to him this morning, seen the way she’d looked when he’d said no to her skipping training. He recalled that flash of panic in her eyes—was that the problem? Was she scared about how good this felt? Was this becoming too much of a ‘serious’ distraction for her?

He damn well hoped so.

All her life she’d been drilled by her parents—never to let anyone or anything interfere with her goals. She didn’t think she could have it all. She didn’t know how to fight for it.

Fortunately, he had enough fight for the both of them. And the good thing about working at Summerhill? The staff were ruthlessly efficient, discreet. And always willing to help.

He made a call to one of the guys in the admin team. But eventually it was Connor who called him back.

“She’s flying to Denver, getting an international connection from there. Hopefully tomorrow. I’ll fly you to Denver tonight.”

“They found out which hotel she’ll be in?” Austin asked.

“Dropping her to the door, so no problem there.”

“Great. Thanks.” He hesitated. “You know I’ll be going with her for good as soon as we can sort someone to replace me.”

“Savannah said that was on the cards, I didn’t believe her,” Connor answered dryly. “Which means she wins our damned bet.”

“Sorry about that,” Austin replied, every bit as dry. They’d been betting on him and Nicoletta?

“Don’t be. I don’t mind doing what Savannah has planned.”

Austin suspected it was one of those ‘win-win’ deals. “Glad it won’t be a problem.”

“Glad to see you’re going after her to be honest. You suit each other. Savannah was right about that too. And we’ll see you both back at Summerhill eventually, right?”

Austin grinned at Connor’s perceptiveness. “Right.”


Nicoletta didn’t bother ordering room service dinner, she felt too sick to eat. She wished she’d gotten out of the States that afternoon but there’d been a delay leaving Summerhill—a delay that had shredded her nerves. She wasn’t sure that if she’d had to face Austin again she’d have been able to leave. Her attraction to him was that strong. And all it would lead to would be resentment and heartache—her own.

She should never have gone there in the first place.

Someone knocked o

n her door. Frowning she looked through the peephole. Out in the corridor Austin stared straight back at her, his eyes greener than ever.

She stepped back from the door and took a moment to collect herself. He wasn’t having it—he knocked again. Loudly.

“Open up Nikki, I know you’re in there.”

She breathed in—she had to be strong—and opened the door.

He gazed at her, tilted his head slightly, and then smiled. It was the most unfair thing, devastating her defenses just like that.

“What are you doing here?” She whispered, leaning on the doorjamb to block the way, still stunned. “You followed me?” She pushed her hair back over her ear with a shaky hand.

“That surprises you?” Wryly he shook his head. “How can that possibly surprise you? This isn’t over. This is so far from over.”

She straightened, twisting her fingers together in front of her. “This can’t be anything more—”

“Why not?” He folded his arms across his chest, his smile widening. “Who made that rule? ‘Cos we’re gonna break it.”

She just looked at him. “Why are you smiling like that?” How could he be so happy?

“Because you look so miserable it gives me hope,” he said softly. “Let me in, honey.”

He was asking for more than entry to her hotel room. And heaven help her, she couldn’t resist.

“There was no meeting, was there,” he asked as he walked into her immaculate—lonely—suite.

She didn’t answer as she closed the door. But when she turned, she couldn’t hide the tears in her eyes.

“Nikki.” He swiftly moved to grasp her cold hands in his.

“I’m not crying,” she sniffed, trying to tug free. “I never cry.” She never let anyone bother her to this extent. She hadn’t shed tears over her cheating all-but-fake-boyfriend Brandon.

“What are you worried about?” he asked. “You know I’m not going to stand in the way of your career. I’m in awe of your career. I’m your biggest supporter.”

She did know that. “I’m not going to be NV forever.”

“It’s not just ‘NV’ I want. It’s Nicoletta, my Nikki… all of you… whether you’re the world’s fastest female slalom skier or not. That’s not all you are to me.”

Tags: Natalie Anderson Be for Me Erotic