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“Do you have feelings for Dylan?”

“Yes. No. Maybe. I don’t know.” She slumped against the register. “We’re friends. That’s how Ivy and Kai fell in love. Kinsley and Josh. Hell, even you and Seb were friends. Both times,” she added as an afterthought. “I just don’t know. Maybe I need a break. A few days away from him. Can we go away? Me, you, and Kins?”

I reached over and squeezed her hand. “Of course we can. That new spa just opened in Helena. Maybe we drive up there for a weekend. I can check prices.”

“Yes! Okay, yes. Thank you.” She patted the top of my hand. “I’m going to go find some romances for a Valentine’s display. See if we can’t sell these suckers some books while they’re doing their stupid speed dating.”

I smiled as she disappeared into the store. I wasn’t used to seeing her all flustered, and it was really kind of hilarious.

Especially over a guy.

A guy she wasn’t even dating.

The door to the store opened, and Seb walked in. “Hey,” he said. “Are you busy?”

I shook my head and kissed him. “No, just waiting for Kinsley to get back with our lunch. How did your appointment go?”

“Three more months of rehab.” He sighed and leaned on the counter with a shrug. “My shoulder isn’t quite strong enough, but my doctor said to give it two weeks and I should be able to start going back to training with the team once or twice a week.”

“That’s good, right?”

“Maybe. I just don’t know, Hol. What if I hurt my shoulder again? I’m screwed if I do that. I could ruin it for life, and I’m not sure I could take another recovery period like this. There has to be a better option out there.”

I rested my hand on the side of his face. “It’s your choice. I’ll support you whatever you decide.”

He laid his hand atop of mine. “I know you will. I always wished there was a real coach closer to White Peak when I was a kid. We had to travel an hour every time and it served the entire corner of the state.”

“Well, not to be that person,” I said, straightening up. “But it’s not like you don’t have the funds to do it. Elliott would probably help you, and Dylan definitely would. Not to mention Josh, Kai, and Colt all played in school with you. You wouldn’t be short of hands.”

“I know. Dyl and I have talked about it during our sessions.”

“You have?”

“I was just venting.”

“I’m not annoyed.” I smiled. “You don’t have to tell me everything, Seb. I’m glad you have someone who gets it you can talk it all over with.”

“You’re the best.” He leaned over the desk and kissed me softly. “I just need to figure it all out. Weigh up the risks of going back to the team, talk to my agent, stuff like that.”

“What about your contract?”

“There’s an injury clause.” He straightened up. “If I suffer an injury that leads to retirement, they’ll pay out the remainder of my contract which, in this case, is pretty much another four years. But that’s confidential, so don’t say anything.”

I mimed zipping my lips.

“Anyway, I don’t wanna think about that right now.” He looked around. “Saylor not here?”

“In the storeroom. She’s hunting down romance novels for our speed dating night.”

“Your what?”

I gave him a quick explanation of what we had planned and how we’d gotten there.

“Ah, now it makes sense.” He nodded. “Dylan has had something on his mind lately. If Saylor’s feeling that way, he probably is, too.”

“Do not meddle,” I warned him, holding up a finger. “She’s determined not to go there. They live together, and I think she really values his friendship. She’ll figure it out.”

“I’m sure she will. I know he’s comfortable living with her, so I doubt he wants to change the status quo, either.” Seb checked his watch. “I have to go. I have to run home and change before I meet Dylan. We’re converting the garage this weekend and have some stuff to buy.”

Ah, right.

The home gym.

That little gem had been my idea—and it meant I’d finally been able to sort those boxes out.

He leaned over and kissed me, humming as he did. “See you for dinner?”

“Did you bake me cookies?”

“Maybe.” He bopped me on the end of the nose with his finger. “You’ll have to find out.”

“Meanie.” I pouted.

He grinned. “Love you.”

“Of course you do. I’m the best.”


“Fine.” I tucked my hair behind my ear and adjusted my glasses. “Love you, too, baller.”THE END

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