Page 45 of Willing Captive

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…Oh, who am I kidding?

I’m just as bad.

Maybe worse.

Recently, it’s gotten really bad. I feel like such a hussy! But my husband loves me, and is always willing to help me scratch my itch.

Smiling like an idiot, I feel a small sharp pain in my belly.

Ooh. That was not so nice.

Then another. And another.

Standing on wobbly legs, I make my way out to the hall.

Looking down at my feet, my eyes widen to the size of saucers.

Oh shit.



“Mom, I can’t tell her to stop working. It makes her happy. Do you think she’d even listen to me if I asked?” I say into the cell phone.

Mom responds, “She won’t listen, but it doesn’t mean you don’t have to try. She’s in a delicate stage at this point, baby. You helping her out?”

Somewhat proud of myself, I state, “Hung the washing for her just this afternoon.”


I can almost see Mama’s smile, “That’s my good boy.”

Leaning back on my chair, I admit, “I like helping her, anyways, it makes me feel like I’m doing something.”


Mom replies, “Oh baby, you’ve already worked too hard. You deserve a rest. Enjoy your time at home. You never were a lazy man. Maybe you could volunteer somewhere if you feel like you’re not doing anything useful.”


I purse my lips as my brows rise. “That’s actually not a bad idea, Mama. I’ll make some enquiries come Monday.”

“Adam Christian Taylor!” Lily shouts.

My brows furrow. “Hold on, Mama.” Turning to my wife, who stands at the end of the hall, I ask, “What is it, princess?”

Sniffling and smiling, she states, “My water just broke.”

My mouth gapes.

Lily takes one look at my face and bursts into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. Placing the other hand on her swollen belly, she nods. “Seriously. Just now.”

Suddenly panicked, I shout into the phone, “Lily’s water just broke, Mom! What do we do?”

Mama chuckles, “Oh baby! It’s finally happening!” She suddenly becomes stern. “Don’t you panic, boy. Ya hear? You stay cool and calm for your wife. She needs you to be strong right now so she can leech off of it when she doesn’t have any strength left inside-a her.”

My mom’s smart.

Immediately calming, I look over to a smiling Lily and state with a grin, “Gotta go, Mama. Having a baby.”

Mom clucks, “You send Lily my love and call me as soon as he or she is here.”

“Okay, Mama. Love you.”

“Love you too, baby.”

Lily bites her lip and says, “I think we should go.”

Standing, I take the keys to the car, pick up the pre-packed overnight bag, and walk over to my wife. Kissing her on her smiling lips, I agree, “Yeah, princess. Let’s do it.”

Wrapping her arm around my waist, she squeezes tightly and hisses out a breath. “Dammit, that hurts!”

And I can’t help but chuckle.

I think she said the same thing the first time we made love.



Dear Uncle Rock,

My name is Rocco Lennox Taylor.

We haven’t met before, but my mom and dad talk about you and Aunt Boo all the time.

I was born only last week and I have a favor to ask.

You see, I need a set of godparents. According to Mom and Dad, there aren’t a finer pair of people for the job than Aunt Boo and yourself.

Maybe I should tell you a little about myself. I weigh ten pounds even and am almost 20 inches long. I have spiky black hair, and my daddy’s blue eyes.

I love to eat and sleep at this point, not much more.

If you think you’d like to take this mission, we’ll be celebrating my Christening in two weeks at our local church, here in California.

My daddy says you know where we live, and that you’re always welcome.

Mommy says if you can’t make it, it’s okay. Aunt Terah and Uncle Jon are acting as backups just in case.

I really hope you can make it. I’d really like to meet my namesake. If not now, then soon.

Lots of love,


P.S. My fingers are way too tiny to be writing. This letter was written by my mommy.


My eyes blur and my throat thickens .

I re-read the letter.

Covering my face with a hand, I cry like a little bitch.

Clearing my throat, I wipe my eyes, take the letter, and walk out of my room.

Smiling, I yell out, “Boo! Got some good news, babe…”

The End

A message from the author:

Hi guys,

Thank you for reading Willing Captive. This is a standalone novel but Lily and Nox will make a short appearance in my upcoming novel, RAW. You can help me an awful lot by leaving a review on Amazon and Goodreads.

Thanks again. Your love and support mean everything to me.

Belle xx



Here is a short teaser to my upcoming novel, RAW. RAW is a dark romance and will be released in 2014. This exchange is between Lexi and Twitch.



His eyes snap open. Leaning in till we’re nose to nose, he grits his teeth and hisses, “Get the fuck out, bitch.”

The insult slides right off me. Being a case worker, I’ve been called worse. Trembling, I decide to try something.

Something incredibly stupid.

Slowly reaching up with shaking hands, I cup his cheeks gently. His jaw spasms under my palms, his cold, narrowed eyes meet mine. I whisper, “You don’t want to hurt me.”

He spits, “If anyone gets to hurt you, it should be me.”

My heart skips a beat.

A cruel smirk spreads across his face. “What’s the matter, Lexi? Are you scared?”

I blink.

My breath stutters as I reply on a whisper, “You’re terrifying.”

“Then why are you still here?”

“Because you need help.”

“Not from you.”

“If I don’t, who will?”

His eyes flash once more before he closes his eyes and lowers his forehead to mine. He says hoarsely, “I’m gonna hurt you.”

A statement. Definite.

My heart races but my hands grip his cheeks tighter. “You won’t. I have faith in you.”

I watch him squeeze his eyes shut further. “Then you’re dumber than I thought.”

-RAW, 2014

Belle Aurora, Willing Captive

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