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But it'd been two weeks since I was supposed to get it, and I wasn't even spotting or anything.

"A- are you serious? You're pregnant? Mel! That's great!"

My face warmed at that, and my gut tied in knots at the very idea of being pregnant. Licking my lips as my mouth dried, I shook my head a little and pulled onto the main road.

"I don't know. I haven't taken a test. I bought some but... using it is a different story." Truthfully, I told Terry because I knew he'd make me do the tests; I bought three different kinds just to be sure. But, somewhere deep in me, I couldn't shake the feeling they'd be positive.

I was scared of how Carl would react. Our relationship was so new, no matter how wonderful it was. Being pregnant itself was scary. I didn't even know if I wanted to go through with it, but I was even more scared that Carl wouldn't be open to discussing options.

"Well, you're gonna take one when you get home. I don't care if I have to stand over you while you pee!" Terry's high-pitched squeak made me wince, but I nodded and pursed my lips thinly. "But right now, we'll focus on Laurie's party. I'll make you take it after."

"Yeah— yeah. I'm gonna make sure this party's awesome. She got the second highest score in her class, did you know that? And she's been working at the hospital's legal department, and she passed her probationary period. She's really on the up." Laurie and I hadn't spent copious amounts of time together, but she was truly close with Carl. We were nice, cautious, but nice to each other, and I knew it was simply because she was skeptical about me. That I was really a liar and a cheat, and she was just waiting for me to reveal my true colors.

I was patient, though. Even if Laurie never buddied up to me, I wanted her to at least be friendly with me.

"Does it make you want to find a job?"

My brows twitched at that, and I glanced over with a hum.

"Everyone's got a job but you. Isn't that boring?"

"It can be, I guess, but I do plenty, I think. I like not having a job. It gives me time for my hobbies."

"Watching every single show on Netflix isn't a hobby, Mel. I guess it really doesn't matter anyway— if you're pregnant—" I cringed internally, but Terry didn't notice as he gasped excitedly. "You know what'd be really cool? If you took up a real hobby like knitting or something. Something you could just do by yourself to occupy your time."

"I'm not gonna get ahead of myself, Terry. I could just be psyching myself out." But I really don't think I am. It could go either way with Carl, honestly. Being pregnant totally defeated the purpose of taking things slow. Things were going great, but our relationship was still so new... "Maybe you're right, though, and I should try it, at least."EpilogueCarl"Hey, Mel? What're you doing here?"

She popped up from her seat and surprised me. Melissa's face flushed pink up to her ears, and I leaned on the entryway to the back rooms to cross my arms.

"What's up?"

"My birth control failed!"

My brain misfired at her high-pitched, raspy squeak, and goosebumps washed my arms and across my chest. Sucking in a sharp breath, I could only blink as my heart dropped to my knees. Gazing at me with bright, worried eyes, Mel's lower lip wobbled dangerously, and I opened my mouth only for nothing to come out.

"O-oh... I can't prescribe you a new implant... I'm not a gynecologist."

Her green eyes widened, her face absolutely flaming until I could barely make out her smattering of freckles.

"There's one right across the hall. I can introduce you."

"No... N-no, Carl... my birth control failed." Speaking slower, Melissa inhaled shallowly, and a deep crease formed between my brows.

"Yeah. I can't do anything about that. I'm not that kind of doctor." I pushed off the door frame to walk over to her, and Mel huffed hotly. "Come on. The OB/GYN is right down the h—"

"I'm trying to say I'm pregnant, you dummy!"

My ears rang with Mel's declaration, and I tensed when she grabbed my bicep and squeeze.

"My birth control failed, and I'm pregnant."

All I could do was stare at Melissa as she became increasingly agitated, and the ringing in my ears became louder and shriller. Mel's birth control failed? What does that even mean?

"Oh no— baby, you can't. I'm not trained for that— I—" My tongue stuck to the roof of my mouth, and I clamped my hand over my trembling lips briefly. My heart made a bid to burst out of my ribs, and Mel's whole face drooped a little as I blinked furiously. "Holy shit— holy shit—"

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic