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Tabitha leaned backwards, pushing herself off the ground and pressing her back against my chest. I reached forward and grabbed her other breast with my hand and pounded her wet core, spreading her open more with every thrust. She rode my cock right along with me, matching every thrust with her own. I grunted, she moaned. Her body tightened around my cock and I knew she was about to come. I was ready for her .

Kicking her legs further apart I picked her up with my cock and rammed into her one last time as my balls exploded. Her body tightened as she screamed and contracted around my spurting cock. The hot seed mixing with her own juice and spilling out onto the shower before slipping down the drain. My strength collapsed and I set her gently down on the ground as I laid back against the cold tile. I struggled to catch my breath. It had been a long time since I’d had so much unbridled passion at one time .

With most of the woman that I brought home I had to be very careful. They all liked to talk and god knew that they were about as vanilla as they came. It was thrilling to be with Tabitha, but it was also so taboo. I needed time to think about what had happened. I stood up, helping her to her feet before stepping out of the shower and wrapping a towel around me .

Tabitha poked her head out. “You aren’t going to stay and get clean ?”

I shook my head and smiled. “No, but go ahead and take your time. I got a shower last night. I’ll start us some breakfast .”

“You can cook?” she asked in surprise .

“Yeah,” I said. “Of course I can .”

Tabitha shrugged and closed the door again. I left her alone to finish getting a shower as I slipped into something a little less formal. My mind was still racing, I had no idea what I was going to do about the situation, but I felt it was something we had to talk about together. It wasn’t just our parents that were married, I knew that she cared a great deal about Selina too. I needed to know where she saw things going between us. When I heard the shower stop running, I quickly jogged to the kitchen and started pulling things from the fridge. Whatever was about to happen, I knew that I had real feelings for her .

“Hey,” she said with an uneasy grin. “So, I was thinking that I would just head home. You’ve already been such a good host, I couldn’t possibly take up any more of your time .”

“What?” I stammered. “I was going to make us something to eat .”

She shrugged. “That’s okay. I’m not really a big breakfast fan anyways. Maybe we can set up that follow up appointment for next week .”

“Um,” I muttered. “Sure, I guess, if that’s what you want .”

Tabitha smiled and reached across the island to take my hand. “Listen, I’m sure you are worried that I might think this was something more than just sex, but you really have nothing to be worried about. I know that you are a single guy and I don’t want to try and change you. I had fun, but let’s not mix business and pleasure okay ?”

“Wow,” I muttered. My pride was more than a little wounded .

I’d never had a woman so eager to leave me before. Normally they wanted to stay and try to turn sex into a relationship. For the first time in my life, I had my feelings hurt by a one-night stand. I was lying to myself though, I knew that she meant more to me than that. I had to find a way to keep her around somehow .

“You know we are family,” I blurted out .

She cocked her head in confusion. “Um, I wouldn’t really go that far .”

“I don’t think you should go back to that place. I want to get you your own apartment okay?” I said quickly .

One look at her horrified face and I knew I had made a huge mistake. She clenched her jaw and turned away from me to grab the rest of her belongings .

“Yeah,” she said quickly. “I think it’s time for me to go. We aren’t family or anything else. You are just a man and I am just a woman .”

“Is that how you really feel?” I asked her, my heart racing .

“Well, I know that I am not going to be some man’s kept woman. Sorry but I’m not like my mother. I don’t want your money, charity, or anything else that I can’t pay for by myself .”

“Fine,” I said, digging my heels into the ground on the subject. “Then I won’t treat you any different. I’ll give you a call this weekend about your breast augmentation .”

I turned away from her as she headed for the door. I couldn’t stand the idea of her leaving. As the door slammed behind her, I felt the anger ricochet through my body until it was almost overpowering. I thought about chasing after her. The idea of her going back to that dangerous area was crippling. If I followed her though, it would just cause more problems. I had to let her go .

Chapter Eight


I dug through my purse as I waited for the elevator. I was fuming! How could he offer me something like that? Didn’t he realize just how offensive he was being? There were so many things that I wanted to go back and tell him, starting with the fact that he wasn’t god’s gift to women as he seemed to think he was. Sure, it was the best sex I’d ever had before, but his entitled and self-righteous attitude more than ruined it for me. The longer I stood there fumbling around as I looked for my keys, the more pissed off I got. After a few more minutes of angry searching, I realized that they weren’t there .

It was worse than the walk of shame. At least I would have been leaving that way. Instead I had to go back to his penthouse and knock on the door. Admittedly, it felt good to see his face light up when he realized I had come back. I had to force myself to stay strong and shove past him in a desperate attempt to find my lost apartment keys. The last thing I wanted was to go back there ever again .

“I can’t find my keys,” I grumbled to him .

He seemed rather happy to have me back. “Well good, then we can talk while you look for them .”

“Or you could shut up and help me find them,” I shot back. “Then it would go twice as fast and no talking needed at all .”

“Please, Tabitha. I’m sorry for what I said. I didn’t mean to upset you. I really just want to know more about you .”

“Look—” I started to say .

Earl held up a hand and shook his head. “I promise that I won’t say another bad thing about your apartment. I will be a perfect gentleman and not push any subject. I really just wanted to get to know you some. Me and my dad aren’t really close so it’s nice to get to meet someone from Opal’s life .”

I snorted as I laughed. “If you are looking for a positive voice for Opal, you are barking up the wrong tree, my friend. She hates me and I hate her .”

“What a terrible thing,” he said with a frown. “My mother died when I was seven. I would give anything to have her back .”

“Really?” I said softly .

I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. He had lost a parent too. Earl nodded his head, but said nothing. I set down my purse and looked at my hands as I folded them back and forth in my lap .

“My father died when I was younger too. I don’t think my mother ever really forgave him for leaving her penniless with two kids to feed. Once he died, our lives all changed .”

“It really sucks to lose a parent,” Earl said .

“Yeah,” I offered as an awkward silence fell between us .

He cleared his throat. “You know I took you to your apartment building last night. After seeing it, I just couldn’t leave you there alone. I know I should have just left, but I couldn’t. That’s why I brought you here. I guess part of me just wanted to make sure that you were safe .”

“Well that’s a very noble gesture, but I’ve walked home many nights all by myself and I seem to do just fine .”

Earl winced at the words and I realized how they sounded. I quickly cleared my throat. “I work a couple nights a week at a bar downtown. It’s not great hours, but the tips help, so I walk home to save money .”

“Do you have any idea how dangerous that is for a beautiful woman like you? I heard gun shots last night !”

; It was impossible for me not to laugh at the expression on his face. The poor man looked genuinely afraid. I wiped away the tears and sat down next to him, fighting the laughter once again .

“After my father died, my mother couldn’t afford to keep the house any longer. She sold it and spent most of the money on a lifestyle we couldn’t afford. My sister and I got stuck in a crappy apartment, even worse than the one I have now. If you could see the size of the rats I use to live with, you’d think my place now was the Ritz .”

Earl shuddered. “No child should have to live like that. But I still don’t understand why you won’t let me help you now. We are family after all .”

I shook my head. “You don’t get it. If I take money from you, I’m no better than her. I will find a way to have the breast job done, but it will be on my own terms. I didn’t sleep with you to get a boob job, I hope you know that .”

“You’ve made that abundantly clear,” he said with a pout .

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic