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I sighed and shook my head. “Man, Dad, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Opal is just a gold digger. She was planning to hook you all along. She was screaming about the years of work it took and how miserable she was .”

He still hadn’t moved from the stoic position that he’d taken while listening to me. For a brief second, I thought that he might be having a heart attack. I swallowed hard as he blinked and I knew that he was okay. Gary took a deep breath and flagged down the server. We didn’t speak in the few minutes it took him to bring my father another perfectly blended whisky .

After a long sip, he set down the glass and looked down at the table. “I knew that she was a fraud .”

“What?” I stammered. “You knew that she was just after your money ?”

“I wasn’t sure of it until now, but I had a sneaking suspicion .”


“Because I had an old friend look into her right after we got married. It was routine really, but I had been so infatuated before the wedding that I didn’t think to have it done. We have a bulletproof pre-nup, but she still managed to get ten percent out of me after a night of pleasure and torture .”

I winced, “I get it, Dad .”

Gary chuckled. “Well not soon after we got married she started disappearing when I was gone. I’m sure she thought that it wasn’t something I would notice .”

“That’s naive. You always had your staff watching .”

“Damn straight I do. You don’t get to be where I’m at by letting people take advantage of you .”

“So, she’s been sneaking out?” I asked .

He nodded. “That’s what Will said .”

I whistled and leaned back in my chair. “Boy it’s been a minute since I’ve heard that name. How is old Will McCafferty ?”

“Good, staying busy with all these new wall street types. I brought him in just to clear my mind. The routine ‘snap and follow’, but he started following her trail more and now, I think he’s found something .”

“You aren’t sure?” I asked, enamored by the story .

“I’m meeting him in a couple days, but if she’s been cheating then she’ll get nothing. Any infidelity within the first year of marriage is grounds for divorce. She would have nothing but what she walked into my life with .”

“Wow,” I said as I leaned back. “I’m sorry I stuck my nose in then, it sounds like you’ve got everything under control .”

“I do,” he assured me. “But it’s good to know that you’ve got my back .”

The silence between us was heavy. I knew that there was more he wanted to talk to me about. My father and I never really talked, only because there was no need. After my mother died we drifted apart. I never got into trouble and we got along just fine. Now, I found myself needing his years of wisdom. How could I move on from Tabitha without knowing if I was doing the right thing ?

“She’s not like anyone I’ve ever met before,” I whispered breathlessly. “I don’t know if what I’m feeling is real or if she is just like her mother. I never would have thought that before the other night though .”

“So, because you overheard a conversation, you are willing to change how you feel about this woman ?”

“Things are just moving so fast .”

“Is she pushing you ?”

I laughed, “Not in the least. My feelings for her, though, are so overpowering, but she’s not like other women. She doesn’t want us to move in together or take the next step. She’s very independent .”

“Son, if there is one thing that I’ve learned over the years it’s to never turn your back on love. I loved your mother with all my heart. After she died it just wasn’t the same with another woman .”

“I don’t know if I love her or not,” I whispered .

Even as I said it, I didn’t believe it. I knew how I felt about Tabitha, but it was terrifying. She could reject me at any second. Who knew if she even still cared about me after the scene that I had caused. There were too many variables for me to be comfy. Maybe it wasn’t about that, maybe it was about the thrill of being with someone so unexpectedly wonderful. Even being apart from her for a few days was more than I liked .

“I think you do know the answer to that, but you are stubborn, just like your mother .”

I chuckled, “You don’t ever talk about her .”

“It’s painful,” he said casually. “When she died, my world was shattered. I knew that I had to be around for you, but even seeing how much you looked like her was rough for me .”

“That’s funny, Opal says the same thing about Tabitha .”

“But I would never turn my back on you,” he added harshly. “I can’t believe I was such a fool .”

“Compared to most of the members sitting here now, you are doing good. This is only wife number two,” I played .

“Opal had me fooled, but I’ve seen her true colors now. I don’t think she had the patience to read the fine print of the pre-nup once she knew she would be getting part of my money. I would never treat you the same way that Opal treats Tabitha. That girl is one strong cookie .”

“Yeah,” I said. “I just wish there was something I could do about Selina when this all goes down. She’s a good kid too, I don’t want to see her suffer because of her mother’s poor choices .”

“Don’t worry, Selina might not be my child, but I still count her as one. I will make sure that she has money to pave her own way in life. Somewhere her mother won’t be able to get to it .”

“You’re that confidant that Will is going to find something ?”

He nodded. “I have learned to trust my gut. What is yours telling you about Tabitha ?”

“I don’t know,” I said carefully .


I laughed, “Alright, well, I don’t know if I ready to admit how I feel. I’m going to see her for her surgery soon. I guess I’ll have to figure it out by then .”

“I have no doubt that you will make the right decision. You are too smart to let a girl like her get away .”

“But what if she rejects me? I don’t know if I can handle that .”

“That’s because you’ve never had a woman who would think about rejecting you. Now that there is a chance it might happen, you’re scared. You don’t want to live with not knowing, though, for the rest of your life. Sometimes, you just have to take that leap of faith .”

“You are so confidant,” I told him .

He laughed, “I think what you mean is ‘old’, but I’ll take it .”

The waiter came with our afternoon order and we started to eat in silence. I knew that I had a lot to think about, but my father’s advice had eased my mind. It was good to know that I wasn’t losing my mind. Plus, knowing that he had a plan for Opal set my nerves to rest too. I would have to decide what to tell Tabitha too. I was pretty sure her loyalties didn’t lie with Opal, but I could be wrong .

She wasn’t the type of person to give up on someone, even a monster like her mother. Things were going to get complicated between us before they got easier. That was if she even felt the same way about me. I nev

er wanted her to feel indebted to me so I would wait until after the surgery when she was in recovery before talking to her. Hopefully, Tabitha would forgive me for being a complete ass and take me back .

As my father and I headed outside to our separate cars I clapped him on the back. “Thanks again for everything, Dad .”

“I’m happy to be of help. I hope that everything works out in the end. You’ll keep me posted ?”

“Absolutely, I hope you’ll do the same .”

“I have a feeling once this all happens that you will know about it before I get a chance to tell you .”

I smiled at him, he was so sure that Tabitha would take me back. After one final embrace, I jumped into my car and sped away. If only I had the same confidence that he had .

Chapter Eighteen


“I ’m sorry, sir,” Mary muttered as she flipped through the file. “I don’t seem to have any payment information on record for Ms. Morgan. I think we should reschedule until I get this resolved .”

I barely looked up at her. Two calls to Tabitha from my personal number had gone to voicemail. Tabitha had called the office though two days ago to confirm her appointment, so I knew she was okay. It was infuriating to know that she was dodging me socially. All I needed was a few minutes of her time to tell her how sorry I was. It wasn’t going to happen today even though I would see her. It had to wait until tomorrow when she was healing and awake .

“Don’t worry about the payment information, it’s been taken care of privately .”

“Huh?” stammered Mary. “I didn’t see anything about that in the charity logs .”

“I said not to worry about it, okay?” I snapped. “Just let me know when she arrives and I will start my prep .”

“Yes, sir,” she muttered. “Well her appointment is for eleven, so if she’s not here in the next twenty minutes we’ll have to bump the appointment .”

“Why?” I asked her. “I didn’t schedule any others for today .”

“Well,” Mary stammered. “That’s policy, sir. The patient has fifteen minutes from their scheduled time to arrive .”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Forbidden Medicine Erotic