Page 45 of Obsession

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“Me too”, Logan says, squeezing my other hand tightly. “I love you both and I absolutely love what we’ve got going on between us. The secret sex up in the bedroo

m, the fact that your mom thinks you’re Judy, whoever that is, and the fact that all the kids are going to be terrified to go to sleep tonight, especially when they hear that sexy ghost again.”

I can’t help but giggle. “Me too”, I say, my heart pounding in my chest. “I love you both.”

“Alright”, Logan says. “Now give me a kiss quickly before someone comes.”

I give a vigilant look around, pull Logan towards me and plant a dangerous and passionate kiss right on his lips. Before I can pull away again, Jack hugs us both and giggling together we tumble to the ground.

It’s tempting to get naughty here, just about hidden from the crowd by the grass but instead we roll onto our backs to look at the sky, thick fluffy clouds rolling lazily past.

“Here’s to the future”, Logan says. “Whatever it might bring.”

“As long as we’re all together”, Jack says.

“I can definitely get along with that”, I say.

“And you haven’t even seen me dance yet”, Logan adds.

“Which means you’re in for a shock”, Jack says.

We stay like that, stretched out on our backs looking up at the sky and thinking about our future, hand in hand and as happy as three people could ever be until the call comes across to us that dinner is being served.

I have grass stains on my dress but I couldn’t care less. I bounce to my feet and let the boys admire me for a while, the sun behind my back.

“Race”, I say quickly, already turning to kick into a sprint, and I’m not even half way back to the house before Logan and Jack are upon me, to gather me up between them and carry me the rest of the way to the table, my breath raspy with laughter, my heart pounding in my chest and my hands all but trembling.

“You guys are dangerous”, I whisper to Jack and Logan when they’ve finally put me down again.

“Why?” Jack asks.

“Because if this is what I feel like after a month, the rest of this relationship is going to be absolutely mind blowing”, I say. “And I can’t fucking wait.”

Logan smiles mischievously, Jack gives me his panty melting fuck me eyes and as we disappear into the crowd, I can’t help but feel like the luckiest girl in the world.

We have the whole universe at our feet and it’s ours alone for the taking.


Six months have passed since the wedding and things have just got better and better between us. When I think about how happy I was in the first month of being with Logan and Jack, it’s like saying I understood how to speak Spanish after a month of travelling around Mexico. The strength of that sensation, as well developed and incredible as it felt at the time, pales in comparison to what we have between us now, and day by day it just gets stronger.

I thought I understood what love meant, but back then, I was really just scratching the surface. This emotion is so complex, so deep and so incredibly rich that even now, I feel like I’m still learning what it truly means. I love that about what Jack, Logan and I are developing between us, but even more than that, I love that as I get to know them both better, and we spend more and more time in each other’s company, we become even more inseparable.

We are still individual people leading individual lives, and all of us are as happy outside the relationship as we are in it, but only because the relationship between us exists in the way that it does, that we share such a strong bond between each other, and love and trust each other implicitly.

Logan and Jack are truly incredible people. I love them both equally and for different reasons, and every day in their company is like an adventure out into the perfection that exists in the world. They make me laugh when I need it, look after me when I’m feeling sad, know how to cheer me up, respect and care for me, value me as a person, pick me up whenever I fall - which has been a lot less often recently - and fuck like absolute tigers. With these two, there is nothing in the world that I lack.

In short, I’m as happy as I can be right now, and the best thing about it is that I haven’t reached a limit either, because each day that passes, and each moment that makes the relationship that little bit stronger and more evolved, makes me that much happier still.

A lot has happened since the wedding. Alice has gone through three different boyfriends, none of whom have been right for her, Mom and Brandon have both taken early retirement - they are as happy as ever and seem to be constantly on holiday somewhere exotic - the shadowheart skull was unearthed by a fifteen year old boy who realized the whole thing was a hoax when he tried to take the necklace to a pawn shop, one of my story ideas is in development with Prometheus productions, I’ve been out on treasure hunting trips with Logan in a desert in the middle of nowhere and Jack, Logan and I have all moved in together.

We were spending so much time in each other’s company anyway that it just made sense for us all to be in the same place. We have three bedrooms, but we mostly just use one for sleeping, which has a huge bed that fits us all in it with room to spare. Logan has a place for the weird things he digs up, Jack’s got space for all the trophies and awards he’s collected over the years at work, and I’ve got my snow globe and waving cat up on a shelf in the hallway. It’s a perfect home for a family, when we all decide the time is right to begin one. Now that we are together we don’t have any rush to begin because we all know it’ll come when it naturally comes for us.

I know what you’re thinking, and the answer is yes. Mom and Brandon know all about us. They knew at the wedding but didn’t want to say anything because they felt like it was none of their business. They are more cool about it than I even imagined were possible. It is such a non-issue for them they’re much more likely to mention it in passing than Logan, Jack and I are, and they couldn’t give a damn about what it might mean people might subsequently think of them. All they care about is the fact that we’re all happy, that we’re doing what we want with our life and don’t need to hide it. I love my mom and Brandon for just how mature they’ve been about it all and the fact they didn’t freak out when we told them, which was probably simultaneously the most stressful and relieving moment of my entire life. It wasn’t the moaning at the wedding that gave us away apparently, Mom knew way before then, but I did tell you her Sherlock skills were amazing. We told her just after we decided to move in together, and hiding it just wasn’t going to be an option any of us were interested in entertaining for any longer. We told them all together, my hands shaking so much out of fear I had to sit on them to keep them under control and before any of us even uttered a single word Mom said, “It’s alright, you don’t need to say it, we already know, and we both want you to know we are over the moon for all of you.”

Brandon isn’t fazed by it at all, joking that Jack and Logan knew how to share better than anybody else, and wouldn’t have been able to cope at all if one of them got me and the other didn’t, and Mom’s just pleased that she can check up on us all at the same time with a single phone call.

Naturally, Jack, Logan and I are extremely relieved that the whole thing is such a non-event to them. It was stressful for a while, but now we don’t have to exist in secret any more. We still get weird looks sometimes from people in the street who either don’t understand or just can’t comprehend it, but whenever that happens it just makes us all laugh.

In my own private life, I feel much more relaxed. I love my job, I love the environment I get to work in and I love being able to draw, whether that’s superheroes, monsters or erotic art. I’m still ticking but way less than before - it’s been a while since I’ve run through a fibonacci sequence for example - and I’m getting way better at leaving the house. Some things will never change and I’m okay with that, but in general I feel much less anxious.

And that’s where I am right now.

I have the job of my dreams and the men of my dreams, I’m in a loving and stable relationship that gets better and better by the day, and I’ve found inner peace and happiness.

Sometimes I catch myself thinking back

to the first day I met them, or even further back than that to the first drawing of twins that I made, and I can’t help but wonder if fate is really out there, looking at us all from afar, a benevolent being with a good heart that always gives you what you want even if the path he chooses to take you on to get there seems like it doesn’t make any sense at all.

This all started with waving cats, snow globes, African masks and exotic feathers, way back when my entire world was a creation of my own imagination. What I’ve got now is a million times better than that and something I never thought I had the capacity to achieve.

I never thought real life could be even better than my dreams, but with Logan and Jack the truth is even more wondrous than the fiction.

I’m in love with two people who love me, and no matter what anyone else says, there is no better feeling in the entire expanse of the known universe.

Alright, there is one that is probably equal: Logan behind me, Jack underneath, all of us moaning like ghosts!


Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic