Page 42 of Obsession

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We’ve probably got about thirty minutes before anyone notices we’ve gone, which is plenty of time for these boys to make us all come, but hardly anywhere near as much time as I would like. We’re not only going to have to be quick either, we’re going to have to be quiet too. The walls are thick but the windows do nothing to keep the sound from spilling in from the guests outside, which means anything more than a whisper will set suspicions rising. The last thing we want is for someone to choke on a vol-au-vont because they’ve just realized the humping sounds they’ve been hearing for a while aren’t coming from the woods behind them but the chamber above where the daughter of the bride is staying, while the search continues for her missing stepbrothers.

That’s exactly the kind of thing that would give Mom’s aunt her final death blow, so thank God she’s probably way too deaf to hear us.

My heart is racing with nervous excitement, as Logan pulls me into him to kiss me passionately, the moment the door is double locked behind us, and Jack hugs me from behind, dotting my neck with kisses while he tugs urgently at the zip of my dress.

I’m so sensitive my skin tingles under his touch, and I have to squirm away and stifle a giggle when it all becomes too much. I put my finger to my lips to make sure Jack and Logan both know the protocol, and then let my dress slip casually to the floor.

Jack’s eyes go wide and hungry, while Logan smiles mischievously before closing the distance between us to wrestle me onto the bed.

I’ve had my hair done especially but fuck it, if anyone asks I’ll just say I had a shower.

Logan wastes no time in removing my panties, whipping them off me almost before my ass cheeks have hit the bed, and my bra survives for barely a couple of seconds more, Jack, this time, the twin responsible.

I’m naked before either of these two have done anything more than remove their shoes - even though there are quite significant parts of their body clearly trying to escape - and squirming under their insistent touch like a recently netted fish, my body way more sensitive than it usually is.

I’m giggly from the champagne, and I’m horny because of the situation we’re in, but I don’t think that’s entirely it. I feel like a bundle of nervous energy with a tiny fuse and every time Jack and Logan reach towards me to stroke my skin, or kiss me passionately anywhere and everywhere on my body, it’s like they’re one spark away from making me explode. It must be because of how much I’ve worked myself up leading into the ceremony, and how I feel now it’s over - all three of us up here doing this while the party continues on below us - or how much I’ve realized just how much it would hurt to really lose them.

“Are you okay, Penny?” Jack asks, sitting up for a moment to check me out.

I’m half-giggling, half-moaning, like I’m being tickled and I’m trying to sneeze all at the same time. I nod, “I’m just really happy”, I say.

“You are so sensitive”, Logan says, pulling his kisses away from my inner thigh for a moment. “I love it.”

“I guess you were right after all”, I whisper, my hands on his head to push him back to where he was. “I think the only thing that has changed is that somehow you make me even more horny now.”

I nearly scream when Logan runs his tongue along my slit, my hand going quick enough to my mouth to diffuse the sound.

“You are going to come so hard”, Logan says, ignoring my reaction and pushing my legs wide in an attempt to desensitize me with repeated lashing of the tip of his tongue. It takes me a while to calm my breathing and even longer to adjust to the sensation.

“You know what this is like?” I say, pulling Jack towards me to kiss him between words.

“Like one of your fantasies?” Jack guesses.

“Like the best fucking sex you’ll ever have at a wedding?” Logan interjects.

I push his head back between my legs and pull urgently at Jack’s tie. “Like the first time we fuck”, I say. “Not the first time we fucked, but the first time again between all of us.”

Jack helps himself out of his shirt and jacket, and then gets to work on his pants. “I guess there’s nothing we need to worry about then?” he says. “Your mom, our dad-.”

I have to clamp my thighs around Logan’s head because the little sucks he’s giving my clitoris are way too much for me to be able to cope with now. He’s like a little kid left in a room with a big red button and told not to push it. I can hear him giggling mischievously before I release him.

“No complaints here”, Logan says. “Nothing has changed for me. I’m still falling in love with you and the more time we spend together and the longer we leave it between this, the more I want you. I don’t care if you’re now technically our stepsister, that doesn’t mean I want to do this to you any less.”

As he slides his middle finger slowly and purposefully into my pussy, I feel a convulsion tighten my stomach muscles so strongly it fools me for a moment into thinking I’m about to come. I grab so tightly onto Logan’s hair he nearly screams out in pain and have to hold my breath for at least ten seconds until it eventually passes. That was close.

“I’m liking this new super sensitive, Penny”, Logan says. “What are you going to do when I put my dick inside you?!”

“Shush”, I have to warm him, worried someone might hear us. Logan pulls his finger out again and goes back to his using his tongue, which he runs across my anus too, testing the tightness of my hole for suitability. I don’t know if we’ve got enough time for anal today, but the sensation is so good I’m not going to ask him to stop.

“And you, Jack?”, I whisper, my hands around his dick.

Jack shrugs. “For once in his life, Logan is right. Nothing has changed between us. If anything, today has just confirmed for me exactly what I knew I wanted. What we all wanted.”

I wank him slowly, his pants lowered but not removed, easy enough to get back on again if an unexpected knock rattles the door in its frame.

“You don’t know how good that makes me feel to hear you say that”, I say. “I was so worried before today, it’s probably why I’m really sensitive now.”

“And now?” Logan asks between slurps and kisses around my clit.

“Now?” I begin, pulling Jack’s dick towards my mouth. “Now I’m in heaven.”

It isn’t this, although this just confirms for me that physically nothing has changed, it was the look they both gave me, just after the ceremony had finished of utter, animalistic desire. That was when I knew that whatever hang ups or concerns I had before today would be washed away with all the water under every bridge in the world with a single kiss, a delicate lick and a throbbing, always hard, twin sized set of magic wands. I will never grow tired of being with these two men and never become complacent with how incredible they can make me feel just with a single glance.

Logan steps away from me to remove his clothes, perhaps conscious that time is not on our side, and before I can warn him to the contrary, he’s practically already down to his underwear.

For a quick escape in the event it becomes necessary, it would be better if he were partially dressed, but if he can dress himself again as quickly as he tore his clothes off in the first place it might not make much difference. The creases will have to be explained away in the aftermath, along with the bed hair, the smiles and the smell of sex that we’ll all undoubtedly reek of. Sometimes it’s impossible to hide the crime, but then sometimes the crime is so unexpected, as obvious as it is that it’s happened, there are still those that will refuse to believe it. Even if Logan, Jack and I return to the crowd arm in arm, dishevelled and clearly a lot more relaxed then we were before the ceremony, it’s going to take a special kind of person to truly believe that newly formed stepbrothers and stepsister have been upstairs doing the kind of things to each other that usually come spread across magazines sold in dark plastic coverings.

I don’t bother to tell Logan to keep his boxershorts on because with everything else strewn around the floor there’s little point. If the rest

is off already, I might as well enjoy one fully naked twin at least.

With the boys ready to indulge me, Jack and Logan swap places, I slide off the bed to kneel up against it and Logan places himself on the edge right where his dick can deep-throat its way into my mouth. I’ll kneel like a good little girl between my magical men while Jack stretches me wide from behind and Logan fills me up from the front.

If Mom or Brandon could see us now they’d have an absolute fit. Mom’s only daughter shared between Brandon’s only sons, in the kind of position that leaves so little to the imagination it would be impossible to think of an excuse. I tripped out of my dress and then fell onto Logan as he was getting changed while Jack tried to catch me and slipped out of his trousers and so deep into my pussy you could run your hand along the line between my tits and feel him. That’s right, what we’re doing is entirely innocent, absolutely spellbinding, but entirely innocent all the same. The fact I’m very wet and liable to come any minute is just a coincidence, the fact that Jack and Logan are rock hard just happened by chance. Yeah, right. Even if Mom wasn’t a super amatuer sleuth we’d never get away with being caught in the act, which is why being quick and quiet right now, is absolutely imperative.

I can hear the distant hum of the crowd outside, the tinkle of glasses and the roll of laughter and the much more immediate slurping and sucking sounds of sex in the room, as I gather Logan into my mouth and Jack slides himself slowly into my pussy hole.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic