Page 38 of Obsession

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It’s mid-morning on the day Mom gets married to Jack and Logan’s dad, I can already hear the cogs begin to turn on what is a colossal event to organize, and I’m lying here entwined with my future stepbrothers, heavy with sleep and happier and hornier than a rabbit just released back to the wild.

I reach for Jack’s dick, just to feel the heat run through it, and back up into Logan suggestively. Logan groans and pulls me into him, while Jack stirs slowly, his dick already hard. I’m about to slide down into the bed and take him into my mouth when a knock at the door frightens the life out of me.


It’s Mom. “Are you awake yet?” she adds.

I take my hand off Jack’s dick, sit up and fake a tired voice. “Mom, is that you?”

“Breakfast time honey”, Mom says. “You don’t want to miss out.”

“Okay”, I groan, fighting to keep Logan’s hand away from between my legs. Jack joins in the game too, and between them they have me beaten. “Ow!” I can’t help from slipping out of my mouth.

“Are you alright in there?” Mom asks.

I give both boys a warning look, desperate not to make too much noise. “I’m fine, Mom”, I say. “I just banged my toe getting up.”

“Have you seen Jack and Logan?” Mom asks. “Brandon can’t seem to rouse them.”

Logan slides under the cover and begins to send kisses along my naked leg.

I try and kick him but it only encourages him further.

“Logan”, I eventually shout out, unable to hold it in anymore. My hand goes quickly to my mouth, far too late to stop the word. My only hope is that I’ve somehow made the name into a question.

“And Jack”, Mom says, and I breath a sigh of relief. Jack mouths the word run and then mimics the action.

“Maybe they’ve gone for a run?” I say, overcompensating this time and making the statement into a question too.

“A run?” Mom asks.

I look at Jack and he shrugs.

“I’ll get dressed now, Mom”, I say, trying not to prolong the conversation any more.

“Okay”, Mom calls back through the door after a while. “Don’t forget the ceremony starts at two, we came last night so we’d all be ready.”

I hold my breath and count towards thirty four in the fibonacci sequence in my head.

“That was close”, Logan says when I’ve got to three.

I narrow my eyes and wrinkle my nose at him. “Now you need an excuse.”

“If we went for a run we’d be all sweaty”, Jack says, pulling me towards him.

I fight him away. “We can sneak away later”, I say, using inhuman strength to fight the urge.

“Just a quick blow job”, Logan suggests. “We can make each other come in seconds.”

The noise of the preparations outside filter through the window. The guests will be arriving soon, Mom will be panicking about her dress and before long we’ll need to get showered and ready. As much as I want to stay in bed with these two, I know if I do Mom is liable to have a fit.

“Later”, I say, pushing both boys away from me. “You’ll want it more then anyway.”

“I want it quite a lot right now”, Logan says, but the tone of his voice tells me he already knows he’s not going to get it.

I escape from the bed while I still have the energy to refuse it, looking for a moment upon what I’ve left behind.

“Could you imagine if this were our wedding day?” I say, the thought exciting me.

“If it were, I’d make sure we got a bigger bed”, Logan says.

“And I’d make sure we didn’t leave it”, Jack adds.

“Later”, I say with a giggle. “I promise. We can sneak away after the ceremony when Mom and Brandon have got a buzz on.”

“It’ll be Mom and Dad by then”, Logan says. “And you and us will officially be family.”

The thought sends a shudder down my spine. “I hope that doesn’t change anything”, I say, half just to hear myself say it.

“Of course it won’t”, Logan says. “Jack will still be the ugly one, I’ll still be the stud and you’ll be just as sexy as you are now.”

I can feel my cheeks go red.

“Besides which, having a sexy stepsister is a turn on”, Logan adds.

“It is?” I ask.

“If you’re not meant to do something it becomes way hotter”, Logan says. “You know, like being in here fucking when we’re supposed to be having breakfast as a family.”

I have to look away because I know if I don’t I’ll end up back in the bed between them. “I’m going to get my pajamas on”, I say, hurriedly doing just that. “I’ll go down first, and you two can come and join me when it’s safe. Just make sure no-one sees you leave the room.”

I pick up Logan’s jeans and hand them over to him, my eyes still averted. Logan takes the jeans reluctantly and then stands up out of the bed to put them on.

“I have to wait for it to go down”, he says, his dick too big to conceal. Alright, I look at that bit - I’m strong, but I’m still human.

“Come down when it’s gone down”, I giggle, “And make sure nobody sees you!”

I’m dressed in pajamas and robe - perfectly acceptable attire for a wedding day breakfast - and at the door quickly in case I change my mind. A quick look through the spyhole tells me the coast is clear, and like a super secret agent with a sexy mission I slip out into the corridor, Jack still in bed behind me and Logan stood by the side watching me go, jeans around his ankles and his dick pointing towards the ceiling like a curved baseball bat.

I close the door, take a deep breath and nearly jump out of my skin when someone taps me on the shoulder.

I am absolutely certain I’ve just been caught, one second into my brand new career as a spy, and I’m about to turn round and see Mom, Brandon, a swat team and a group of federal agents ready to flatten me against the ground, cuff me and throw me in a unregistered jail cell. I’m more relieved than it’s possible to communicate in anything other than an excited gasp when I turn around and see Alice standing there.

“Are you alright, Penny?” she asks. “Your mom sent me up here to get you.”

“You nearly gave me a heart attack”, I say, checking quickly to see if it’s still actually beating. “How long have you been here?”

“Since eight”, Alice says almost apologetically. I loop my arm in hers and guide her toward the stairs.

“I thought you had a team for that”, I say.

“Yeah, I know, I just wanted to check they were doing it right.”

I roll my eyes. The one wedding she does the flowers for she doesn’t need to personally man manage and here she is at eight am, personally man managing the flowers.

“Where are the twins?” Alice asks conspiratorially.

I mouth the word upstairs and lift my eyes to the ceiling.

Alice giggles and shakes her head. “Just don’t get caught”, she says. “This is not the place you want to announce to two hundred friends and family members that you’ve just done the kama sutra version of the dirty dog with the two most recent members of your household.”

“If you see anything that looks out of place, tell me”, I insist. “I don’t know how I’m going to get through an entire day without accidentally kissing one of them, especially if alcohol is involved.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic