Page 28 of Obsession

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I bring Jack’s cock to my mouth at the same time, so when the two men penetrate me they do it in synchronization. Logan runs his crown along my slit, before placing it at the entrance to my pussy, ready to plunge it inside me. I have never felt as turned on in my life, never spent so long circling an orgasm as this. I have had an obsession about twins for as long as I can remember, a fantasy about these two ever since I clapped eyes on them.

Jack waits patiently for the signal, complicit to my game, while Logan places both of his hands on my hips, his cock balanced perfectly at my entrance not to need additional support. I can feel my heart beat slowly in my chest, the air move around the beat of a bird’s wing on the other side of the state and time itself almost come to a standstill, before Logan shifts his weight forward, to slide his perfection inside my tenderness and unite our bodies as one. Jack follows his brother’s lead and while Logan fucks my pussy deeply, in an erotic echo of the naughty drawing Jack accidentally saw of mine, he feeds himself slowly into my mouth.

From the perspective of someone who understands nothing about our shared desires, this might look like a scene from a cheap porno, but I can assure you it’s nothing like that. I’ve had that reaction about my artwork, from people who seem incapable of seeing it from the perspective of those involved, who choose to deny it of it’s beauty and importance.

With Jack and Logan inside me, I’ve never felt quite as comfortable in myself and definitely nowhere near as turned on. Ticking is about as far from my brain as Manhattan is from Beijing, and even if I wanted to, I don’t think I count count beyond seventeen in prime numbers. For a girl that has got used to her brain refusing to turn off, this is an absolute revelation.

Logan fucks me deeply, the tips of his fingers white against the hot pink skin of my hips, his twin brother’s dick sliding in and out of my mouth in what feels like perfect synchronization. Every thrust delivers an echo of pleasure out across my body, a sting of passion so raw and perfect I wonder if he’s gone through my pussy entirely and is busy fucking the essence of my entire being. I’ve never had sex as good as this, and we’re only on the very first steps of our entire journey.

After a while I have a to give up on pleasuring Jack completely, the sensation Logan seems to be producing inside me so overwhelming I can do little other than moan and gasp and wait for the inevitable explosive orgasm to engulf me. Despite being sexually liberal, I’m not one of these girls who comes easily, and especially not on the very first time of asking, so feeling what I’m feeling now, which is essentially a vaginal orgasm hurtling towards me at the speed of light, is a very unusual sensation indeed.

I’m not sure if I’m making myself clear, which I’m sure you’ll be able to excuse me for considering the situation, so I’ll try and paint you a picture. It usually takes me a lot of concentration to come, (unless I’m at home with the shower head and then it takes me less a minute), so feeling like I’m going to come for pretty much the entire morning just because I’m in the same room as Logan and Jack means that when we are actually fucking, that’s me on all fours and Logan behind me, it takes an inhuman amount of control not to tumble spectacularly over the edge. That is: two identical twins that look like the mould that God was banned from using to make humans because woman would have been orgasming constantly if they had, pleasuring me to the very edge of sanity. I know there is nothing wrong with letting myself go and disappearing completely into a haze of orgasmic relief, and I know neither one of these men would mind me doing that, I’m just saying that based on how close I’ve been for so long today, I’m scared that when I do finally do let go, I might not come back the same person.

All that becomes academic, however, when Logan decides to change our position so he can go even deeper, by rocking backward and pulling me onto him.

I’m not at all prepared for the sudden rush of adrenaline, that converts what is already an incredibly pleasurable sensation into something absolutely interstellar. I can try and describe what happens physically: Logan assumes a position which I would describe as a kneeled crouch in artistic circles - his legs bent against each other, his ass pressed against his ankles - lifting me into the air as he reclines, so I’m straddling his gorgeous cock like I might sit on the edge of a chair, and you might get a pretty good visual picture of what he’s doing to me. What he’s actually doing to me, however, the bits that I can’t illustrate for you with a simple physical description, is take me right to the intersection of pleasure and intensity, where nirvana itself makes it’s sensual home and drop me right smack bang in the middle of it.

No sooner than he’s lifted me up into the air with the expertise of a professional dancer lifting his partner up for the show’s centerpiece, am I moaning like a seasoned porn star, and coming about as hard as anyone has ever come before in the entire history of sexual relations on this planet.

I come so hard, and the sensation is so intense, I feel like I’ve broken through a barrier inside my body and onto an entire new level of sensory consciousness. People talk about having out of body experiences when they come, but right now, I know that’s total bullshit. You don’t float above yourself and watch it all happening from a distance, you go inside yourself so much you can feel every single cell, neuron and atom coming alive. I am more alive in this moment than I ever have been at any point before, yet the sensation is so overwhelming it isn’t until it begins to dissipate slowly that I have the ability to properly analyse it. While it’s happening, and it happens for what feels like much longer than I’m sure it is, all I can do is experience the sensation: my mind clear, my body relaxed, the orgasm ripping through me like a ball crashing it’s way around a pinball machine, popping lights and bouncing off walls as it goes.

“Fuck”, is my entire concise summation of the event. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

I’m normally much more articulate than that, but right now, with Logan’s rock hard cock sending me ricocheting around a non-stop theme park of pleasure, my brain is essentially on autopilot.

“I told you I couldn’t promise”, Logan says.

I try to gather my breath, my head swimming so much I feel like I’m floating. Logan has barely broken a sweat and here I am trembling with pleasure, as giddy as a fawn galloping through her first summer meadow. Whatever that was, though - vaginal orgasm, clitoral orgasm, multiple orgasm, multiple multiple orgasm - I want more and I want it now.

“Not bad”, I say playfully. “Now do it again, but better.”

The twins laugh, the irony evident. I’ve just screamed my way through the last few minutes and here I am, still exploding in orgasmic bliss and asking for more. What can I say? If this situation doesn’t ever repeat itself, I don’t want to be kicking myself for missing out. If they break me into a million pieces, so be it, at least I’ll have enjoyed myself right up until the last magnificent drop.

“Lie down”, Jack says, taking control.

Logan maneuvers me to the bed in such a way that he stays inside me, and when we are both lying down, my back to his chest, Jack places himself alongside us both.

“Like this” Jack says, pressing his body against mine to kiss me gently. “We can share you properly.”

Logan places one hand on my hip and begins to fuck me slowly. I’m still super sensitive and can’t help but moan as he slides his meat in and out of my juicy pussy hole.

Jack lifts my leg into the air so he can see his brother fucking me, and then takes hold of his own dick and guides it towards my clitoris. With Logan forcing me wide, Jack begins to excite me again, the tip of his huge swollen dick, nudging circles around my sticky nub.

“I can’t wait until we can both fuck you at the same time”, Jack says, as he kisses my neck delicately, his lips sending tickles all the way through my body and shooting my nipples erect.

“You are fucking me at the same time”, I gasp, reaching down to take hold of his dick. “I’ll show you.”

With Jack’s dick in one hand, I take Logan’s by the base in my other

and pull him slowly out of me. The sensation as the width of his crown breaks past my opening is only matched by how amazing the whole thing looks to me. I’m a naturally visual person, and seeing his throbbing dick push my pussy hole so wide it gapes open for a moment when I pull him out, makes me gurgle inside with excitement.

I shift position slightly towards Jack, wrap one leg across his hip and reach over for the condom. I’d love to ride him bareback, and I hope that in the future it’s something we can all do together, but having just found not only the job of my dreams, but the men to go along with it, the last thing I want right now is a baby. I unfurl the condom over Jack’s dick and then sit up slightly so I can guide him into me.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic