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And then I thought of Kyle and I couldn’t help but to ache down there, an intense longing that took over my body like a fever.

Kyle was undressing too. He was probably in his boxers. I knew he wore boxers from his college laundry. He preferred the cream light plaid boxers.

Stop being ridiculous!

I shook my head, shaking up my crazy thoughts as I grabbed my favorite cotton Batman and Robin t-shirt for tradition, threw it on, threw my hair up in a bun, grabbed some shorts and ran as fast as I could down the hallway, stairs, and another winding hallway until I finally made it into the theater room where there he sat with a smirk on his face.

Chapter Three

“Beat you!”

“No fair! I had like tightest outfit in the world on. It was hard to get off.”

Something shifted in his eyes as I said the words. Hard. Get off. But he quickly changed the look. “Yeah, I bet! It was like painted on.”

He obviously noticed.

His eyes had something in them. Like a longing. I plopped on the couch, ignoring the “unspoken, unknown chemistry between us” and reached for a burger. But that was when his hand found mine.

“Do you want this burger, too? Stingy!”

His eyes looked deep into mine. God that fucking handsome face of his. He could totally be the lead guy in Vampire Diaries. His eyes danced briefly to my breasts, then to my bare legs and suddenly his hand found mine. I could tell he was struggling with something. “You know....”

I felt like I waited an entire minute—heck—teenage existence—for the reply. His face flushed and his breath quickened.


“You really what?”

He pulled away his hand and fumbled with a french fry and popped it in his mouth before washing it down with his sprite.

“Do you wanna drink?”

“Like some of your sprite?”

“No, like just a drink. Something from the bar.”

The theater had a super nice stocked bar with the liquor in the crystal containers you see in fancy movies.

“Ummm...sure. Make mine sweet please.”

“As you wish, my lady.”

And like that I had my fun easy going step-brother back and we happily were on our way watching an episode of The Walking Dead.

But even in watching the show, I couldn’t deny the sensation happening between us. I could feel the tension—it was so thick you could cut it with knife perfectly. I could tell he was bothered.

“Another drink?”

“Sure, but this is my last one! I’m feeling slightly buzzed.”

“Wanna watch like a movie movie?”

“Which one?”

I could tell he was clearly perturbed by something. I felt bad for him. He looked incredibly conflicted.

“Something complex. Paradoxical. Something that displays something

or shows the point of wanting something that you know you shouldn’t have, but you want to have it anyway.”


“Vanilla Sky?” I suggested.


Minutes later the film was on and I was sipping my drink as was he. I felt him just a scooch closer and my heart beat doubled as his arm was behind me on the couch. But we weren’t super super close. But you know, we were closer. Then we saw the sex fucking scene. God how awkward now!

Finally he said my name. Just faintly. It was so quiet I almost thought he hadn’t said it.


He reached for my almost empty glass and set it down.


I turned to face him and my heart was in my throat. I felt my face covered in heat as I fought to fight my feelings. My true feelings how I felt about him.


Then his hand was on my face and his warm lips were on mine. It was like a drink of cold water on a hot day. Time stood still as his tender lips brushed against mine, so soft and so tender. Chills flooded my body as the soft explorative kiss turned into something more meaningful. My body went weak as his strength pulled me closer to him. His fingers slid into my silky strands, making me crazy as he massaged my scalp. My insides were screaming with desire, the emotions, the sensation of it all in the dimly lit theater room. His tongue lightly trailed around my lower lip before exploring me deeper. It was all happening so fast, but I wanted it to.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic