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My part was over. I stepped out of the bar and back to the beach, wondering exactly when I could call a taxi to go back to the hotel. I leaned against a palm tree and looked out at the water, my jangled nerves soothed by the sound of the waves coming in and out. I heard steps beside me, and there was Chase, leaning against the same palm tree.

“Nice night, isn’t it?” He smiled, and my heart sank.


“So, why won’t you talk to me? We’re supposed to get to know each other, Sienna.” He smirked, a bit of that arrogance I’d first seen coming into his face. He leaned closer to me, his shoulder touching mine. I moved away.

“Come on, Chase. You show up with some other girl at the wedding, and I’m supposed to just be fine with that. And I’m supposed to talk to you like we’re best bros. Or worse yet, brother and sister.” He laughed. I tried to huff away, but he caught my arm, moving to stand in front of me.

“So you’re disappointed too, aren’t you?” His face was earnest.

“No,” I responded, my voice curt. He sighed heavily and drew me closer, his broad hands on my arms.

“You are,” said Chase, more insistent now. He looked into my eyes, and I couldn’t look away from the deep sparkling blue of his.

“Well, yes, sort of. But Chase, I don’t do this kind of thing. I’m not this sort of girl.” I waved my hands, gesturing to myself. I looked in the mirror and saw a lack of delicately done makeup, a lack of the bright blond hair Chase seemed to favor, a lack of anything exciting at all. “And I’m not the kind of girl you want … not even for a one night thing. I’m inexperienced … and I’m betting you’ve fallen into bed with a lot of women. You know, with the way you look and all.”

“I’ll take that as a compliment,” he said, chuckling. “You're right. I have slept with a lot of women, but there's something about you that absolutely electrifies me. And I want it. Now.”

“Chase, this is ridiculous.” He pressed his body into mine, just as I'd imagined during my shower. He gripped my waist and let his hands roam down to my ass. He squeezed it gently and let his fingers run over my thighs. He ignored what I said.

“You really are a beautiful woman.”

“Chase.” My heart galloped in my chest, sending a flush over my chest and up to my freckled cheeks. The slight sunburn wasn't helping the heat I felt, rising quick and steady between my legs. Chase lowered his lips to my collarbone, his tongue darting out and touching me there, sending a shock straight through me. I gasped, and a small moan escaped my lips. Chase moved one hand over the silken fabric of my dress, gently touching the curve of my hip and moving the backs of his fingers up over the curve of my breast. His hand just glanced against the peak of my nipple, bringing it to stiffness.

“You want me too,” he said, moving his lips up my neck. My skin turned to gooseflesh, and I closed my eyes as he took my nipple between his thumb and forefinger, rolling it gently. The fire increased its warmth, bringing my body closer to the point of no return. I moaned, instinctively accepting his body into mine. I drank in his heady, masculine scent, mixed with the sun and the salt. A rush of wetness came to the folds of my pussy, and I knew that any more of this would get me in trouble ... and I'd be right back where I started with Chase.

“It's just a biological response,” I mumbled, taking his hands and pushing them away.

"No it's not," he said, taking me back in his arms and crushing his lips against mine. His tongue darted between my lips, giving me the taste of what I’d longed for that entire day. I did want him … and what was the harm in admitting that? I moved my hand to his head, caressing his golden hair. His lips were firm and warm, beckoning my lips to his. He bit at the bottom lip playfully, almost growling with his desire.

“Fine,” I moaned, “But what do we do about it?”

“Hugh is taking your mom to St. Croix after this, and everyone is as drunk as hell. Come back to my cabin with me. Just for tonight. You don’t have to stay beyond the morning, but let’s enjoy this now. Or we might regret it for the rest of our lives.” I threw my head back and laughed at his dramatic words.

“You really know how to sweep a girl right off her feet. What about Miss America over there?” I gestured to his date.

“Her? She’s enjoying the free booze, but beyond a quick conversation at your hotel, I don’t know her at all.” Miss America swayed in the breeze, flirting with one of my cousins.

“Okay,” I said, smiling at him.

“Okay … you’ll go with me … now? Before anyone notices?”

“Yeah,” I said, “But let’s go before anyone sees.” He took my hand in his and pulled me along. I stumbled in my heels and kicked them off, walking over the clean white sand and up to the tiny parking lot by the beach. Chase texted the taxi service he’d been using, and we stood there, looking at the stars as we waited. The wedding continued on behind us. It was easy enough to forget that we were now officially brother and sister. The taxi driver pulled around the corner, and I laughed to see the same old man who had picked me up twice before.

“The boyfriend!” He yelled out of the window, and we ran to the taxi, falling into the car in a tangle of limbs. Chase kissed me, and I let him, leaning into his, warm comforting arms. “Ah, I told you that the island has a way of bringing people together.” I laughed and held Chase’s hand as we drove up to the cabin. The electricity of his touch seemed to hold me in place, secure in the notion that he had picked me … that even though circumstance conspired to keep us apart, he was willing to take a chance with me.

“What would our parents think?” I leaned in to Chase’s ear and whispered, burying my head in his neck.

“Does it matter?” His response was somehow soothing, somehow exactly what I needed to hear. The mountain road was bumpy beneath the cab’s wheels, forcing us closer together, making the electricity spark deep inside of us. I could feel that he needed me as much as I needed him.

The cabin rose before us, perched at the top of the hill above the twinkling lights of the town below.

“Here we are,” said Chase, handing the cab driver his pay. Chase opened the door and pulled me out of the car, taking me in his arms as the cab driver descended down the mountain and into the night.

“On the date we never got to have last night … right after our parents’ wedding.”

“Let’s not look at it that way.” He held my hand, filling me with warmth and longing. We ran up the steps of the cabin, stumbling over each other and kissing as Chase fumbled with the keys. He turned the lock, and we fell inside, the fire inside of us fully ignited. He crushed his lips against mine and moved his hands to my back, deftly unzipping my dress and letting it fall to the floor in a pile of soft silk and crinoline. My heart pounded in my chest. What if one of our parents found out? What would they say? They might ignore it, favoring their own personal dramas over ours, or they could make it into their own drama.

Chase traced his fingers over the lacy line of my bra, catching my nipple again. As if he was reading my mind he paused and looked at me with that sparkle in his eye.

“They’re not here right now, Sienna. They won’t know if we don’t want them too.” I nodded and gulped. I knew there was no going back now. Even if I stopped it now, I knew I’d jump on him in the morning. If I left, I’d probably be back the next day, drawn to him like a drug.

“I know,” I said, trembling at his touch. He continued to move his hands over my bra, bringing his mouth to my collarbone again, moving his lips south to the sheer lace of my bra. He pulled a nipple into his mouth and snaked his tongue around its edges, sending an electric shock to my pussy, filling me with wetness. He reached around my back and unhooked my bra, letting the bra fall to the floor. His eyes were immediately drawn to the curves of my breasts, and he put his hands on them, cupping them gently.

“Lovely,” he said, “Just the right size to hold.” I giggled and kissed him as he rolled both nipples between his fingers, sending another rush of wetness between my legs.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic