Page 2 of Stepbrother Frat

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My heart immediately started thumping in my chest at that familiar voice that tore through my train of thought. I slowed to a halt as my stepbrother Derek jogged to catch up with me, his dark hair tousled from the wind intermingling with his gel.

“Hi Derek,” I said nervously, knowing my cheeks were reddening even as he approached. When we still lived together, I’d managed to pull the reins in on how he made me feel about him. I’d managed to hide my feelings well after a few years of practice. But ever since he left for university, the number of encounters we had lessened until I only got to see him during Christmas.

Until now.

I gulped loudly as I watched him approach, clenching my thighs together as if that would hide the effect he had on me. Derek had gotten into a fraternity during his first semester and was on the wrestling team and the track team. The strength mixed with the cardio made his body lean but incredibly strong. He was built like a tank. It was no wonder my sisters never shut up about him.

My sorority sisters. I almost laughed thinking about it. I never considered myself the sorority girl type in the past, due to all of the stereotypes. But knowing that 40% of Twin Peaks University was composed of Greek students, I wanted Derek to be proud of me--even though it was useless. A single sister, Darcy, had made the effort to get to know me. Everyone else avoided me like the plague. If I was honest with myself, I didn’t know why they accepted me to begin with.

I smoothed down my TBM t-shirt with its purple- and white-stitched letters as my stepbrother caught up to me.

“I heard you were coming on Friday?” He asked casually, though I heard the hopefulness in his voice, even as his bright blue eyes glittered like the ocean.

“Wow, word gets around fast. Yeah, I was thinking about it.”

“The brothers were talking about it,” he explained.

“Oh.” The disappointment must have been apparent on my face or in my voice, my hurt still fresh from Sunday.

Derek grabbed my arm, turning me to him, shooting heat through my body even as I saw the concern written all over his face. Get a grip, Karla. He’s just being brotherly. “Everything okay?”

I smiled weakly at Derek, my heart melting even as the emotions drained out of me having to relive the memories. “Yup, nothing to worry about! Anyway, I heard it’s BYOB? No keg?”

Derek frowned at me. “BYOB, yeah. But even so, you shouldn’t be drinking.” My heart skipped a beat, knowing he cared enough about me drinking even though I wasn’t of age yet. It felt nice knowing that he still felt protective of me, no matter how small the reason was.

“Oh come on Derek. I’m in college now, what did you expect?”

To be honest with myself, I hadn’t drank that many times since I turned 18, but I wasn’t going to tell Derek now. It bothered me that he still acted like I was too young to do anything. I was a woman now and I wished he saw that. The protectiveness I could take, but babying me? Not so much. I’ll show him on Friday, my determined mind thought.

He looked down at me, with a mix of awe and amusement in his eyes. Self-consciously, I readjusted my backpack, not knowing what to do with Derek’s gorgeous blue eyes on me. He leaned in close and my heart stopped in my throat. Is he going to kiss me? I could feel my cheeks flush, and I closed my eyes for the moment I’d been waiting for for the past two years.

Instead of his soft lips on mine, I felt his hand brush gently across my lips. Within seconds, my body was no longer warm from the heat emanating from his. I fluttered my eyes open again, confused, and was met at by a smirk even more amused than his look a moment ago.

“You had some crumbs on your face.”

Of course I did. Humiliation weighed down on me. I was so stupid to think that Derek finally saw me as a woman--and that he was trying to kiss me no less! You deserve all of this, I told myself, stomping on any bit of self-worth I had left.

“I have to go to class,” I muttered before running as fast as I could to get to class.


“You have to pick that one, Karla. That one’s fucking hot. You’re going to have all of the Zeta brothers drooling.”

Darcy was practically drooling herself, if I was going to be honest with myself. We both had a two-hour break between our classes and we’d taken the opportunity to rush back to the mall for a final test run of my little black dresses. Darcy was dead-set on the cleavage dress. It hugged my curves perfectly and accentuated my assets.

She’s right. I knew she was. It was just that I got so self-conscious when I was so exposed--I wasn’t used to it.

Tucking my ash blonde hair behind my ear, I turned around to check my backside in the mirror one more time. I was pleased with what I saw, but I wouldn’t admit it. I didn’t want to seem conceited or anything.

“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Are you kidding? That other dress doesn’t even compare to how hot this one is. You have to get it.”

Smiling at her through the mirror, I nodded. “This is the one, then!”

I carried the long-sleeved, short dress with the plunging neckline to the cashier, throwing a pair of black studded stilettos on top as an afterthought. It’s not like I can go in my flats, I reasoned.

I finished applying the matte red lipstick. Darcy had applied my makeup for me--champagne eyeshadow to accentuate the brown of my eyes. Doing a little twirl in the mirror, I tugged down the dress that hugged my curves, making sure that it didn’t scrunch up anywhere. It wasn’t top-notch quality, after all: my student budget couldn’t afford it.

Knock, knock, knock.

“Hey, you ready? Oh my god, Karla. You look gorge! Let me get a look at you!” Darcy took my hand and lifted it up in the air, getting a good look at my makeup, curled and sprayed hair, and dress. “You look perfect. I’m going to have to keep a bat with me to fight the guys off you.”

“Psht,” I tsked her, slipping my studded stilettos on. I could already feel the cramp--these were going to make my feet ache fast. Her compliments made me giddy, though. Even if half of it was true, that’s more than enough for me. I just wanted Derek’s attention. Stop it, Karla. “Thanks, Darcy,” I added, smiling warmly at my friend and sister.

We headed downstairs and met the rest of our sisters, who were taking turns shrieking and letting out excited approvals of each others outfits. This is so not me, I couldn’t help but think. But one look at Darcy’s beaming face and it felt like it sort of was me, because she’d been the only one to be truly welcoming since I got here.

Slowly, the Tabbies headed over to the Zeta house. Darcy and I were holding onto each other to keep from toppling over; we were both in heels and most of the path there was made of cobblestones. I twisted my ankle at least two times, but in the end, we made it safe and in one piece, if not a little sore.

This is it, I told myself, trying to calm myself through steady breathing. Let’s show them what you’ve got.

We were met by a wall of humans when we opened the front door. Crowds of people split up into chunks but grouped side by side, talking to each other, spilling their beer. I glanced around to see if I could spot Derek, my heart pounding as I sought out my stepbrother. He’s probably off with one of the Xi Nu Chi girls. They had a reputation and the guys definitely loved them for it. But is Derek like that, like one of his brothers?

I shook my head, trying to snap my head out of it. He’s your stepbrother, for fuck’s sake. As I tried to wedge myself between and past people with the other Tabbies, I caught a poster on the wall: YOU ARE SAFE FROM BEING KILLED INSIDE OF THE ZETA HOUSE… FOR TONIGHT. HAVE FUN!

Well, that explained why so many Greeks weren’t afraid of being eliminated from the game here.

Darcy’s manicured hand led me to the kitchen area where some rowdy frat brothers were playing beer pong. Grabbing two red, plastic cups, she filled each of them with a healthy dose of vodka, topping them off with Sprite from a half-empty bottle on the counter.

Absently, she shoved one into my chest, her eyes browsing the room. I followed her gaze, pulling up blank. “Who are you looking for?” I finally asked, taking a sip of the citrusy concoction.

Blushing, she took a big swig of the cocktail. “Oh. No one. Come on, let’s dance!”

I frowned, my heels digging into the ground, stopping both of us from going anywhere since she’d taken to holding my hand again.

“Darcy..? What aren’t you telling me?” It felt strange for her to not tell me this because she’d been so open about everything else. Something felt off.

Quickly, she gestured for us to go out onto the patio. Once outside, she closed the door and turned to me. “Okay. Promise me you won’t be mad?”

My curled brown hair swung from side to side as I tried to grasp what she was saying. “Be mad? About what?”

She took a huge swig of her drink before confessing, “I didn’t want to tell you this before, but I’ve sort of had the biggest crush on your brother for, like, ever.” Darcy was still shooting glances in through the window.

“He’s my stepbrother,” I told her, yet again, through gritted teeth. “Wait, is that why you’re friends with me? To get with Derek?!”

Gasping and blushing, Darcy shook her head. “No, Karla, it’s not like that. I really like you. You’re super sweet!” It sounded so insincere I almost spat my drink out at her. Maybe I should have.

“Amanda told me you were the one who pushed for me to get a bid, is that why? Because even I thought it was weird since you hardly talked to me at the rush events. Tell me the truth!”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic