Page 2 of GRIND

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My cheeks flushed as I quickly looked back into his eyes. “I wouldn’t say that.” My throat went dry but I threw back the rest of my rum and coke, licking my lips. Lord, give me strength to put a decent sentence together here… “I’m just not a fan of the whole cheesiness factor. Guys dancing around naked, it just feels, I don’t know. Fake?”

His life was throaty, deep, sending a special kind of vibration down my spine. “You think it’s cheesy?”

I shrugged.

“Yeah, I guess I can see it, when you put it that way,” he said, his eyes scanning the stage. “Those guys… You ever wonder what’s going through their heads? When they’re up there dancing?”

“It’s crossed my mind. Like whether or not they’re just reciting their grocery list in their head while they’re grinding on someone. Or maybe they’re all just gay. I could see that. Gay men typically have way better rhythm than straight men.” I winked at him, feeling a little reckless.

At least I got a good chuckle out of him. “Huh. I wouldn’t know.”

With him standing right next to me, I was surprisingly starting to feel at ease. “I’m Gabi, by the way.”

Without looking at me, he kept his eyes on the stage and simply replied, “Jacob.” But the corner of his mouth quirked up, and I could just make out the brilliantly white teeth within his sexy, crooked smile. It wasn’t fair that some people were born to look that beautiful.

The music picked back up, reaching a thumping climax, and all three men on stage started rolling their bodies in time with it again, receiving cheers from the crowd.

“Well, Gabi, I think I better get out of here. It was nice meeting you. Maybe I’ll see you around in a little while? Rum and coke, right?” he asked, pointing to my empty glass.

Slightly taken aback, I found myself grinning anyway. “Yeah, rum and coke. Top shelf, if you don’t mind,” I added, feeling even bolder than before. “And I’m sure I’ll be around here, somewhere. My girlfriends don’t intend to leave anytime soon.”

Jacob nodded, leaving me with that same crooked grin before disappearing into the crowd of women. I took in a deep breath, still trying to come to grips with everything that had just happened. It was safe to say that I’d never met a guy like Jacob before, someone so intense, so incredibly handsome, that it made it hard for me to speak. My dad would call him a product of good breeding, most definitely.

As the song ended, the three men took their bows, laughing as plenty of women screeched at them for an encore. I just rolled my eyes, seeing Britney jumping up and down with them.

One of the older guys dressed up in a tight, way too shiny shirt, stepped onto the stage with his microphone, waving at everyone. “Give it up for Rico, Darren, and Remy! Sorry ladies, no encore from these gentlemen tonight, but never fear! Our next performer is one you all may know, and if you haven’t, believe me, you’ll get to know him very well. He’s one of our star performers, the local legend himself, Dr. Jake the Snake!”

The announcer retraced his steps until he blended in with the curtains offstage, and two bright spotlights from somewhere behind me focused on the middle of the stage floor. A low thrumming beat started up, and even I had to admit that I was intrigued. It wasn’t something I told anyone—hell, not even Liam knew—but I had a recurring fantasy of a sexy doctor fucking me in the examination room.

I scoffed at myself. This guy is probably some overly-spray-tanned short dude with his nipples pierced or something. Totally not my type.

Fog started to roll in from both sides, and the music’s beat intensified. Whatever the case was, I knew it was going to be interesting.

A tall, dark figure emerged from the back, his outline slowly making its way to where the spotlights combined. And when he finally stepped into the light, the music seemed to burst forth and my eyes nearly bugged out of my head.

On stage, wearing a crisp white lab coat, blue scrub pants, and a stethoscope over his bare, sculpted chest, was Jacob. The same Jacob with the tantalizing eyes and crooked smile that had just left me speechless. Which was exactly how I felt when his bright smile captivated the rest of the audience once they got a good look at him.

I watched, utterly transfixed, as he started rolling his hips, clinging on to the lab coat’s edges, his baggy scrubs doing nothing to hide what was hidden beneath.

The crowd was louder than before, and funny enough, I found I was pulled into it, pushing past women and not caring one bit about the nasty hisses I got as I made my way to the very front.

I needed to see this. I needed to see him.

At first, his moves were liquid and slow, reminding me of what honey looks like when it drips from your spoon. But his slow movements turned into more frenzied ones, and the lab coat was thrown to the side haphazardly, the crowd whistling.

A chair appeared suddenly out of nowhere and became his prop. He turned on its legs, sitting backward, before quickly standing up and dancing around it, his stethoscope dangling in his hand. He held it up to his broad chest and the music paused, leaving the room eerily quiet as the sound of a raging heartbeat filled our ears. It was so erotic, standing there, feeling like I was really listening to it, that my lips parted in amazement.

In a single moment, I found myself staring up into Jacob’s dark eyes, and something in them hooked me, making it impossible for me to look away.

The serene look on his face turned to a grin that felt like it was directed right at me, before the music kicked back in and he ditched his pants in one quick motion, tearing them away from his body.

Just the look alone left me embarrassingly wet between my legs, and I squeezed my thighs together, still watching.

It hit me as my eyes took all of him in, why he was Dr. Jake the Snake. His g-string was definitely filled to capacity and then some… It was nearly impossible not to keep staring at the barely contained bulge. Was it really all him?


sp; He showed off some impressive flips, even doing the splits at one point, before the music faded out and he stood in the middle of the stage, panting, but grinning from ear to ear. I almost felt the need to plug my ears, the crowd was so loud, but instead I clapped slowly, my own smile spreading across my face.

It was magic, the way Jacob had completely made me forget about everything else around me, including my ex-fiancé. I wanted to know more about him. I needed to know more about him.

To know all about him.



“Hey man, good show!” Rico clapped me hard on the back as I opened the dressing room door. “The women were loud as hell for you tonight.”

“They’re loud as hell for me every night,” I said, winking at him as he pretended to roll his eyes.

“Yeah, yeah, don’t get cocky, motherfucker. Some of them like a fine Latino man all up in their pussies. ‘Ay, Rico. Oh Papi! Fuck me harder, Daddy!’” he mocked in an airy falsetto, humping the back of his chair.

I laughed and shook my head as I grabbed a water bottle from the mini fridge. “You’ve got a point, man.”

I let out a long breath before taking a swig from the bottle, the cold condensation dripping down my mostly naked body, leaving me with goosebumps.

According to the clock, I had forty-five more minutes before it was time to go back out on stage with the rest of the crew for the final number. Just enough time to change and study.

“Yo, are you serious right now?” Darren called out from his dressing table, leaning back with his giant feet propped up. “Why don’t you take a break from all that for a night? You a goddamn nerd, you hear me?”

I looked down at the clipboard of notes in my hand and back up at him, shrugging. “I’m not going to get a break once I’m really out there, working, so what’s the difference?”

I grinned and tucked myself into a quiet corner of the room, scanning over my notes from the cardiology patients I interned with that morning. It took me more than several tries to read past the first few paragraphs because every time I tried, Gabi’s face floated back into my mind.

With the final bow, all nine of us waved at the crowd of rowdy women, one of whom threw a dozen roses onto the stage, yelling something about giving three to ‘her cowboy, Remy’ and the rest to everyone else.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic