Page 13 of GRIND

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I lazily trailed a finger across Gabi’s collarbone, feeling the soft skin there. It was some time in the middle of the night, and we were passed out, lying in her bed. The wine had finally worn off, leaving an annoying headache behind. But I didn’t have it in me to care. Not with her lying in my arms.

She started to stir.

“Hey sleepyhead,” I said.

There was a soft groan, and she finally opened her eyes, looking somewhat out of focus. “What time is it?” she muttered.

“If I had to guess? Probably like three in the morning or something.”

There was another groan and Gabi rolled slowly over to look out her window. “Why am I even awake?”

I pulled her closer to me and the scent of her hair sent another kind of feeling right down my body. Damn, she had one hell of an effect on me, and no matter how I tried to hide it, I wasn’t very good.

My cock was already starting to harden behind her, tucked between my legs but pushing more and more against her fine round ass.

“Waking up, are we?” she mused, reaching behind herself to softly stroke me. I moaned, still too tired to do anything else except let her touch me. Gabi rolled over and graciously took my waiting dick into her warm mouth and hands. She had me spewing my load into her mouth within minutes.

“You have some kind of special skill set,” I said breathlessly, coming down from the intense yet laid-back orgasm she’d given me.

With a cute shrug, Gabi rolled back to face me. “So I’ve heard. I figured we can take advantage of the fact that we’re both awake in this bed. Plus, I actually have to get up pretty early tomorrow. Duty calls down at City Hall.”

I must’ve been frowning because Gabi noticed straight away, the grin on her face fading away. “Is everything okay?”

I nodded, although I wasn’t really sure if I was being truthful or not. “I mean, I guess so. Listen, I think there’s something you should probably know.”

She slowly pulled away, giving me a funny look. “Those are never the kind of words a girl wants to hear when she’s lying in bed with someone.”

I shook my head, trying to calm her. “It’s not anything… bad. I mean I don’t know, I guess it just depends on how you feel about it. But I was talking with my mom and… She actually told me that she and your dad have been dating. For a few months, no less. She never mentioned anything about it to me because she figured I would freak out, but yeah. So there’s that,” I finished quietly, trying to gauge her reaction.

She didn’t seem half as surprised as I was. “Well, I have seen them around a lot lately together. At least in the office. They seem to be quite close, so it’s not really much of a stretch, I guess. Does that… bother you?”

“I don’t know. I guess it’s not really any of my business, is it? I’m just always going to be a little biased about the matter, I mean she is my mom. I just wanted to make sure she wasn’t being, you know…” I let my voice trail off.

“…Taken advantage of?” she finished for me. “I wouldn’t worry about that. My dad doesn’t let anyone in, unless they genuinely mean a lot to him. So she must.”

I nodded, thinking about what my mom had said about him. “She did say they were pretty serious now. I don’t know, you don’t find this whole thing a little weird? I mean the two of them dating and us… Whatever this is?”

Gabi slowly sat up, pulling her knees to her chest. “I don’t think my dad would care if he knew that his own girlfriend’s son was dating me. He’s not really worried about that kind of stuff, I don’t think.”

Something fluttered in my stomach. Did she just say…?

“Dating, huh?” I asked, not even trying to hold back the grin.

Gabi bit her

lip, but I could see the corner of it turning upward. “Yeah, so? I mean… At least that’s what I was thinking. Unless I’m wrong?” She pulled her arms around her knees even tighter, and I got the feeling that she was hinging on whatever I was about to say next.

“I like the sound of it. And I’m glad you don’t think your dad would have a problem with us. That might definitely make things more awkward whenever my mom brings him around.”

Gabi was quiet for a minute, playing with the sheets on the bed before looking back up at me. “Well, there’s the thing. I don’t think he would have a problem with us dating except…”

I raised a brow at her. “Except, what?”

“He may not like the fact that I’m dating a stripper. My dad is pretty big on maintaining this… I don’t know, squeaky clean public image? I haven’t done so hot with that, especially after throwing a lamp at my ex-fiancé in front of a few different reporters when I was kicking him out of my place. This just seems like something they would eat up, you know I mean?”

And just like that, the way she had kept us equal, maintaining that there was no difference between the two of us, had shifted. Maybe Gabi didn’t think so, but I felt it. “Do you think… I mean does that change anything? For you?”

Gabi shook her head. “I’ve never been about playing by the rules, in case you didn’t already know that.”

The relief that flooded through me was instant and I turned over to pin her down underneath me, staring at her, wanting her to know how much it meant to me that she wouldn’t want to just ditch me for some dumb reason. “Well, as long as we’re not playing by the rules…”

I trailed my mouth down her chest, taking ample amounts of time to linger over every inch of her delicious skin, until I had reached the promised land between her thick thighs, hoping that I could show her just how much this thing between us was working for me.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic