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He’s way out of my league.

My buzzer sounds and I go to let him in. For a silly second I think oh jeez, what if it’s Dane, before I remember he’s in jail and not messing up my life anymore.

I can hear Mattew bounding up the stairs and the sound of that makes my pussy tingle. Running to see me?

He bursts through the door and scoops me into his arms before I can even say hey. Our lips find each other and I sink into the most incredible kiss of my life—his lips are rough and he’s kissing with so much passion they’re scraping my lips and the sensation is fucking hot. He’s holding me tight with those epic guns of his, and I feel so safe, like nothing could ever hurt me when I’m with him. And not just feeling safe, lol—I’m so heated up by finally pressing myself against his body, feeling his firm belly against mine, my arms twined around his neck…and jesus I can feel he’s got wood, oh man does he got wood, and it’s pushing against me, thick and hard.

My pussy is practically screaming at me to get this man’s clothes off and put that cock where it belongs.

But wait.

I stop kissing and pull back. “Hold on,” I say.

My pussy is not happy with me.

“Something I need to talk to you about.”

Matthew’s face is adorably flushed. He swallows and nods, but his hands are on my hips and he pulls me closer, up against his boner.

God, it feels amazing.

“I broke up with Dane,” I tell him. He grins at me but says nothing. “But I need to know, I really need to know: did you get him arrested?”

Matthew lets go of my hips. “Huh? What are you talking about?”

“He’s in jail, Matthew.”

“I know. You think I put him there? Why would I do something like that?”

“It’s not like you approved of him. What better way to get him out of my life?”

Matthew laughs, sort of bitterly. “Are you kidding me, Nic? First of all, most of the guys in jail have wives or girlfriends on the outside. So as a strategy to break you guys up, that doesn’t seem like a very smart way to go about it.”

I look down, feeling a little hesitant. I’d been so sure it was Matthew’s fault, and I didn’t know what to do with that old certainty, you know? “I thought the reason you showed up last night—and I’m grateful for what you did, of course, really grateful—but I thought you were coming over to gloat. And by the way, thanks for the flowers,” I add, mixed-up as ever.

Matthew sighs. “Sit down, Nicolette.”

Something in his tone makes me want to obey, for once in my life.

“You have really got the wrong idea about me if you think I would ever want to hurt you. I was around last night because I…because I sometimes come over when my shift is done and try to keep an eye on things. You know I wish you’d move into a safer neighborhood. I can’t stand the idea of something happening to you like it almost did last night.

“You mean you…were protecting me? That’s why you were around?”

“Yes, Nicolette!” Matthew takes a deep breath. “Look, I want to tell you the things I’ve wanted to tell you for years but somehow never found the right moment,” he says, sitting down beside me. I wish we were kissing again. I’m feeling scared at what he might say.

“I loved you the minute I laid eyes on you, back when we were just teenagers,” he says, beaming those blue eyes at me.


“The way you’d tease my dad, just for laughs. The way you took care of everybody by making our favorite foods when we were in bad moods. The way you…the way you’d hang around in the hall when I was taking a shower,” he says, grinning, and reaching for me.

My face is burning. He knew?

“I wanted to tell you how I felt about you, but…but you were always the cool one, the risk-taker, while I was worried about doing what everyone else expected of me. I thought you’d laugh in my face.”

“I can’t even—”

A look of sadness crosses his face. “Oh,” he says, and I swear his eyes go sorta dull, like a light went out.

“No, I mean…I can’t believe you’re saying this stuff, Matthew. I thought…I thought you thought I was a headcase, just a fat chick who embarrassed the family and never even finished high school.”

Matthew shakes his head. “Nic,” he says, and then he takes me by the hips and lifts me up, pulling me onto his lap. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met,” he says, “and I want you so bad I can’t stand it anymore.”

I lean my face into his and we’re kissing again, this time with even more passion and urgency, and his hands are running all over my body and I swear sparks are flying out wherever they go. He smells so manly and I breathe him in, I taste him, and I can’t help it, I start rocking my hips back and forth in his lap, pushing my nub against his rock-hard cock. Our tongues are everywhere at once and he’s sucking on my lower lip and then nibbling on my earlobe which makes me so freaking wet.

“Ohh Matthew,” I moan, as he starts unbuttoning my shirt.

“Oh God,” he says, “do you know how long I’ve been dreaming of your tits?” He pulls my shirt off my shoulders and gazes at my breasts, his eyes wide, and then in a flash he reaches around and undoes my bra and the girls come tumbling out. “Ohh Nic,” he says, over and over, his hands cupping my breasts and then his face down between them, and then he’s kissing them, licking them, and he’s pushing his hips up against me, his boner is right on my clit and I think I’m going to come in about three more seconds of this, it feels so fucking good.

“I want to suck your nipples,” he says, his voice cracking, and his lips find one nipple and he flicks it and then pounces on it, sucking hard, while pinching the other with his fingers.

Oh. my. god.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Erotic