Page 4 of Beast Brothers 2

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Exactly What He Wants


I wish Megan were here to see this. As Lucas leads me to the dance floor, I glance over my shoulder. Alex gives me a wink, but there’s a gleam in his eye that says he’s plotting his next move.

In all the stories Megan’s told about the Beast Brothers’ courtship of her, and all the scenes I witnessed personally, Brock and Cody never competed for her. They worked together as a team to win her — conquer her, even. Very successfully, I might add.

My fantasies about finding the same thing have apparently blinded me to the fact that most men, even twins, don’t share that way. Alex and Lucas are acting like one of them has to win and the other has to lose, and I’m just the spoils of war.

But maybe before the night is over, I can run a stealth initiative of my own and convince them there don’t have to be any losers. These men are too gorgeous to give up on.

My few sips of whiskey have loosened me up just enough to let it all hang out. I shimmy up to Lucas, letting the music take me. He moves well, and my mind keeps wandering to how good his moves might be in a more horizontal setting.

Maybe it’s the whiskey, or the pounding beat, or the heat in his silver-blue eyes. Or maybe it’s just me. But when the song ends and another one begins, I boogie over to where Alex is still watching us. “Come on!” I say happily. “Let’s all dance together!”

He doesn’t waste any time in accepting, and as he follows me to the dance floor I see Lucas with a face like thunder. Pretending not to notice, I go right back to dancing with him, turning every few steps to face Alex.

The music casts its spell over us. Speech disappears, and everything is physical, our bodies the only language. Lucas touches me first, his hands coming to my hips while my back is to him, his hard body rubbing against me. Alex gets into the act a few seconds later, lacing his fingers through mine.

And so we move, the three of us, me pinned between them, right where I want to be. When the song ends, there’s a long moment where none of us break position. Lucas’s fingers tighten on my hips; Alex’s eyes are locked on mine.

Then a drunken couple bump into us on their way past, and the spell is broken. The twins herd me back to our booth. Their intensity has ramped up during the dancing, and I can practically smell the testosterone in the air.

The men are so intent on me that it’s as if each of them is trying to pretend the other isn’t there. For my fantasy to have a chance of coming true, I need them on the same page. “So, how long have you been working together?” I ask.

Their eyes flick, almost reluctantly, to each other, then back to me. “Not quite a year,” Lucas answers.

“And before that?” The more I can get them talking about each other, the harder it should be for them to maintain their animosity. Unless they actually hate each other, and I don’t get that vibe at all.

“Military,” Alex says succinctly.

I turn my head to him. “You don’t like to talk about it?”

“I’ve got other things I’d rather talk about.” He smiles. “Like you. Have you lived here all your life?”

“Born and bred. You?”

“We were born in Texas,” Lucas says. “But our dad was military, so we moved all over growing up.”

I shake my head. “I can’t imagine. It must be so difficult, having to start over and make new friends all the time. I’ve known my best friends since junior high.”

“We had each other,” Alex says. Something about his tone seems almost wistful. I glance between the men and think I see the same emotion in their eyes for just a moment.

“You must have been very close,” I say, choosing my words carefully. “Not just being twins, but sharing so many experiences.” I put the barest emphasis on the crucial word. “I can imagine it would create an indelible bond between you.”

There’s a long silence, one that grows heavier with every passing second. And then Alex says, very softly, “Shared experiences are definitely … good for bonding.” When I look at him, he’s no longer watching me; his eyes are on his brother.

It only lasts a moment, and then his gaze comes back to me and it feels like his pupils are bigger than they were. Behind me, Lucas says, “Do you have any siblings?”

“Half siblings,” I say, turning to him. “From my father’s second marriage. But I didn’t grow up with them.”

Those extraordinary eyes capture mine and I can’t look away. “So you haven’t had many … shared experiences.”

My heart speeds up. I think my men may be catching on. “No,” I say. “It’s a shame, really. It takes the right sort of person to share … certain things.” I reach out to each of them and rest my hands on their forearms.

“But you believe in that,” Alex says, leaning closer, his mouth next to my ear. “Those sorts of bonding experiences.”

“With the right people,” I repeat, and watch Lucas look over my shoulder at his brother. They’re definitely having a wordless conversation. Megan tells me that Brock and Cody do that all the time.

Lucas shifts closer to me at the same time that Alex presses in from the other side. They both turn me slightly, as if they’d planned it, so that my back instead of my side is more toward Alex. He’s practically leaning on me now, while Lucas is almost close enough to kiss me.

And then he says, “Do you mind?” and I realize that’s exactly what he wants to do.

“No,” I answer, and his mouth lowers to mine.




The moment the kiss begins, my doubts vanish. Part of me wondered if maybe I was making a mistake, but nothing has ever felt so right as Lucas’s mouth on mine. He’s gentle at first, but when I give myself over he deepens the kiss, teasing my lips apart until his tongue plunges inside.

At the same time, Alex’s hands skim up my sides and around to my front. When he cups my breasts in his hands, I moan into his brother’s mouth. My head’s tilted to one side, and he grazes his lips along the exposed side of my neck while his thumbs brush my nipples, teasing them to hard peaks.

Lucas gets in on the breast action too, sliding one hand up to heft me on his palm. Alex adjusts so he’s tormenting my nipples with his thumbs and forefingers, pressing and twisting and pressing again. We’ve barely gotten started and my panties are soaked.

When Lucas breaks off the kiss, we’re all breathing hard. He stares at me for several long moments, his chest rising and falling, before he says, “You. And us.”

“Yes,” I say, and I swear I can sense them getting hard even though those parts of them aren’t touching me at the moment.

“Now?” Alex inquires, his breath hot on my neck.

“Yes. Tonight.”

That ends the conversation. The men get us out of the booth and escort me to their car, not exactly in a rush, but not wasting any time. Lucas opens the front passenger door again, but Alex tugs me into the back s

eat with him instead.

Lucas drives like a madman while Alex makes out with me in the back seat. I think it takes about five minutes to cover the 20-minute drive to their part of town. “Good thing you’re not really cops,” I say when Lucas slams the sports car into a parking slot. “You’d have to give yourself a ticket.”

It comes out breathless because Alex, like his brother, is a very good kisser. We scramble out of the car and I realize I know this complex; it’s the same high-rise the Beast Brothers used to live in before they and Megan all moved to their ranch outside of town. I take it as a sign that this night was meant to be.

Lucas doesn’t want to wait until we’re inside to get his hands on me again. He backs me up toward the door, kissing me as we go. Alex backs up with me, guiding me with his hands on my hips. Another dance, but with their positions reversed.

As soon as we’re in the elevator, Alex goes for it. His brother has his mouth on mine and his hands on my breasts, so Alex slides his hand under my skirt and inside my panties while we rise. I whimper and jerk against him when he pushes a finger inside my tight, wet heat.

“Delicious,” he says against my ear. “I can’t wait to eat you.” I clamp around him as the elevator doors open, but he doesn’t release me. “Get her legs,” he says to Lucas, and wraps an arm around me to anchor my upper body against his.

The two of them carry me as if I weigh nothing, which is really far from the truth. But I can barely think about that because Alex still has his hand inside me, and I’m getting a kinky thrill from the chance that someone might see us like this.

Lucas lets my legs down long enough to get the door open, and Alex takes advantage of the pause to work another finger inside me, pumping them in and out. My head goes back against his shoulder and I bite my lip to keep from moaning. Then his brother lifts me again, and they carry me inside.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic