Page 32 of Beast Brothers 2

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Watching her now, all I can think about is how beautiful she’d be carrying our babies. Across the room, Lucas meets my eyes, and I know he’s thinking it too. Our girl would make a great mom.

She’s already great with the dog we got her. After what happened at the drug house, Zoe wanted to see about adopting the dog she found. But the rescue told us he was in a foster home, and needed more time to adjust before he’d be ready for a forever home.

So we found Zelda, a golden retriever/collie mix who was surrendered by an elderly owner for being too excitable. That is not a problem for Zoe, who thrives on her pup’s energy, and vice versa. Lucas and I help out with stopping by when Zoe’s at work, taking Zelda for a quick walk and spending some time with her. She loves us too, but she adores her mom.

Brock and Cody and Megan are happy to see us, but it’s the middle of the night, so after a few minutes, we go so they can get some rest. On the way out, we meet Tara, who’s rushing in with the Abbott brothers on her heels. She and Zoe make big eyes at each other as they pass.

“What’s up with them, anyway?” I say after we’re out of earshot.

“Oh, that’s a story for another day.”

I’m intrigued, but I don’t push it. I have other things on my mind. When we’re back home and ready for bed, I look at a certain drawer in Zoe’s dresser — one of the drawers she’s given over to my brother and me for our stuff — and raise my eyebrows.

Luke raises his in return. You want to do it now?

I tilt my head toward Zoe, who’s on the bed, playing with the dog, still glowing from our visit to the hospital. Why not? Look at her.

He looks, and he smiles, and then my brother digs the gift out of its hiding place, and we sit on either side of her on the bed. “Zoe, love,” Lucas says. “We have something for you.”


“What is it?” I ask brightly. I’m not sure anything could compare with holding Megan’s babies, but my guys have gotten really good at spoiling me.

They give me little things all the time, just because. You would think that would make the gifts less meaningful, but it doesn’t; every time, I’m surprised and overjoyed that they’ve gone to the trouble to get me something nice.

Every now and then, it’s a big thing. For Christmas, they got me a super-luxurious spa retreat with champagne and ma

ssages and facials. It was the most amazing gift. And they also got me a bunch of spa supplies, so I could pamper myself at home, too.

When they brought Zelda home, I was so happy I cried. I never knew how much I wanted a dog until I had her. She makes every day beautiful. Right now she’s on her back in front of me, asking for tummy rubs, so of course I oblige, looking back and forth between my guys.

“What?” I ask when they don’t say anything, just give me these mysterious smiles. “Let me guess. You got me flying trapeze lessons so I can join the circus.”

They laugh. “Sorry,” Alex says, shaking his head with a grin. “Try again.”

“Um … a motorcycle so I can join the Brimstone Friars?”

“Definitely not,” Lucas says with a twinkle in his eye. “Last chance.”

“Oh heck. Uh, my first tattoo.”

They look at each other. “You want a tattoo?” Alex says.

“Maybe. Someday. But never mind that — tell me tell me tell me.” I stretch out my arms to them, wiggling my fingers in a mock “gimme” gesture. They know it doesn’t really matter; if they never gave me another gift in their lives, I’d still be happy. But they love giving me things, and since it makes them happy it makes me happy, so I play along.

I’m looking toward Alex, laughing, when something comes to rest on the upturned palm of my other hand. I turn that way and go still when I see the little velvet box sitting there. “Open it,” Lucas says when I don’t move.

They didn’t really … they wouldn’t. Would they? Since we can’t even … with trembling fingers, I lift the lid and gasp at the exquisite ring there. It’s set with moonstones surrounded by diamonds.

“We love you, Zoe,” Alex says. “We want to make a life and a home and a family with you.”

“Marry us,” Lucas adds, and I burst into tears. They only last a few seconds because I am so not a cryer, but I’m overwhelmed.

Zelda sits up, whining softly, and licks my face, and I start laughing instead. I hold the box out, and both of them pull the ring free and slide it onto my finger. “We can have a private ceremony,” Lucas says. “Even if it’s not legally binding, it’ll matter to us.”

I nod, fighting back tears again. “You guys need rings too.”

“We thought you could help us pick ours out,” Alex says.

“That sounds good.” I stare at my finger, scarcely able to believe the beautiful ring is really there. That my guys not only want forever with me, they want the symbols. The outward signs of their commitment to me.

“We were going to wait for Valentine’s Day,” Lucas says. “But tonight just seemed … right.”

I nod. “Totally right.” Then it hits me, the implication of what they’re saying. “Do you want … I mean, tonight …”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic