Page 22 of Beast Brothers 2

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“Hi,” I say softly.


He looks like he wants to kiss me, and then his head lowers and he does, endlessly, patiently. His erection presses against my hip, but when I reach for him he laces his fingers with mine, gently but firmly, so I can’t touch him, and keeps kissing me.

When he finally lifts his head, my lips are swollen, my panties drenched. “Morning,” he says, his mouth an inch from mine, and my heart wrenches in my chest. Oh god, totally in danger of falling.

I curve my lips into a smile. “Morning.” His expression says he doesn’t want to stop, and I really don’t want him to. But he lets me go … after he kisses the tip of my nose.

Oh god! Red alert! Heart in danger! Rolling out of bed, I grab my robe and hurry off to shower. After I’m dressed, I go out to the kitchen to see Lucas there, making breakfast.

Except for weekends, we stick to coffee and whatever ready-made food we can scrounge up in the mornings, like cereal and toast and cottage cheese. Still, here he is, making pancakes like it’s an everyday thing, looking absolutely at home in my kitchen. I have the sudden urge to jump him and kiss him and have his babies.

Wait, what? Where the hell did that come from? Sure, I’ve got the “someday” idea in my mind about kids, like a lot of women, but I’ve never had that thought about a specific man before.

Maybe it’s being around Megan. Pregnant women must give off a ton of hormones; hers are probably driving mine haywire. Yes, that’s it.

Satisfied with my rationalizations, I stop a safe distance away, in case my hormones overcome me, and smile. “Those look yummy.” Just then there’s a tap at the door, and I go to answer it, using the new security system. There’s a screen that shows me who’s outside, and the whole area around my door. It’s Alex and no one else, so I input the code for “recognized friendly” and the door unlocks with a beep.

There are also cameras covering the common areas inside my apartment, just in case anyone manages to get through the outer defenses. I try to pretend those don’t exist. Alex assures me that whoever’s watching the monitors will turn off the cameras if needed — if, for instance, I were to jump one of my bodyguards. Still, I’d rather they weren’t here.

Having Alex with us is another departure from our norm. Not only do we not make breakfast, we don’t eat it together, the three of us. It makes me wonder if something is up, but the brothers act like it’s routine and we do this all the time.

Having them both at my table sends me right back to my early-morning musings. What if this were every morning? My heart trips and stutters. I could all too easily trap myself in a fantasy of us being like Megan and the Beasts.

Alex brought a newspaper with him, and we talk about current events as we eat. They even help me clean up the kitchen. It’s all so effortless, and I have to put armor around my heart before I make a total fool of myself.

When we’re leaving, Lucas says to me, “We’ll be working on some things today, so you won’t see us around the store, but some of the team will be there as usual. One of them may bring you home, too.”

“Okay.” I look from him to Alex, but they’re not giving me any hints, as usual. I’ll just have to wait and see what’s up.




True to Lucas’s prediction, Jeff takes me home. I hope whatever the twins are up to isn’t too dangerous. Jeff turns down my offer to make his dinner and says he’ll be outside, and to message his cell if I need anything.

Even though I know the brothers are professionals who can take care of themselves, I can’t help worrying. It kills my appetite. Instead of cooking dinner, I make instant oatmeal and garnish it with fruit and nuts and a little bit of dark chocolate. Like having dessert, only not really bad for you.

I’m curled up in front of the tv watching a Buffy rerun when the doorbell rings. It’s Alex — and Lucas. My heartbeat kicks up a notch as I hit the code to let them in.

“Did something happen?” I ask as soon as the door’s open. They’re still standing on the other side of the security screen door, which I haven’t unlocked yet.

Lucas smiles. “Good evening to you too. May we come in?” It’s so rare to see him in a lighthearted mood that I blink before I remember my manners.

“Right. Sorry, come in.” I unlock the screen door and Alex locks it again before he shuts the door and locks that too. My heart sinks. Still high-security protocols.

“So,” I say. “Have you eaten? I only made oatmeal, but I could fix you something.”

“Actually,” Alex says, “we wanted to take you out.”

“Out?” I look between them, my heart beating fast again. “Out out? What’s going on?”

“It’s over,” Lucas says.

I lean against the kitchen island behind me so I don’t fall down. “Really? It’s done?”

“The people involved in the threat have been identified and apprehended.” Alex takes in my faded old pajama bottoms and henley top and grins. “You might want to change.”

“Give me five minutes,” I say, and rush into my bedroom.

They take me downtown to Donohue’s. I try to pump them for details, but they still won’t talk. Lucas says I don’t “need to know” everything that went on.

“Why not?” I challenge him.

“Because it wouldn’t bring you any peace of mind,” he says quietly.

I stare at him. “You mean it would give me nightmares.”

“Maybe not nightmares,” Alex says, “but uneasy thoughts at best.”

“Well, pooh.”

“Zoe …” Lucas searches for words. “It’s a particular type of mindset, what we do. One you don’t share. There’s nothing wrong with that. If we were doctors, would you want to know every gory detail of our surgeries?”

I make a face at him. “You have gory details?”

“The point is —”

“I get your point. All right, leave me in my bubble of blissful ignorance.” I pick up my bread and tear off a bite. “Congratulations on closing the case. I have to admit, though, I’m going to miss having you around.”

The brothers exchange a glance before Alex leans in and says in a low voice, “We weren’t planning on giving you the chance to miss us.”

I swallow my bread fast. “What are you saying?”

“We’re good together, Zoe.” Lucas covers my hand with his. “The three of us. We want to keep seeing you.”

When I don’t answer, Alex says, “This can’t be a surprise.” There’s a look in his eye that wants to know what the hell happened between us the other night, anyway. I can’t help wondering if he and Lucas have compared notes.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic