Page 24 of Beast Brothers

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“We’ll talk to him, explain that the wreck was our fault and the new car is our apology. It’ll be fine.”

His tone is soothing, which infuriates me more. The only move I have left is to up the stubbornness level. “I’m not driving that car, Brock.”

“Suit yourself. Bye.” And then he’s gone. The curt response leaves my heart feeling bruised … and makes me wonder if I’ve hurt his feelings. But really, what am I supposed to do? They can’t just go around giving me cars.

With a sigh, I turn to the man from the dealership, who’s standing there watching me, and hold out my hand. “I’m not driving it,” I say as I accept the keys and paperwork.

His expression says that I clearly have a few screws loose. “Whatever you do with it is up to you,” he says, a politer version of Brock’s response. “Have a nice day.”

When he’s gone, I go inside and leave the keys and everything on the kitchen counter. Then I change my mind and shove it all away in a drawer. The last thing I need is the temptation to climb into that sweet, sweet ride and take it for a spin.

Neither of the brothers messages me for the rest of the day, until that night when they suggest we get together. I tell them I’m too tired from job hunting, and the following night, when they invite me again, I say I’m going to be with my friends. Thursday night, out of excuses, I don’t answer at all.

By Friday, they’ve had it. For once, I’m glad to still be at my dad’s place, because if I had my own apartment I know they’d be at my door, demanding I talk to them. They can’t do that here without Dad catching on. But they make their feelings known all the same.

We need to talk, Cody texts me. I know you’re avoiding us, and I know you lied to us on Sunday. What’s wrong?

I ignore the sharp jab in my stomach. Nothing, I tell him. I just have a lot on my mind.

Brock is blunter: Did we hurt you?

That feels even worse. I can’t bear for them to believe that. No, I answer. That was the most amazing experience of my life.

Then what the fuck is going on? His frustration is almost a physical thing in the room with me, his words searing themselves on my heart.

I just have a lot to think about. It’s a lame excuse and I know it, but it’s as close to the truth as I can come.

He doesn’t answer, but I know that’s not the end of it, and I’m right. On Saturday, I get another text from Brock: Tomorrow, after the game, we’re talking. No excuses, no hiding. If you try to get out of it, we’ll find you.

Behaving Like a Stepsister Should


From anyone else, those words would frighten me and then send me into a rage. They give me a shiver, all right, but not of fear. Because the hell of it is, he has the right to demand that of me. I know it. I thought the twins didn’t understand what happened that night in all its fulness, but maybe they were more aware of my emotional state than I realized.

On Sunday, I’m filled with a mix of trepidation and reluctant excitement at seeing Brock and Cody again. But this particular Sunday brings with it an added discomfort: Jason.

The Leopards are taking on the Mammoths today, and though I hope to, at most, only see Jason from across a crowded stadium, just knowing he’s in town has my nerves on edge.

I ride in with Dad again. To my surprise, he didn’t lose it over the sudden appearance of a new car in his driveway. Whatever the twins told him, they must have finessed it really well. He can’t help but notice that I’m not actually driving the Mustang, but he’s preoccupied with the team’s upcoming schedule, so he doesn’t push it. I’m sure he’d prefer that I not accept anything from the Beast Brothers anyway.

If he only knew.

I take my seat in the stands early, and wait for Tara and Zoe to join me. They’re not huge football fans, and they probably won’t come to every home game, but I told them I needed their moral support and they promised to be here.

As the stands are just starting to fill, I feel someone sit down beside me. Expecting to see one of my besties, I’m surprised to look up and find Vivian.

“Hi, Megan. Mind if I join you?” Her voice is sweet, and I bristle inwardly, but of course I tell her she’s welcome, because what else can I say?

“How are you settling in, dear?” she asks as she gets situated in her seat.

“I’m not, really,” I say. “I’m still waiting for the insurance payment on my car, and I’ve been job hunting without much luck.” I’ve also had life-changing sex with your sons and have since been avoiding them, I think as I inwardly cringe.

“I’m so glad you’ve moved back home,” she says.

I stiffen, and any reply I might have gets stuck in my throat. Maybe she means she’s glad I moved back to town, but it sounds like she’s talking about the house I grew up in as if it’s her home too, and it’s not. But it soon will be, I remind myself. It’ll be hers more than mine.

“I’m really looking forward to all of us being a family,” Vivian continues. “You and Brock and Cody seem to get along so well.”

Oh god, if you only knew how well we get along.

Though I’m not ashamed of what the three of us did, and I have zero regrets, I can’t help feeling uncomfortable talking to the twins’ mother after being so intimate with them. All the more reason why I can’t have that particular kind of fun again with my stepbrothers-to-be.

Vivian keeps on talking and I’m grateful she’s not expecting much in the way of a response. “Your dad is so happy you’re back,” she says.

Before I can stop myself, I snort. “You could have fooled me. You heard what he said about me leaving Jason.”

She smiles at me sympathetically and briefly touches my knee. “He just worries about you. That’s what dads do. He loves you so much.”

A rush of heat fills my chest. I know that’s true. I know he does. I don’t know why things seem so difficult right now.

“You’ll understand someday. It’s not always easy being a parent. I had a lot of struggles with my sons.” Vivian laughs softly to herself. “I always wanted a daughter.” She looks at me and smiles. “I hope that you and I can be close, and have girl time together.”

I can’t help but look away. I pretend to find something extremely fascinating out on the field while she continues. I didn’t think Vivian was such a talker. She seems to have stored all this up and she can’t stop.

“I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past, and I feel so lucky that I found your dad. He’s been so wonderful to me, not like any other man I’ve known.”

I risk a quick glance at Vivian and see that she looks sincere.

When I give her a brief nod, she takes encouragement and continues. “I know he’ll always love your mom, and that’s how it should be. I don’t want to replace your mom. I just want to make him happy. I hope you and I can be friends too.”

Tears sting my eyes, and it’s not just the pain of missing my mom. I’m also struck by the emotion in Vivian’s words.

As I search for the right response and try not to cry, I see familiar faces coming up the aisle. I wave to them, grateful for the interruption. “Tara! Zoe! Over here!”

As they approach, Vivian begins to stand. “I’ll leave you with your friends. Maybe I’ll see you at dinner tonight?”

On impulse, I reach for her arm. “Don’t go. Sit with us. My friends really like you.” It’s a small gesture; I’m not prepared to respond to everything she’s just said to me. But the way her face brightens at my invitation, you’d think I was the one who asked her to marry me.

The Leopards trounce the Mammoths. We were favored to win, but the final score is a complete embarrassment for Omaha.

For most of the game, I forget that Jason is even out there. He doesn’t get any play until the fourth quarter, and just like anytime I’m in their presence, the Beast Brothers draw all my attention.

I even decide it’s okay for me to cheer hard for them today. Vivian will just think I’m being supportive of her sons, and she cheer

s even louder than me anyway.

It’s late in the fourth quarter when it happens. Cody’s covering Jason, and intercepts a pass meant for him. He runs it back a few yards before the Mammoths tackle him, and as he gets up Jason’s in his face, shoving him in the chest.

Vivian and I rise simultaneously to better see what’s happening, but by then the referees have surrounded them. Jason is ejected from the game, and the Mammoths are penalized 15 yards for a personal foul. Cody appears to be unhurt, but the whole thing leaves a sour feeling in the pit of my stomach.

When the men have separated and Cody walks away, Vivian leans in and yells above the roar of the crowd. “You may not realize it yet, but I think you dodged a bullet with Jason.”

My jaw is still tight with tension but I somehow feel lighter when I yell back at her, “I think you’re right.”

Dad and Vivian make dinner plans at Donohue’s, the fanciest steakhouse in town, for all of us after the game. It crosses my mind to come up with an excuse not to go, but it’s game day, we just won, and I can’t think of any plausible reason to miss the celebration. It also seems that sharing a meal with them after home games will become a tradition, so I may as well start getting used to seeing Brock and Cody and behaving like a stepsister should.

Tara and Zoe give me a ride to Dad’s so I can change into something nicer than the jeans and jersey I wore to the game. “Ohmygod!” Zoe yells as soon as she spots the Mustang. “I thought you couldn’t afford a new car!”

“I can’t,” I grumble. “The twins bought that.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic