Page 22 of Beast Brothers

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And that’s when it happens.

The kiss changes everything, transforming our encounter from the most incredible sex ever to something far more intimate. My heart, caught off guard, cracks wide open. I kiss him back, drinking in everything he is, while everything I am pours back into him. It’s so beautiful that I feel tears at the back of my eyes.

He lifts his head, looking down at me. “Brock,” I whisper, unable to pull my emotions back in time and wall them off where they’ll be safe. His expression shifts, something I can’t read flickering in his eyes, and he kisses me again.

This time it’s hot, fierce, hungry, and his thrusts get stronger to match it. Cody’s movements intensify too, and when Brock breaks off again his brother is right there, turning my head back to face him, claiming my mouth. His kiss is urgent, demanding, telling me without words that I’m his too — completely.

And that’s how we go on, the brothers kissing me in turn as they stroke in and out of me, their hands and cocks keeping me in permanent ecstasy while their mouths seduce me, melting my final defenses and stealing my heart.

I’ve got what I wanted — more pleasure than I knew was possible. I just didn’t know I’d lose so much in the process.

Over the Edge


The truth is, Brock and I are used to sharing … but not like this. Most women look at just one of our cocks and are worried about the size. No one’s ever taken us both at once before.

That Megan would do that for us — with us … I don’t have words for what it means. Yeah, it feels incredible, and I want to fuck her just like this, every day. But my brother and I both know she’s not like some of the women we meet, who are just out to fuck football players. Not that there’s anything wrong with that; we’re not hypocrites. It’s just that her wanting us both this way is something really special.

She’s so beautiful; I don’t think she has any idea how much. Watching her take us — watching her come, over and over — she’s even more glorious. The look in her eyes … I wish we could stay inside her forever.

Her eyes are closed now while Brock kisses her, but I see her eyelids flutter with another climax. Brock and I are taking turns with her tits and her clit, keeping her revved up and happy; still, she’s come so many times it’s amazing. Fucking spectacular.

We’re getting close, Brock and I, and suddenly I wish I weren’t gloved. I wish I could pump her full of my seed and plant a baby in her belly. The impulse shocks me; I’ve never felt this way with a woman before.

Brock lifts his head, and it’s my turn to kiss her. I seal my mouth to hers, pumping harder, letting my body tell her what I can’t say out loud. She tightens in response, and I know we’re going to bring her to a big finish with us.

Her frantic whimpers get louder, and I growl into her mouth, Brock and I pounding into her, my fingers on her nipple, his on her clit. She explodes, and I swallow her screams as my brother and I follow her over the edge. I’ve never come so hard, or so long, in my life.

No Words Needed


It takes us all a while to come down. We stay connected on the bed. Cody’s hand rubs softly back and forth over Megan’s hip; I’ve got one arm around her waist and the other crooked up around our heads, my fingers toying with her hair.

My eyes meet Cody’s, and I know what he’s thinking. We had our own language when we were little, like a lot of twins do; we’ve always been in tune with each other on a deep level.

He’s thinking that was fucking amazing, and he’s right. He’s also thinking that once is not nearly enough, and that’s true as well. Hell, right now, it feels like a million times won’t be enough.

Still, my feelings are more conflicted than his.

Cody’s never been in my shadow. He’s got his own strengths, his own way of leading. But I’ve always been the one who pushes hardest, who acts first and thinks later.

Sometimes that got us into trouble growing up. With Megan, it couldn’t have turned out better. We’re both still inside her, and I know we’d stay this way forever if we could. We’ve never had a more perfect experience with a woman. Not even close.

Cody’s reveling in that, and so am I. But there’s a part of me — just a part — that wants to kick him out of the bedroom and keep Megan for myself.

I love my brother. And until this moment, I would have sworn that nothing could ever affect that. I never imagined that I could feel so fiercely possessive of a woman.

We’ve gotten lots of action since we hit our teens. We respect women, we treat them well, but it’s also easy to take them for granted.

This is different.

Something happened between Megan and me while I was looking into her eyes. It sounds sappy as hell, the kind of shit I’d roll my eyes at ... until it happened to me. We connected in some kind of deep fucking way, and part of me doesn’t want anything, or anyone, interfering with that.

Not even Cody.

But even as I think it, I know it’s not that simple. I try to imagine if it had been just Megan and me in this bed. How would it have gone? It would have been good, probably great, maybe even amazing … but not at all on the level of what just happened.

We brought her there together, Cody and I. She was looking into my eyes while both of us were fucking her, and what happened between us can’t be set apart from my bond with my brother.

She belongs to me — but she belongs to him, too. Which means both of us are keeping her, because I know in my bones that the seismic shock that just hit me rattled Cody just as hard.

Sharing a woman who means something — hell, who might mean everything — we’ve never had to negotiate that. Sometimes we score solo and sometimes we do it together, but we’ve always been in it for the fun. No commitments, no harm, no foul.

But if Cody’s feeling anything like what I’m feeling — and knowing my brother the way I do, I’d bet serious money on it — we’ll both want time alone with her now and then.

Which is fine. We’ll work it out, because that’s what we do. And the world is just going to have to deal with us, because neither one of us is letting her go.

I meet his eyes again. He’s been waiting, patiently, for me to work things out. We look at each other, and we smile. No words needed.

Now we just have to explain to Megan what she’s gotten herself into. Because if she thinks this is a fling, she’s very, very wrong. We’ll show her exactly how wrong, until she understands she belongs with us.

I’ll Call You


The twins are still inside me, still partially hard. They’re touching me, softly, gently. It feels good. I feel safe, and warm, and secure with them.

Except for the fact that I’m totally panicking.

My eyes are closed, the better to hide my feelings while I try to think of a way out of this. If they wanted me gone they’d be doing something about it. Right? Uncoupling from me, getting rid of their condoms in the bathroom, telling me, “That was great, babe, let’s do it again sometime.”

They’re not doing any of that. I know in my gut they want more, want me to spend the night, to do everything that a woman can possibly do with two strong, creative sexual powerhouses.

Which is exactly what I wanted when I got here … but it’s no longer even a remote possibility. In fact, it’s a total non-starter.

For me, impossible as it sounds, there’s only one way to describe what we just did: making love. I didn’t just give my body to them; they got my heart and soul in the bargain. And if I give them any more of me, I’ll be lost.

Maybe they felt something too. But even if they did, I know the score. They’re hot young studs out to conquer as many women as possible. They may not be finished with our one-night adventure, but all I am to them is another conquest.

I knew there was a chance I’d fall for them. But I never thought I’d fall so hard, so fast, so completely. If I don’t get away from them, my heart will shatter into so many pieces that I’ll nev

er heal.

I’m not just protecting myself; it’s not fair to them, either. They’ve been nothing but honest with me, and they don’t deserve the guilt of realizing they’ve messed me up. God knows they didn’t mean to.

For all our sakes, I have to escape. I can never let them see, let them know what they’ve done to me. Instead, I’ll lock it all away, in my deepest, most secret vault, and only take it out when I’m alone and no one can see my tears.

Summoning all my willpower, I open my eyes.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic