Page 2 of Beast Brothers

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Their sports car has a crumpled fender but is mostly intact. When I go around to the passenger side of my car, though, I see that it took the brunt of things. “Shit.”

“Yeah, it’s totaled,” Cody says from behind me. He sounds far too cheerful about it, and I suppress a twinge of irritation. Even as a rookie, he’s earning a good salary, so buying a new car is no big deal to him.

But I have no job at the moment, and I’m not asking my father for money. He’s already letting me stay at his place until I can sort things out. Letting him pay for stuff on top of that is way more than I’m comfortable with. Maybe I can find some kind of telecommuting work until I can get another car.

I go back around to the driver’s side, taking out my phone and my insurance card. Brock’s already on his phone. “Cops are on the way to take an accident report,” he says when he hangs up, “and I’ve got tow trucks and a cab coming too.”

“Tow trucks, plural?” I say.

He shrugs. “They both need it.”

“Well, thank you.” But he only called one cab. Does that mean …

“Are you heading to your dad’s house?” he says, as if hearing my unspoken question. At my nod, he continues, “We’ll drop you off. It’s on the way to our place anyway.”

“Thanks,” I say again. “That’s really very kind.”

“No big deal.” He and Cody exchange another swift glance, and this time I sense the undercurrent flowing between them. Whatever they’re thinking, it sends a ripple of awareness down my spine.

The brothers are standing together now, and I can’t help but admire the view. Chiseled jaws, skin in matching shades of sun-tanned bronze, strong noses, sensual mouths. They were impressive when I watched them play on TV, but in person their charisma is overwhelming.

My gaze wanders down to the arms like tree trunks, then the tight, narrow waists. They’re both wearing gym shorts and t-shirts, the fabric straining against their biceps and thighs. I bet their abs are amazing too. They could be world-class models instead of football players.

Two sets of big, dark brown eyes pin me in place, and suddenly I can’t breathe. The moment lengthens until I force myself to look away. My heart is beating way too fast.

Maybe getting in a taxi with the twins is not such a good idea. But the wind is rising, the clouds darker and more threatening. We need to get indoors before the skies open up.

By the time the police and the tow trucks have come and gone, the taxi has arrived, and the air has a bite that makes me shiver. I have my suitcase and purse, but have to cross my fingers that the rest of the stuff in my car will be safe at the repair shop until I can pick it up. Cody puts the suitcase in the cab’s trunk, then opens the back door and slides in. Brock gestures for me to go next.

I don’t want to make a big deal out of riding up front with the driver after the guys have been so nice to me, so I get in and scoot over to make room. The brothers dwarf me, and when Brock slides in, I’m squeezed between them like I’m the filling in a twin sandwich.

The driver pulls into the crush of traffic. Pressed between the brothers, I’m instantly warm. My whole body starts to tingle, and it’s not just from the heat coming off them. I know this because the sensations are strongest right between my legs.

I’ve never reacted to a man like this before, let alone two of them at once. Maybe all my emotions about Jason are being diverted into lust. Which means it’s a really bad idea for me to let this continue.

If they realize how turned on I am, they’ll think I’m a freak or a groupie. I don’t want to give them any ideas, since I’ll doubtless be around them again — I won’t miss a game. In my best nice/polite/helpful voice, I say, “I should sit in front.”

“Nah,” Brock drawls, and the next thing I know he picks me up as if I weigh nothing at all and settles me sideways on his lap, my ass nestled in his crotch. I suck in a breath as electricity jolts through my body.

Consider it a Standing Offer


“Excuse me,” I say, still struggling for politeness. “I can’t sit in your lap.” I try to ignore the sensations spiraling from my core out through my body and back again.

“You are sitting in my lap,” he points out, like it’s no big deal. One of his hands, so big and strong and warm, is curled around my waist, burning through my clothing. The other goes to my head, pressing gently down to tuck me against his neck, then stays tangled in my hair.

He smells like sunshine and clean male sweat. It’s intoxicating. My voice comes out all soft and breathy when I say, “I mean it’s not appropriate. Please let me go.”

“Relax, sugar,” he says in that same lazy tone. “We’re not gonna hurt you.”

The we is not exactly comforting.

There’s a drop of rain on the windshield, and then another, and then the rain comes down so hard I know the driver can’t see more than a few inches ahead of him. At this rate, it’ll take us another hour to reach my dad’s place, even though it’s less than five miles away.

I try to sit very, very still, hyper-aware of my body touching Brock’s, especially where my ass is pressing up against his groin. I do my best, but it’s hard — I can’t help shifting just a little. And then — omg — he’s hard.

My eyes go wide. Peering through the fall of my hair, I see Cody grinning as if he knows exactly what I’m feeling right now.

I haven’t had a lot of experience besides Jason, but I thought my ex was big. Uh-uh. Nope. Compared to Brock, Jason is so small I should have needed a flashlight to find his dick.

The twins’ nickname suddenly takes on new meaning. I thought they were called the Beast Brothers because they’re huge men (which, I can now testify, they absolutely are). That, and because of how they play football. But something — like the very large something currently poking me in the ass — makes me suspect it has more to do with the games they play when they’re off the gridiron.

I try to ignore Brock’s raging hard-on, but my traitorous body has no intention of obeying. My skin gets hot; my nipples go hard again. Before long, my panties are soaked.

Brock’s hand on my waist slides up until his thumb brushes the underside of my breast. I squirm a little — I can’t help it — and as if he were waiting for my signal, his thumb strokes up and over my nipple. I suck in a breath, and he does it again.

Sensation overwhelms me, sweeping away my defenses. I have the sudden insane wish that I weren’t just sitting in Brock’s lap, riding along with him. I want to be riding him. I want that huge, hard cock inside me.

My pussy muscles clench tight, and he feels it, damn him. His grip tightens just a fraction, and then his voice sounds next to my ear, a barit

one rumble. “You want to come to our place instead? We can take you to your dad’s later.”

Molten heat spreads in my core. I have never been so tempted in my life. The time my best friend Tara and I almost snuck into the Leopards’ locker room in junior high doesn’t even come close.

I try to speak. “That’s — that’s —”

“An excellent idea,” Cody finishes.

I’m no prude, but I haven’t exactly collected any merit badges for Adventures in Sexytimes. I’ve always been fine with plain vanilla sex. Part of me wonders if that’s why Jason cheated on me, because I wasn’t exciting enough.

Not that it excuses anything, because hello, communication? Who knows what I might have tried if he’d asked. But he never did. Anyway, the point is that I should be freaking out at what the twins are clearly implying: they both want me, and they’re happy to share.

Maybe it’s because this whole day has been so surreal, so far outside my usual experience, that the idea of a threesome with the Beast Brothers does not have me leaping from the taxi and sprinting for my dad’s place on foot. Or maybe the twins generate some sort of magnetic force field that’s scrambled my brain. They are, after all, by far the hottest guys I’ve ever been near, and I’ve been around a lot of athletes in my life.

Whatever the reason, wanting them both — and both of them wanting me — feels totally normal. In fact, right at this moment, it sounds perfect. As Cody says, an excellent idea.

I could lose myself in a single night’s madness, with no thought for tomorrow. The Beast Brothers would get Jason out of my system once and for all. I’ve never wanted anything more.

But my dad’s expecting me. I’m already much later in arriving than I should have been, and he’ll probably be calling any minute to see where I am. The last thing I want to do is explain to him that I took a detour to fuck his hotshot rookies — both of them.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic