Page 18 of Beast Brothers

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She widens her eyes in a “cut that shit out” look before answering. “Yes, I got it all yesterday. Thanks.”

“Vivian’s coming over to watch a movie,” Coach says. “You’re all welcome to join us.”

“We need some rest,” Cody says, looking to me. “I think we’ll just head home.”

I nod at Cody and then cast a quick but meaningful look in Megan’s direction, arching a brow and smiling at her. “Thanks, though,” I say to Coach, giving him a glance before I turn my focus back to his daughter.

“Megan, would you like to ride to your dad’s house with me?” Mom asks her.

A flash of panic crosses Megan’s face just before Tara leans forward and interrupts. “Zoe and I made plans with Megan for after the game. I’m sorry, I know we’re monopolizing her; we just haven’t seen her in so long.”

“Yes, sorry, Vivian,” Megan says. “Thank you for the offer, but the girls have me covered.”

Coach frowns but doesn’t say anything. He’s in such a pissy mood, you’d think we’d lost today. I hope Mom cheers him up tonight. Ugh. Scratch that unpleasant thought.

We say our goodbyes in the restaurant’s lobby. I tell Tara and Zoe that it was nice to meet them, and then I give Megan a big, brotherly hug and tell her I hope to see her again sometime soon. I behave just as a polite stepbrother-to-be should. Then I squeeze her ass when I know no one else can see.

I shake Coach’s hand, gripping it extra firmly, and give Mom a kiss on the cheek.

Before Cody and I even reach our car, I send the text: Our place. Anytime you’re ready.

Unfinished Business



“Thanks for the quick thinking in there,” I say to Tara as we leave the restaurant. “I couldn’t handle being with Dad and Vivian right now. Hell, I couldn’t handle being with Dad right now.”

Zoe gives me a sympathetic look as the three of us head to her car. “Your dad was in a weird mood. Or is that how he is when he’s with Vivian?”

“No,” I say. “I don’t think so. I don’t know what his problem is.”

“I hope you won’t mind me saying this,” Tara says as I feel my phone vibrate in my pocket. “But Vivian doesn’t seem too bad. She seemed nice, and like she was trying to fit in.”

I only half hear her because Brock has sent a message.

“Let me guess,” Zoe says, leaning in to look over my shoulder. “You just got a better invitation for the rest of the day.”

“What makes you say that?” I tilt my phone away from her, an automatic impulse after working to hide my attraction to Brock and Cody all day today.

“I saw how those two were looking at you. They didn’t want Italian food. They wanted to be eating you!”


“It’s true, and you know it. And you’re still hungry for sausage.”

“My god, Zoe! How old are you? Twenty-two going on twelve?”

Zoe and Tara laugh so hard they nearly cry. I can’t help but join in.

“So am I right? Where am I taking you?” Zoe says. She gets behind the wheel and Tara kindly offers me the front passenger seat.

“You’re right that I got an invitation,” I admit.

“I knew it!”

“But I don’t know if I should go. I don’t want to leave you two,” I say.

“We saw you all day yesterday. We’re tired of you, honestly,” Zoe says with a grin.

“Don’t worry about us,” Tara says. “Go get that sausage!”

“You too, Tara?” When we all recover from another small fit of laughter, I say, “If you’re sure you don’t mind…”

“As long as we can hear all about it tomorrow. Now where am I taking you, Megalicious?”

I give my friend a little shove, and then I give her directions. During the ride I start to have second thoughts and I almost tell Zoe to turn around, but I don’t.

I feel like I have unfinished business with the twins. I don’t like how things ended the last time I was at their place, and to be honest, the thought of spending an unrushed evening alone with them has my panties getting wet. Hell, I’ve been wet for them since the kickoff earlier today.

Oh, jeez, who am I kidding? I’ve been wet for them since Cody helped me out of my wrecked car. And what we’ve shared together so far is not nearly enough.

I have no reason not to go to their place. My dad won’t find out, and part of me doesn’t care if he did. I know I’ll have an amazing time with them, so what’s giving me second thoughts?

As Zoe pulls up in front of their building, I text Brock. I’m here.

I’ll be right down, he replies.

“Call us if you need a ride home. Anytime,” Tara says.

“Thanks,” I say, getting a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I’m not sure if it’s excitement or cold feet.

“And be sure to do everything I wish I was doing,” says Zoe. She blows me a kiss as I get out of the car.

When I turn toward the apartment building, I see the shadow of Brock’s massive frame behind the glass. That fluttery feeling gathers and turns a flip. And that’s when I realize how much trouble I’m in.

These guys are nothing like Jason. A fling with them will be delicious … but it might not be enough. The promise of them is irresistible, but when it’s over, how much is it going to hurt?

Sexy Kitty


“Eager girl,” Brock says in a teasing voice as he lays a kiss on a sensitive spot near my ear. “Couldn’t wait to get back to Daddy Brock, could you?”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic