Page 13 of Beast Brothers

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One hour later I’m walking into the Mexican restaurant, drinking in the delicious aromas that meet me at the door. Sexual release and deep sleep have also apparently worked wonders for my appetite.

I spot Zoe’s golden hair first, then see Tara’s smiling face. I make my way to them, twisting a path through the tables, crowded with all of the football fans in town for the weekend.

Tara throws her arms around me first, and her hug is unexpectedly strong for such a petite person. After Zoe and I embrace, I sit down across from them and feel like I’m truly home.

I’ve been friends with both of them since junior high, and no matter how much time passes, we always pick up where we’ve left off. I can be myself with them, and it’s a great feeling.

After we order drinks, Tara’s face turns serious. “So, how are you, Megan?” she asks, in a grave tone.

“Well, as you’ve probably figured out, your bridesmaid gigs have been cancelled.”

Tara flinches at my words, not ready to make light of the situation.

“Damn! You mean I don’t get to wear that dress?” Zoe’s voice is full of playful sarcasm.

Thankfully, the dresses hadn’t yet been ordered, but Zoe had not shied away from expressing her opinion about my top choice. She wasn’t the type to be covered head-to-toe in pink lace.

“Nope, you got lucky — and so did I.” I fill them in on all of the gory details.

When I get to the part about walking in on Jason and the other woman, my friends let fly with so many expletives that we get angry looks from the diners surrounding us.

“Men suck!” Tara says.

“I happen to love it when men suck,” Zoe says. “And lick and bite too. But Jason’s not a man. He’s a —” I shush my friend before she gets us kicked out of my favorite restaurant.

“Aww, sweetie,” Tara says. “I’m so sorry this happened. You don’t deserve this.” She reaches across the table and gives my hand a comforting squeeze.

“You absolutely don’t, Meg. Better you found out about him now, though, before you married him.”

“Cheers to that,” I say, raising my ice tea as if it were a margarita, which gives me an idea. “Hey, my dad will be working late tonight. Do you want to come over for drinks and movies?”

“I miss movie nights,” Tara says. “That sounds great.”

“Sure you wouldn’t rather go to a bar?” Zoe says. “You know … if you fall off a horse, you get right back on? Is that how the saying goes? Or the best way to get over a man is to get back in the saddle and ride another one?”

“Zoe, my god!” Tara says, sounding scandalized through her laughter.

I should laugh or groan or something, but I’m too quiet, and suddenly both of my friends are staring at me. I try to pretend I’m intently interested in the chips and salsa, but it’s too late to cover my reaction.

“Megan?” Zoe says. “Is there something you’re not telling us?”

“I don’t know what you mean,” I say, knowing I have no chance of fooling them. I may be able to pull a poker face with my dad, but I don’t know why I even bother trying with my besties.

“Spill it,” Zoe says. Tara’s looking at me with wide eyes and raised brows.

“There’s no more to the story with Jason. I wasn’t cheating on him,” I assure them.

“But…” Tara says, drawing out the word.

I dip another chip to try to stall.

“Megan,” Zoe says impatiently.

I swallow and take a swig of tea. “Well… you could say I’ve gotten back in the saddle. Or, I’ve at least, um, been in the stable … meeting a couple of horses.”

“A couple?” Zoe says, eyes wide.

“Already?” Tara chimes in, eyes even wider.

I look at them and nod.

“That’s my girl!” Zoe says triumphantly. “Tell. Us. Everything.”

So I start at the beginning, and tell them about the car accident I had when I got into town yesterday.

“Let me guess? Sexy bad boy cop? Hot tow truck driver?” Zoe says eagerly.

“The other car in the accident belonged to Brock and Cody Easton,” I say.

“The Beast Brothers!” Zoe says. “I was going to ask you if your dad could introduce me to them.”

There’s a little flare of jealousy at her words, but I push it aside. “There’s an excellent chance that you’ll be meeting them at my dad’s wedding.”

“Wait, what?” Tara says.

I skip ahead then. I’m not ready to tell even my best friends about my taxi ride with Brock a

nd Cody. Instead, I detail the events that followed my arrival home. I manage to sidetrack them for a while, and I enjoy their sympathetic remarks about the surprise engagement and my icky impression of Vivian.

Of course it’s Zoe who circles back to our original topic of conversation. “So,” she says. “You were in the stable, meeting some horses … did something happen between you and the Beast Brothers?”

When I just smile, she bangs the table so hard, our plates rattle. “Damn!” she yells, again drawing glances, this time curious ones. “Don’t stop now. What happened?”



Tara is again wide-eyed, and also open-mouthed, waiting for me to continue.

“I shared a ride with them after the accident…” I start.

“Shared a ride!” Zoe says, nudging Tara hard. “I’ll bet you did.”

I smile bigger. I can’t help it. “And then I got in touch with them last night.”

“Got in touch with them!” Zoe says. My friend has the sense of humor of a fourteen-year-old boy.

“What went on, Megan?” Tara asks.

“I snuck out and went to their place last night. It was late. I couldn’t sleep …”

“You got busy with the Beast Brothers!” I’m thankful that Zoe has the restraint to finally keep her voice low. If anyone overhears “Beast” I hope they’ll just think we’re talking about football.

“Not exactly, but kind of…” I say. Of course, they push for details. I make them laugh, telling them about how I snuck out my window and later got caught and lied to my dad about it, and then I give them the barest I can get by with. I let them know we didn’t actually have sex; I didn’t even see them naked, but that I had some fun times with them.

“Both of them?” Zoe is suitably impressed, though I know she’s had some escapades herself. “You are the luckiest girl ever!”

“Both of them?” Tara echoes, in awe.

I don’t blush easily, but I can feel my face redden. “I can’t let it happen again, though,” I say.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Beast Brothers Erotic