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I didn’t tune in to the talk, just him. The rest of the world could disappear for good. I’d happily stand and stare at Ben Nicholson for hours. Days. Weeks.

One of those big hands ran over his short hair and I swear my sex wept in gratitude at the sight. I was out of control. If he fondled his beard I might faint.

“I’m starving,” he said, his deep voice in every way a perfect, wonderful thing. “We finding somewhere to eat and drink?”


Dark eyes turned my way, looking down, noticing me for the first time. Oh lord, it was like an epiphany, being held in his gaze. It was starlight and moonbeams and all that fantastical ridiculous stuff I’d spent the last seven years mocking care of my parent’s example. This man’s existence gave it all back to me—hope, love, things like that. He made me a true believer once more.

Then he gave me a slow looking over. I stood still, grinning, waiting, and inviting his perusal. Fair was fair, I’d been ogling him for hours. And while I might not be putting any supermodels out of a job anytime soon (average height, not much up front, but curvy in the back—just like my sister), he’d be hard pressed to find a girl who could beat me for open and eager enthusiasm. I might only come up to his shoulder, but god damn would I make bending down worth his while.

Slowly, a smile curved his lips, making my heart jump with glee. The man reduced me to the state of a starstruck teenager. Yes to anything and everything that might possibly cross his mind.

“Well, okay then,” he said.

“Don’t you have to get back to school, Liz?” someone asked. Anne. Right. Whatever.

Man, he was divine. Maybe god existed after all. There might be a few more topics besides love that I’d need to reassess. What a day of revelations.

“No, I’m fine.”

“I thought you had an assignment to do?” My sister’s voice tightened in a way which normally sent red sirens screaming through me. But try as she might, I would not be swayed.


“Lizzy,” she grated out.

“Ladies, ladies,” said Mal. “We got a problem here?”

There were no problems anywhere. Not so long as Ben’s gaze stayed fixed on me, making my world turn round. My smile grew shaky as our lustful staring contest continued. Then the man smirked playfully and butterflies went berserk in my belly. Damn him, I would not look away. I could and would win.

But suddenly there was a distinct disturbance in the happy. Some woman was wound around Mal, giggling and cooing and carrying on. And the problem was, that woman was not my sister. Instead, Anne stood watching the scene with her face pale and her mouth set in a grim, resigned line.

Like fuck.

All thoughts of Ben faded from my mind like I was waking from a dream. Sisterly duties called to me loud and proud.

“Hey, Mal,” I said, trying for happy-go-lucky and probably failing miserably. “Should we invite Anne’s friend Reece along to eat? He often does stuff with us on Sundays.”

Reece was her boss and sometime crush. At least until Mal had come along. I most certainly wasn’t above using petty jealousy to further the cause.

Anne’s brows drew tight. “I think Reece said he’d be busy.”

I gave her my best guileless look. “No. Really? Why don’t you give him a call and check, Anne?”

“Maybe another—”

“Fuck no, Lizzy. I mean, I don’t think there’ll be room.” The moron rock star looked around, finally noticing the assorted embarrassed faces (his friends’) and the outright murderous face (mine) of those assembled.

The ho batted her eyelashes at him. “Is something wrong?”

“It’s cool,” said Anne. “Why don’t you go for a drink with your friend and catch up?”

“I thought we were gonna do something.” And Mal might be beyond pretty, but he sure as hell wasn’t the smartest drumstick.

“Yeah, but…”

“I’m sorry, you are?” the ho asked in her high girly voice.

Ev cleared her throat and announced in a no-nonsense manner, “Ainslie, this is Mal’s new girlfriend, Anne. Anne, this is Ainslie.”

“Girlfriend?” Ainslie laughed, and I pretty much definitely really now did want to kill her. Slowly. Painfully. You get the gist.

“I was just saying hi to a friend,” said Mal, carrying on with the male obliviousness. “What’s the big deal?”

“There isn’t one. It’s fine.”

“Yeah, there obviously is or you wouldn’t be looking at me like that.”

“You need to not talk to me in that tone of voice,” Anne bit out. “Especially not in front of other people. Go out with your friend, have a nice time. We can discuss this later.”

“We can, huh?”


His mouth curled into a farce of a smile. “Fuck it.”

Everyone kind of looked at everyone else, but Anne just stood there. Her fingers clenched and unclenched at her sides, same as mine. God damn it, this couldn’t be happening, not to Anne, not now. Just for once let the world play fair.

Soon enough the angry crashing of drums filled the hall, however. It was over. Let the animal pound on his skins.

It seemed no one had anything more to say.


“Crap, I forgot!” Rather dramatically, Ev grabbed at her head. “We women all have to go meet Lauren. Girls’ night out.”

Her husband, the guitarist, just gave her a blank look. “You do?”

“Yep. We’re starting early.”

And hallelujah.

Anything to get Anne out of this god-awful situation with some of her pride intact sounded good to me. I ignored any inner conflict. Yes, the thought of giving up my chance with Ben hurt. I’m pretty sure my heart and vagina would never forgive me. But Anne looked devastated, her hands trembling. I grabbed her arm and towed her toward the door. A muscle-bound dude done out in all black, who just had to be security, met us beside a shiny new Escalade. We all bundled in with minimal small talk. Everything inside was leather. Seriously, the car was one sweet ride. Not sweet enough to get the sour out of my mouth over Mal’s defection, however.

“I don’t understand.” I turned to face Anne, sitting so eerily still in the backseat. Every inch of her was wound tight and inward, her shoulders rounded and hands clasped in her lap. It was like she was just waiting for another attack, for more hurt. I hated that. If Mal Ericson had kicked a puppy I couldn’t be more pissed.

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series