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“What about Trent…,” Stuart started, but I quickly turned my head and glared at him. “Not him. Um, Billy Taggart is available. He just broke up with Crystal.”

“Billy Taggart. Okay, he’s not so bad.” Brooklyn wrote his name on the notebook paper.

“Kurt Adams is single. But I think he likes guys.” Stuart said without judgment, just resignation over his failure to provide a good answer. I half-closed my eyelids and breathed out through my nose in frustration.

“Who else?” I asked them.

“Andy Smith is probably a good candidate. He’s been single all semester.”

“No, I think he had some girl at home pregnant with his baby.” I murmured and looked away.

This was sweet, but I didn’t think it would work.

“How about John Winslow?” Brooklyn said tentatively. He was a football player for the school, and she knew how I felt about football players. He’d displayed a brief interest in me at one point, but I’d shut him down.

I was an academic, not an athlete, and I was a bit put off that these guys got scholarships that paid for everything.

“Maybe,” I said with a sigh of resignation now. I didn’t have much choice, did I? At least he had beautiful blue eyes.

“And, oh, I forgot! Kenny Colman asked me about you the other day. I was late for class and didn’t really have time to pay attention, but he did.”

“Oh?” Kenny ran a journalism group on campus and he wrote for the school paper. He was an academic, with dark hair that came down in lovely curls around his ears, with gray eyes that could look down into your soul and see all your secrets. “Yes, please.”

I grinned at Brooklyn, and she smiled, her raven black eyebrows a stark contrast to her super-pale skin. Brook’s mom was white, while her dad was mixed with Latino and African ancestry. Somehow, she came out with almost translucent white skin that she constantly protected from the sun. She swore it was worse than being a redhead because she’d get weird freckles all over if she let the sun anywhere near her skin.

“Do we have a winner?” She asked, breathlessly.

“A winner for what exactly?” I asked.

“To get a date with. What else?” She looked at me like I’d lost my mind and wrote down Kenny’s name.

“Can you really imagine yourself panting the name, Kenny, though?” Stuart asked, his eyes somewhere on the dark heavens above. “Oh, Kenny, oh Kennnny!”

He moaned the last and then broke into laughter that I couldn’t help but join.

“I’m not sure I could,” I smiled but didn’t tell Brooklyn to take his name off the list. If he’d take my virginity, then I’d refrain from moaning his name.

“Who else?” Brooklyn looked between Stuart and me, her face now uncertain.

“Jake?” Stuart offered.

“Jake from Sub-stop?” I asked and frowned at Stuart.

“Yeah, what’s wrong with him?” He looked rather offended that I wasn’t supportive. “He’s only gotta be around long enough to hook up with you, then leave right?”

“Well, yeah. A relationship would be nice, but we do have a goal in mind. I guess. Ugh, I guess I could lose my virginity to the guy that’s worked at the sub shop we’ve visited for the last four years. If I have to.” I didn’t want to judge the guy’s life choices, but he didn’t offer much.

“You just need a penis attached to a man, right, Nic?” Stuart asked. “There’s always Cal Shawver.”

“He gave Amanda chlamydia, Stuart! Along with a few other women,” Brooklyn protested and glared at her boyfriend. “No!”

“Well, he’ll fuck anything with a…,” Stuart said, a bit miffed, but she stopped his sentence.

“Don’t say it. It’s just… crude.” Brooklyn couldn’t stand it when Stuart said anything that was unpoetic, and she often made it clear.

Stuart just shrugged and tried to think of someone else.

“I really appreciate you two trying to help. I know it’s stupid, but I just… I want to go home a real woman, you know?”

Not that I was sure I was going to go back to my hometown in Hickory, two hours away. I had applied for a job with a public relations firm down in Atlanta, Georgia, and was floored when I got a job offer. The interview took place on Skype, and I thought I’d nailed it, but wasn’t sure until I got the offer in the mail. I hadn’t told my mom yet. I’d accepted the job but wasn’t sure I’d show up. I wanted to see what else came my way before I made a final decision. I wasn’t supposed to start it until September, so I had time.

“I understand,” Stuart said with total understanding. “You believe that sex will change you, and in a way it does. To share your body with another person is magical. It should be transcendental, like nothing you’ve ever experienced before. I doubt you’ll get that with some random guy, but you might.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic