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And the view of Vegas? In the daylight, it took my breath away. I knew it must be awe-inspiring once it went dark outside. I couldn’t wait to see it.

“If you want to get in the pool first before the others come out, you can. I’ll stand here and make sure you get some privacy.”

“You won’t peek?” I asked, stupidly, like a virgin trying to hang onto what makes her pure. So, I checked my modesty and let a siren come out to play instead.

I walked over to the pool with Daniel’s gaze on me. “Maybe I want you to look?”

I could feel how wide my eyes were and hoped the look was a siren call of seductive innocence and not stupid looking.

Daniel swallowed hard and I saw his hands twitch to go in front of his body. He had on a pair of black swim shorts that only came down to his mid-thigh. “I wouldn’t want you to be disappointed, if that’s what you want, Nicolette.”

He leaned against the doorframe and watched as I pulled the towel away to reveal a slim body, not very muscular, but soft and feminine. His eyes lingered on the full globes of my breasts, then down to my slim waist and flared hips. He didn’t really look at my legs, just brought his eyes back up to me face. “You’re beautiful, Nicolette.”

“Thank you.” I walked into the warm water then, not too hot but warmer than I’d expected. I moved in deeper and turned around to look at him. “I’m in now.”

“Just make sure you don’t go in too deep.” His voice was sultry now, but it held a warning. “We wouldn’t you to get in over your head.”

“Maybe that’s exactly what I need,” I stated as I pushed myself back to the shallower water, where he could see my breasts through the water. “Maybe I need to be in so far, I can’t find my way out.”

He understood what I needed, I believed at that moment, they all did. I didn’t want the dirty, fuck her like she’s an animal, then leave her unfulfilled kind of sex. I didn’t want to be used and abused, treated like scum, and then discarded, I wanted to enjoy this, to lose myself in hedonistic passion, to feel more than I’ve ever felt before.

That’s what my texts had told them, How I wanted to lose myself in their passion, in their touch. That’s why he’d noticed a difference, I’d let my own wants and desires come into the texts we exchanged. Now I was here, and it felt real. Too real maybe, but at the same time, like I was caught in a dream I didn’t want to escape from. Not when I had four pairs of hungry eyes staring down at me as I kicked myself back into the deeper end of the pool.

All the brothers were at the door now and, even though I’d fantasized about all this happening in the dark, I was glad it was light out. I could see them all, and they could see me. We were stripped bare for each other to see.

I watched each brother walk towards me, one at a time. Michael came in first, joining me in the deep end, and put his hands on my hips to guide me to face him.

“You are safe with us, Nicolette. We want only to share pleasure with you, and if at any time you want to leave, you can do that.” Michael breathed against my lips before he kissed me softly. “If you should want to, that is. If this too real now?”

“No, I’m, I want to stay,” I said shakily. I turned in his arms when I heard a splash and saw Adam come into the pool. He walked up to me, his brother’s arms around me, as he leaned down to look into my eyes.

“Hi,” he said before he kissed me gently. I put my hand up to ask him to linger, but he moved away as another splash broke the silence. Daniel was on his way to join us. Another kiss, impossibly tender, before he too moved away. Tristan came in last; his brothers were lined up behind me.

“We will give you all of your dreams and then some, Nicolette.” His fingers came up to softly explore my lips, a move that had me leaning into him, when he brought his head down to take my lips in his.

Passion exploded within me, hot and itchy, as I pressed into him. I heard a collective groan behind me and knew the time was now.

Tristan pulled me impossibly closer, our bodies all but fused, and I felt the length of his hard cock in my abdomen. I wanted to touch him, to explore that rigid length, but I was pulled away. Daniel’s lips found mine as his fingers dug into my hair to hold my head still. He explored my mouth fully and had started to move, to pull my legs up to go around his hips, but Adam pulled me away.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic