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Now, we each had to make our own way through life. Well, Brooklyn and I did. Amanda and the brothers would likely be able to rely on the money from their families for a long time to come. They also had connections Brook and I didn’t. Still, sometimes hard work really did pay off. Besides, I didn’t want to be rich. Just comfortable and able to take care of any family I produced, if I produced one. And maybe take vacations every now and then. That wasn’t too much to ask.

My thoughts drifted, and I was soon asleep. Tomorrow my life would take a new direction and I needed rest.Chapter Ten

I had a connecting flight in Houston, Texas, a place I’ve never been to in my life. I took a little time and looked around. The area I was in was surrounded by restaurants, cafes, and bars. People were buying beer at 9 a.m. like it was nothing. Maybe it wasn’t a big deal for them, but it surprised me.

I made my way to the bathroom and wondered if I should put my makeup on now and change into my ‘hotel outfit’ here, or if I should wait until I landed in Vegas. I had another hour to wait here at the airport before my next flight. And then another hour or so on the flight. I decided it was best to wait. I’m sure the airport people had seen it countless times, so it didn’t bother me.

I went to one of the restaurants and ordered the breakfast I’d skipped earlier. Just a sausage biscuit and some coffee and took them over to the waiting area for my flight. After I ate, I grew bored with just sitting there, so I started to watch a video on YouTube about where to go in Vegas.

The Rome brothers told me to meet them at one of the most expensive hotels in Vegas after my flight. They had all my flight details, so knew when I should arrive. I was too nervous to sit down and watch the entire video, so I gathered my two small bags and started to browsed the shops nearby. I found some perfume on discount and bought that. It was something I’d never owned before.

I’d just never thought about it, but now that I had one I liked, I wondered why I’d never thought to buy any before. I bought a bottle of water and then just looked around until it was time to get on the flight. I was trying not to think about what would happen at the end of all this flying.

Not because I was afraid of the Rome brothers, but because I didn’t know how they’d react to me. I wasn’t quite who they were expecting. As I sat in my seat by the window, I wondered if they’d read the blog about me. If they’d know I was that Nikki. The girl that couldn’t get fucked.

I knew I had to put that part of my life behind me, and Amanda along with it, but it was all too fresh to let go of. For a moment this morning, I’d almost thought about staying home. It was all insane, and if the brothers kicked me out, it would be further humiliation, but I’d be in Vegas. Nobody had to know, and maybe I’d find a guy in a bar somewhere. Someone to have a one-night stand with.

Whatever happened, I knew I’d have the money for a place to sleep now, at least. It might not be the Villa in the Sky at Las Palmas Resort, but I’d find somewhere. I’d looked the place up and when I saw the price tag for the one week stay the brothers would wrack up, my jaw dropped. Their parents weren’t just rich… they were mega-rich.

That was some graduation present they’d been given. A week in one of the most expensive resorts in Las Vegas. I couldn’t imagine being that wealthy. I wasn’t sure I wanted to either.

The plane traveled on and the woman next to me decided that I had to know everything there was to know about her grandbaby. I politely looked at the pictures and asked the appropriate questions, but all I could think about was the brothers. Would they reject me? Or would I wind up in one of the wildest nights of my life?

The plane landed soon enough and then I was walking through the airport looking for the car rental stands. I’d already paid for a small car, so all I had to do was pick it up. I went to change and put my makeup on first, which I thought was a good idea. It would let the airport empty out a little, and I’d be ready to go. I only had the two bags I carried with me, my handbag and a carryon bag with my clothes in it, so didn’t have to waste time looking for a suitcase.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic