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All of them were more than fit.

The professor tried to draw our attention to one particular point she wanted to make, but I couldn’t do anything but stare into space. What would it be like to really be with all those men all at once?

I felt a shiver run down my spine. For a moment, I wondered if it was really a good idea or not. It could be very dangerous. They were rich, able to get away with whatever they wanted. But so was Amanda. It was her they were really expecting, not me, and I wished I could change that. No, I didn’t think this would exactly be dangerous, but it might blow up in my face when they saw me instead of her.

Which reminded me, I’d need to buy a flight to Las Vegas. How was I supposed to do that? I had no extra cash, at all.

I could borrow it, maybe from Brooklyn, but would I want to do that? I’d have to explain what my plans were. Otherwise, she’d want to go with me, and I didn’t want that. I loved her but I really didn’t need her help on this adventure.

No, I couldn’t ask her for help.

I’d do a search later for a discount flight. If nothing else, maybe I could drive out there. My car wasn’t the best one to look at, but it was well-maintained and reliable. That might be the answer. I’d have to rent a car in Las Vegas just to get to the hotel, otherwise. Hm. I wondered what it would cost me to drive out there.

The class came to an end finally, and I left. It was my only class that day, so I went straight back to the dorm. I checked the cost of flights online and used a student site to do it. There were some really good packages going, ones that I could actually afford now. I knew the date that we were supposed to all meet in Las Vegas and, on impulse, I paid for the flight out of my bank account. It was super cheap, especially when I added in the student discount, and that gave me a rental car, too. I made the flight for two days, so it wouldn’t be long, but long enough.

Just enough time to lose my virginity with four men. At one time.

I giggled with delight and sent the file that came with my purchase to the printer on a shelf at the other end of the room. The room had a long closet that we shared, two long dressers, and the two shelves against the far wall for storage. I ran over to the printer, pulled out the sheets of paper I’d need, and put them in my bag. I didn’t want Brooklyn to know anything about any of this.

She might try to talk me out of it if she knew.

I went into work at lunchtime, my brain ready for exactly nothing. I put more than one book back in the wrong place and barely noticed when students wanted to check out books. Mrs. Lawson glared at me more than once. I tried to bring my brain to life, but all I could think about was what could I wear?

I’d been able to afford the flight, but any other purchases would have to wait. I could go to the consignment shop to buy a dress, and I doubted I’d have clothes of any kind on for long, so I could just take a dress, some shoes, and I’d be able to wear jeans and a sweater on the way home.

If they wanted me to stay at all when they figured out I wasn’t Amanda.

Amanda came in a few hours later, looking around the shelves on her own. She came up to the checkout desk, her eyes slit suspiciously. “Have you seen a phone?”

“I’ve seen my phone,” I answered and held the phone up for her to see. “That’s all.”

“Are you sure?” she asked and stepped closer to the desk her eyes now held a menacing note. “Because if you have my phone and think you can use it against me, I’ll tell you right now, I’ll ruin you.”

“How? I think you’ve done everything you can to make sure I’m as low on the totem pole as anyone could be.” I stared back at her with a smirk in place. “I haven’t seen your phone, Amanda, and if I had, I’d just turn it into the CDC to see what kind of diseases it’s picked up during your… activities.”

I looked down my nose at her for the first time in four years, my head held high. I knew it probably gave away that something had changed but I didn’t care. Let her wonder.

She stared at me with an angry twist to her face. Her mouth pursed into a grim line. I thought she might strike me, but her face changed suddenly and she became all that was sweetness and light. Now the way she leaned over the desk was imploring. My eyes narrowed and I waited for whatever came next.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic