Page 81 of Lead (Stage Dive 3)

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“About f**king time, Jimmy.” I grinned.

He laughed, then kissed me some more.

And that’s the story of how my sister married my idiot ex-boyfriend while I went home with the most beautiful man on the planet, Jimmy Ferris, the lead singer from Stage Dive.


What was meant to be an engagement party for Mal and Anne had degenerated into some sort of bizarre hedonistic musical bacchanalia. Instruments, gifts, vegetable pizzas, and drinks were strewn here there and everywhere. The happy couple had disappeared into one of David and Ev’s spare bedroom a while back. Killer the puppy was chasing Ben the bass player through the condo while Lizzy lay on the couch laughing.

It was pretty funny given the size differences.

Jimmy and David were playing guitar while Jimmy sang “Ain’t No Sunshine,” the sad old Bill Withers song. I sat on the floor opposite, snapping off pictures of him on the Nikon. My boyfriend, the most fascinating of subjects. And god save my panties when he went into crooning mode, because they never stood a chance.

He’d finally dared confide in his brother about learning to play guitar. David had been nothing but supportive, helping him practice songs. They’d been talking about the chances of Jimmy playing some rhythm guitar, back up his brother during the upcoming tour. He seemed more confident in his role, happier with having more to offer the band.

“All good?” asked Ev, hanging out on the floor beside me.

“Very good. And you?”

She smiled. “Just swell, thank you for asking.”

Over by the balcony doors, Nate and Lauren were slow dancing, lost in each other. Ah, love. So lovely and shit. The world was a glorious place.

“We going to be planning your and Jimmy’s wedding next?” Ev sucked down some of her beer.

“Nah, I don’t think so. We’re good as is.”

“We’re what?” asked Jimmy, the song having finished. He held out a hand to me and I waddled over on my knees. All the grace.

“Ev asked if we were getting married next.” I carefully placed my camera on the coffee table before climbing onto his lap. That he wanted me there, all over him, was both a duty and a privilege. Well, mostly a privilege.

“You wanna?” he asked, cocking his head.


“Sounds good.”

“Jimmy.” I leaned in close to whisper in his ear. “I think I just came.”

One hand slid into my hair while the other grabbed hold of my hip. “Did you?”

“I mention a one day major commitment and you’re cool with it. I feel like I can have whatever I want with you these days. It’s starting to make me a little overexcited.”

He turned his head, kissing me gently on the lips. “I like you over excited. Keeps things interesting.”

“I’ll bear that in mind.”

He nipped at my bottom lip.

I grinned, ducking back to evade his teasing teeth.

“Animal.” I laughed.

“Yeah. I am. That a problem?”

My fingers slipped into his hair. “Nope. I like you as is.”

“Love you, Lena,” he said. He said it all the time to me these days. I never needed to doubt. My things had been moved directly into his bedroom upon our return and Jimmy had set about letting it be known far and wide that we were together. I didn’t eavesdrop in on his conversation with Liv Anders when he broke the news to her. I trusted him. After the way he’d taken off from LA to get to my sister’s wedding in time, she apparently hadn’t been surprised.

She had my sympathy. I knew what it was like to love him and lose him.

But I wouldn’t be giving him back.

Amidst much laughter and puppy barking, Mal and Anne finally emerged from the bedroom. Anne’s face was flushed and Mal was still putting his rhinestone-covered, white satin, Elvis-style jacket back on. My mind was still coming to grips with exactly why he’d felt the need to wear it. Obviously the whole wedding in Vegas idea had been embraced wholeheartedly and then some.

“The king lives!” He cried, hands high above his head. “So, Benny boy.”

The bass player collapsed on a chair in the corner, Killer still yapping at his heels. “Yo.”

“Now that fair Lena has tamed the mighty Jim, you’re the last of us swinging single.”

Ben laughed. “And you can bet on me staying that way.”

“Oh, come on.” Ev climbed up onto the couch beside David, throwing an arm around him. “Look at all the deliriously happy couples in this room. You’re not even tempted to settle down?”

“No,” the man answered simply.

“No one special you want to tell us about, Benny?” enquired Mal, giving him curious looks.

“No.” Ben crossed his arms over his barrel like chest. “I’m happy doing my thing, having fun. Why limit yourself?”

The women booed him. All except Lizzy who suddenly popped up from her place on the couch.

“I have to get going. I had a big day.” The girl threw an arm around Anne, giving her a squeeze. “Congratulations, again.”

“Thank you. Again,” laughed Anne. “I’ll see you for breakfast tomorrow?”

“Sure thing.” She gave the room a wave. “Night everyone!”

“Hang on, we’ll catch a cab back with you,” said Lauren, disentangling herself from an obviously amorous Nate. They’d both had a few drinks, neither were fit for driving. When Anne and Mal moved into the condo her sister had taken over her old apartment. Given Mal had paid the rent up for the next year, it would have been a shame to waste it. Lizzy had been only too happy to give up her small dorm room in favor of a rent–free, slightly larger apartment.

“’Night,” I said, waving to the party of three departing out the door.

Ben watched the group leave with a frown on his face. Curious.

But I was quickly distracted by Jimmy bussing his nose against my cheek. “You didn’t tell me you love me, Lena.”

“I love you, Jimmy.” I smiled and kissed him on the lips.

Since discovering love, he’d set out to become somewhat of a connoisseur of the emotion. I have to admit, I was definitely reaping the benefits, sexually and emotionally. The damage his mother had done was slowly being healed. His relationship with his brother was better than ever. He’d let me find him a new therapist and he was learning to trust and be open in all sorts of ways. Actually, I think we both were and it was a good thing. It wasn’t always easy, but we both persevered because it was worth it to us. Our dedication to sticking together now was absolute.

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series