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I stared down at her, cute and ready to be fucked. I smirked at her for a moment and then turned to Grant.

I sighed as I took my gaze from her and looked at Grant. “Yeah, I’m bored.”

She gave in too easily, which disappointed me a little. I heard her sigh as I moved away slowly from her. I gave her a chance to change my mind and prove me wrong, but she didn’t. She did exactly what I suspected she would do.

Gave up.

Then, I realized that I’d judged her wrong as she stuffed something in my pocket.

“The number of my roommate. In case you want to have some fun tonight. The three of you and the three of us.”

She was persistent, so maybe I was wrong?

“Yeah, she’s new here like me and looking for some action”

I grunted, “Can’t your roommate speak for herself?”

I nodded in the direction of the other girl that had trailed behind her, who I suspected was a freshman too, but unlike Rachel, she wasn’t rubbing against me, let alone looking in my direction.

“Oh, not her. I have someone else in mind. Someone that I’m sure you’ll like.”

What did she mean by that?

I was going to ask her, but then I decided against it. Grant wasn’t interested and we needed to all be interested in one girl, not three. We weren’t into those kinds of games. I could tell that she had the wrong idea about what we were about here.

But then before I could say anything, she winked, and I remembered that she’d stuffed something in my pocket. A phone number for her roommate. What kind of girl gave out her roommate’s number like that, I wondered?

One that was either a really good friend that wanted her roommate to have a good time or one that was pulling off a very nasty trick. From the look in her eyes as she walked away, I knew she hadn’t come over here to play nasty games. Not the kind that hurt people anyway. She wanted her world rocked, but unfortunately, tonight, I wasn’t going to be the guy that did it. Grant didn’t want to play.

I headed in the direction of Grant and got the fuck out of there. I hated student parties even more now that I knew in one year we’d be out of here. It couldn’t happen any sooner for me because I was tired of university life and especially freshman students.


Grant had that fucking look on his face. That look of pain. It was a look that hurt me to see when it surfaced on his face. I knew it was emotional pain, not a physical one. Something that he usually tried to hide deep within himself. Being his triplet, I could sense it even if he did have a smile on his face. One that covered the darkness within him.

I hated seeing him like that and it was even worse to feel it coming out of him this way.

“Wanna go for a ride?” he asked as he stood outside like a wandering lost soul. I wasn’t sure whether I should talk to him or continue to walk in silence.


I didn’t feel like hopping on the bike and going out with him. Not when I was in this mood. Besides my cock was so fucking ready for a good ride, but it wasn’t a bike it wanted to ride on. As much as I was trying to fight the feeling, I couldn’t stop thinking about thrusting my cock inside of Rachel’s wet pussy.

He slapped me on the back and said, “I bet you want to go back and fuck her, right?”

I nodded my head, I might hide the truth from people, and sometimes I might outright lie, but there were two people on this Earth that knew me well enough that I could never lie to and that was my brothers.

“Maybe we’ll get Colin and I don’t know…” I trailed off and scratched my head. I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry at this precise moment.

He wandered to a bench and we just looked at each other. Neither of us felt like going back to our rooms or doing anything in particular. I put my hand in my pocket, ready to call Colin. Colin was the eldest, by ten minutes, and he never let us forget that tiny little fact. He also claimed that he was the wisest, and sometimes, I thought he might just be right.

“Fuck!” I swore as something slipped out of my pocket.

“What’s that?”

I used my phone light to find it. It nearly blew away and that just pissed me off a little bit more. I caught it finally, and I stood up to see what was on the note.

A number.

One that I didn’t recognize. My eyes darted from the note to Grant’s face. I knew that in some crazy convoluted way, that this meant something. Not that I believed in fate, but this seemed almost like… Providence. Or something like th


I looked down at the number and wondered. We’d had a hard time since our last girl, a really hard time, and I thought it was time we all got back out there. Tried again.

Maybe we should talk to this girl and find out if she could replace the one that we lost. And more importantly, if she could be the key to get my brother out of his sadness. Something just felt right about this moment. To get back what we used to be, three brothers who had one girl. We’d stopped doing that and we lost our way. We’d grown apart and I wanted that back. I wanted Grant’s smile and happiness back.

This number could be the answer to bring hope back into Grant’s life. Because my brother was a part of me, and his depression meant that there was a part of me that wasn’t functioning.

“What?” he shot out as he stood up and then slumped back down on the bench.

“We could find the one we need…”

“Shit, I told you that I’m done with all that. Once, you’ve been where I’ve been, you don’t want to go back. No. Fucking. Way.”

This time, he stood up and I knew that I was going to chase after him.

“You’re so fucking selfish. You are always thinking about yourself. Do you think that when you decided to run off that we didn’t feel anything? You decided that we weren’t brothers anymore and you had someone who could make you feel whole. Do you remember that?”

He shook his head and swiped his hand over his slick scalp. When he had hair, he’d run his hand through the strands, but now he doesn't have any hair. It was something that he’d done since we were kids, something that lets me know that I’d hit a nerve and gone a little too far with the point that I was trying to make.

“You think that I haven’t suffered enough?” he choked and put his hands up, not giving me a chance to reply. “No. You don’t fucking care. Selfish as always.”

“Really, bro? I wanted to fuck that freshman, have her on her knees and begging for more, but I left for you. So, no, I’m not like you. I’m not fucking selfish.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic