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“Sara,” she said as she took the hand I held out. She pulled hers away quickly as soon as I released it.

She fidgeted at the door for a minute, and I toned the grin down to a gentle smile. Now that I could see her, I knew she was nervous. This was, obviously, not something she was used to doing. She probably regretted messaging me in the first place, but it was too late to turn back now. While I could feel sympathy for her blatant uncertainty, I needed the money. I had just about enough funds to pay the semester’s tuition, and the deadline was quickly approaching, so I wasn’t about to give her the money back and call it all off.

“It’s okay,” I murmured, and pitched my voice to a tone that shoothed. “You don’t have to worry about anything. Do you mind if I come inside? We can talk before we do anything if it’ll make you more comfortable.”

She hesitated a little more, before she backed away from the door. I followed her inside, and she closed the door behind her.

It was a little risky meeting in the dorms. Luckily, the school had co-ed dorms, and because some overly serious students studied until the early hours of the morning, it wasn’t strange to see people out so late at night.

“Your roommate is out?” I asked and looked around.

She looked at me with wide, anxious brown eyes.

“Um, I don’t have a roommate,” she mumbled.

My eyebrows jumped up. “Really?”

That was so convenient. I shared a room with three other guys, and here was a freshman with a room all to herself. It was convenient for tonight, but I was a little jealous.

Sarah didn’t seem to know what to do with herself. She glanced around the room, looking lost, then glanced my way, only for her eyes to flit away.

She’s not the kind of person I would have thought would try something like this.

This girl looked so shy and uneasy; I figured she was a virgin, or very inexperienced, right away. Had she ever even dated? She looked so anxious, and we were only in the same room together with several feet between us. None of the other girls I’d met through the sext line were like this.

I wasn’t disappointed, though, far from it. Maybe it was wrong of me to think that way since I’d chosen to do this on my own, but it made me feel a little less sleazy, even if the others had been easier to deal with.

“You look nervous, Sara,” I said softly, so I wouldn’t scare her.

She jumped, then whirled around and met my gaze again. She didn’t look away this time, but her hands clenched into the skirt of her dress. I wanted to ask if she was sure about this, to tell her that we could stop if she wanted, but a part of me didn’t want to.

“It’s just, uh… this is my first time,” she admitted with an apologetic smile. “So, I’m just, well, a little nervous.”

My guess was right then. For some reason, her virginity really pleased me. I didn’t bother to ask her to clarify what she meant by first time, that was crystal clear already. Not a lot of college girls paid guys for sex, so that would be a first for plenty of them. She had to mean she was a virgin.

“Have you ever dated before?” I asked, realizing after the words were out that I was anticipating her answer just a bit too much.

Sara didn’t say anything, but she did slowly shake her head.

Immediately, I wanted to grin. I held it back, though, because I didn’t know what my face would look like if I did, and I didn’t want to scare her even further.

“You don’t have to worry,” I murmured.

I hesitated, before I slowly started to close the distance between us. She stiffened but didn’t move away. I stopped right in front of her and raised my hand to tuck her hair behind her ear, and lightly grazed my fingertips along her cheek. She shivered, and something inside of me tightened.

“I’ll be very gentle with you, Sara,” I promised.

She blinked her eyes rapidly for a few seconds, then took a deep breath and slowly let it out. She nodded her head and looked a little less uneasy, but I knew I could make this good for her.

It wasn’t my first time with a virgin, but I was going to take extra special care of the delightful Miss Sara, as I’d just promised.

I was looking forward to this.Chapter Three

SaraDespite the fact that I spent the entire day nervous about this moment, I hadn’t tried to cancel the date. If you could call it a date. My reservations about it all plagued me, up until the moment this gorgeous guy showed up at my doorstep.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Accidental Stepbrother Erotic