Page 27 of Play (Stage Dive 2)

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“Guys, they’re ready to do photos.” Lauren stood in the doorway, a full champagne flute in hand. After some grumbling, Jimmy headed inside. Ev and David, arm in arm, followed behind him.

“Great acting,” whispered Mal, laying a soft kiss upon my neck. “I honestly thought you were about to burst into tears.”

Funny, I’d thought I might too. I huffed out a laugh and gave him my best fake smile. “I played one of the wicked witches in my middle school’s production of The Wizard of Oz.”

“That explains it.”

“It was basically just lying down dead at the start, pretending to be squished while wearing cool red shoes.”

“Bet you were the best squished girl ever.”

“Thanks. And pregnant? Really?”

He rolled his eyes and pressed a kiss to my cheek. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. Just got carried away. Do you forgive me?”

I held out for all of two seconds. “Yes.”

“Thank you. That’s very kind of you. I really didn’t mean to stress you out in your delicate condition.”

I growled.

He laughed.

“Coming?” asked David, looking back over his shoulder.

“I’ll just wait out here,” I said, stepping back from Mal while I still could. Immediately the cold evening air rushed in, chilling me.

David shook his head. “No, Anne. You too. If you’re with him, you’re family. Let’s get it done with so we can kick back and relax.”

“You heard the groom.” Mal grabbed my hand, drawing me in again. “Just one thing first.”


With the gleam in his eye, I should’ve known. His lips descended, pressing against mine. His arms wound around me, hauling me up against him. My gasp of surprise was just the entry into my mouth he needed. Turned out he knew how to evil laugh and kiss me senseless at the same time. I shouldn’t have been surprised about that either. Despite that, the kiss was soul-shatteringly gentle. He kissed me sugar sweet until my head spun and my heart pounded. My knees knocked and my girl parts cried mercy.

And still he kissed me.

“How was that?” he asked eventually, staring into my undoubtedly dazed eyes. “Better?”

“Um, sure?”

He breathed out through his nose, his brows drawn tight. “Shit, I’m still not getting it right. I’m going to figure this kissing thing out. I am. We just gotta keep trying. Never say die!”

I was done for.


I studied my reflection in the hallway mirror as the party continued out in the living room. One side of my bottom lip was slightly bigger than the other. Honestly, it was. I looked ridiculous. The drummer was nuts. He’d always been riding the edge of needing immediate admission to a nice, soft, padded white room. And for a while, it had even been kind of charming in an offbeat fashion. But now he’d officially lost all semblance of control.

Did I like biting? No. No I did not. Same went for nibbling and most especially hickeys. The mark on my neck did not impress and I’m pretty certain there was a bruise just above my ass from him grinding me into the kitchen counter.

Needless to say¸ his rough lovin’ experiment hadn’t been a success.

“God damn maniac.”

“Sorry?” asked the woman waiting beside me for the main bathroom.

“Nothing. Just cursing out loud.” I gave her a bland, social smile. “Don’t mind me.”

She nodded and reapplied her lip gloss with the precision of an artist before proceeding to positioning her br**sts. What were the chances of me having an early-twenties growth spurt and developing br**sts like those? I wished.

“You’re with Malcolm Ericson, right?” she asked.

“Right.” I wouldn’t say that I preened exactly, but I did run my fingers through my hair.

The smile she gave me seemed less than sincere despite being blindingly bright. “I think that’s really brave of you.”

“How so?”

“Dating out of your weight range like that.” Her eyes met mine in the bathroom mirror. They were a dark, evil, pretty hazel kind of color. “I mean, you’re clearly not at his level. But why not enjoy him while you can, right?”

I checked in the mirror. But amazingly enough, there was no steam coming out of my ears. My mouth opened, but it took a moment for me to find the words. “Did you really just say that?”

“What?” She did a nervous giggle, hair-flicking thing.

“I’m a complete stranger to you.”

“Hey, I think it’s great. Go sister and all that.”

What petty jealousy bullshit. No way was I giving this bitch the power to make me feel little. “I’m not your sister. I have a sister and she would never say something like that to me.”

The woman’s perfectly glossy lips popped open.

“Seriously, honey,” I said. “Your manners are appalling. Go f**k yourself.”

The bathroom door opened and I took my turn, closing the door with a little more zest than needed. My shoulders were up around my ears when I strode back out to the party, the slight throbbing in my lip almost forgotten. I did not look back at the bitch.

People. God damn it.

Hard rock music thumped through me, keeping my agitation fresh. I wanted to hit something. Not someone, but something. Just give an innocent wall a smack with my hand to let out some of the pressure building inside me. I slowed down my breathing, tried to quiet my ranting mind.

Everything was fine.

Mal, Jimmy, and Ben stood to the side, sipping their drinks, ignoring the hopeful glances of the girls nearby. Crap, was this what it was like for them all the time? It had to get old. A few paces away, Lena chatted to a woman her own age. Her gaze kept sliding back to Jimmy in a way that didn’t exactly express professional interest. Imagine that.

Out of the confined space, I could breathe again. It was all good.

“What’s up?” Mal asked when I got closer.

Behind us, the woman strutted out of the bathroom, throwing my fake boyfriend a big fake grin. Not a hint of shame about her.

“Promise me something,” I said.


I stopped, smiled. “You didn’t even hesitate.”

“You’re pissed about something.” He leaned down, making our conversation private despite the packed room. “What’s wrong?”

“Promise me you won’t sleep with her.” I nodded to the beast in question. She was now busy talking to an elderly man, smiling and nodding. In all likelihood, she was Ev’s cousin or something equally harmless, not the Harpy Queen of Darkness. Still didn’t make her behavior right.

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series