Page 19 of Play (Stage Dive 2)

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“You woke her, asswipe.” For once, Mal didn’t sound the least bit light and easy as he gave Reece hell. “Do you have any idea how stressful shit’s been for her lately? Plus she had to work late last night.”

And as relaxed as Reece was about work, that comment was not good. “Mal, it’s okay. This is my friend and my boss, Reece.”

“Reece?” He sneered. “This is who you were talking to on your phone at the party?”


“Huh. Figured it was a chick.”

“Guess again.” Reece pushed his way past the mostly na**d drummer to shove a box of donuts into my arms. Voodoo Donuts. My saliva glands kicked into overdrive despite the early hour and manly standoff.

To be fair, partly also because of it, yes.

“What the f**k is going on, A? Who is this ass**le?”

“Reece, not cool.”

His bloodshot eyes blazed angrily, his dark hair sticking out. The scent of stale perfume lingered around him like a miasma. I’d also question his sobriety because his movements seemed a bit off. Here was a man who had not yet been to bed.

At least, not his own bed.

“A?” asked Mal, crossing his arms over his chest. He turned and winked at me. “You call her ‘A’? What, saying her whole name’s too much of a commitment for you?”

I barked out a laugh. Then attempted to turn it into a cough. Reece didn’t look convinced, but I didn’t care. Relief made me weak in the knees. My Mal was back, cracking jokes and smiling. A real smile this time, not the harsh manic parody from the night before.

It was amazing. I could actually see Reece’s hackles rising. Mal might have had a good half a head on him, but violence was not out of the question. Meanwhile, Mal just looked amused. The depth to which he didn’t give a f**k was actually a large part of his charm. I’d never met anyone like him.

Not to say he wouldn’t throw down with Reece. I had no doubt the man could handle himself.

“Why don’t I make coffee?” I took a hesitant step toward the tiny kitchen, hoping someone would follow. Either one of them would do. Neither made a move so I stayed put.

Reece’s brows drew tight together. “Even for a hookup you can do a hell of a lot better.”

“What?” Not only was it an extraordinarily rude thing to say, it wasn’t even remotely true.

“You heard me.”

“Shit, Reece, how can you even …” I stared at Mal, frowned, and cocked my head. So much skin. I looked and looked until I hit the dusting of dark blond hair leading down from his belly button, heading straight for No-Anne Land. He had a treasure trail. A map to hidden delights. The donut box trembled in my hands.

I could and should avert my eyes. But I didn’t.

“Anne?” Reece demanded angrily, dragging me out of my  p**n y daydreams.

“Um …” Yes, such was my genius statement.

“There’s the crazy eyes,” said Mal in a low, rough voice. “Looks like my pumpkin is ready for round six of the sexin’.”

Oh. Crap. He didn’t.

Reece’s forehead furrowed, his fingers curling into fists.

Alright, so he did.

I crushed the box of donuts against my chest. “That’s a really sweet offer, Mal.”

“Pumpkin, if you’re still walking straight, my work here is clearly not done. Hell, we haven’t even gotten around to breaking in the new couch yet.” He turned to Reece, enjoying himself way too much if the light in his eyes was any indicator. “She’s worried we’d stain the material. Like I wouldn’t just buy her another, right? Women.”

No answer from Reece apart from the white lines around his mouth.

Mal exhaled hard. “Next time let’s stick to leather. Wipe clean is so much easier and it won’t chafe your soft skin nearly as much as you think, Anne. Not if we–”

“Enough,” I barked, feeling the cardboard box cave in.

“Too much sex talk in front of friends?”

I nodded.

“Sorry,” said Mal. “Real sorry. My bad.”

So much hostility in such a confined space. And there was no question, Reece was genuinely jealous. He was all puffed up and radiating fury. His gaze shifted between Mal and me, mouth fierce.

You have to understand, before now, I hadn’t been entirely certain Reece even realized I was female. Yet here he was, edging toward me as if I was territory to be protected. Something Mal didn’t intend to allow if his side-stepping maneuver meant anything. It was like some strange animalistic caveman dance, the two of them slowly hemming me in. Amusing in a way.

The first male to pee on me, however, would pay with his balls.

“Thinks I’m a hook-up,” scoffed Mal with a side look. “Set him straight, pumpkin.”

At those words, Reece’s nostrils flared. I stood, pinned to the spot. My heart beat so hard, I’m certain ribs were bruised in the process. Wild bed hair or not, this moment was glorious. I wanted it up on YouTube for all time. (Okay, maybe I didn’t want it on YouTube. But you get what I mean.)

I cleared my throat and steeled my spine. Today, I stood about ten times taller. “Reece, Mal and I are seeing each other.”

“We’re living together,” Mal corrected.

“Right. That too. I’ve been meaning to tell you. Mal and I are living very happily together since the day before yesterday.”

“Mal?” My boss froze. “Mal Ericson, the drummer?”


Reece’s reddened eyes blazed even brighter. Nothing more was said.

“Now that we’ve got that straightened out, I’m gonna hit the shower,” Mal announced. “Give you two kids a chance to talk.”

“Thanks,” I said.

“No problem.” His hand smacked into my ass, making me jump. Then, fingers lazily scratching at stubble, he sauntered into the bathroom. My butt cheek stung. I made a mental note to kill him later, once we were alone. Kill him or screw him, whatevs. My hormones were so confused.

The second the door clicked shut Reece grabbed my arm and hustled me into the tiny kitchen. Dawn had yet to make an appearance. Light from the living room shone weakly on his surly face. His black-rimmed glasses were askew, adding to his whole thoroughly ruffled appearance. I probably should’ve been jealous. But for once I actually wasn’t.

“What the hell is this, Anne? You said you met him, that’s all. Fuck, I thought he looked familiar …”

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series