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Chapter Five


I stepped outside of the building and headed for the parking lot. I’d thought about waiting for Zoe to come to me, but after that confrontation with Ben, I wanted to see her. I didn’t know if, in the end, she would listen to what her Dad told her if he told her to stay away from me.

Just the idea scared me.

Before I could even get to my car, though, my phone vibrated in my pocket. I stopped beside my car, opening the back door to dump the gym bag I’d brought along with me. Then I sat in the driver’s seat and pulled out my phone. It was a message from my agent.


I texted back quickly that I’d meet him for our dinner appointment on time. This was something important, so as much as I would like to ignore it and head to her anyway, if this was about what I thought, then I’d get what I wanted, anyway.

The restaurant he asked me to meet him at was a bit of a drive away, but I stopped by the house and killed some time before I had to go and meet him. I thought about sending Zoe a text, then wondered if she’d read it. She didn’t tell me how lunch with her dad went and she hadn’t talked to me since then. When she was in a bad mood, she’d ignore my texts and messages until I had to go see her in person.

Zoe just seemed to be going with the flow. I need to talk to her. Today, after this meeting.

She might have been under the misconception that I thought of us as a casual, occasional hookup, but I didn’t think that way at all. Well, in the beginning, I did, and I couldn’t quite pinpoint when that changed, but it had.

I arrived at the restaurant and parked my car. My agent had made a reservation, so after I checked in with the host, I was led to our table. He was already there. He stood as I approached the table and we shook hands.

“A waiter will be with you soon,” the host said, then walked away.

We sat down.

“So, Jackson, what do you have for me?”

“I have good news,” he said with a tiny smile. “It took a bit of working through, but I finally managed it. I know how much you want this team.”

“Wait,” I said, surprised. “Are you serious?”

He couldn’t mean what I thought he meant. The only team I’d told him I was interested in was the Southern Eagles. And Zoe’s dad had made it perfectly clear I wouldn’t be playing for them.

Jackson grinned. “Yeah. The Southern Eagles are willing to give you another chance if you can show that you’re clean. I actually just got the phone call just a little while after that little stunt you pulled earlier today. I was excited to tell you, I figured it would make you happy. You’ve been off the game for nearly a year now.”


This was good news, but I had to wonder when Ben had made the decision. He wasn’t just the coach of the team. He wasn’t the owner, either, but it wasn’t due to lack of funds. He’d started the team himself, but once he turned it into a franchise, he’d sold most of his rights to it, and stayed on as coach. Zoe had told me he’d sold it around the time her mom got sick so he could focus more on her. Still, it was his dedication to the team that helped it grow to the length it had, so he had a lot of weight in the team, to the point that he could block me from joining if he didn’t like me.

So, why now?

I didn’t think he’d give me another chance, especially not after our confrontation earlier today. It was less than an hour ago, so when did he get time to call my agent...?

“Isn’t this a bit sudden?” I asked.

Jackson shrugged. “It actually is, yes, but does it matter? At least it’s not a rejection.”

Before I could come up with something to say, a waiter appeared at our table.

“What can I get for you gentlemen?”

We picked up the menus and I quickly skimmed it and picked the first thing that looked good with a glass of juice. Jackson made his order, and the waiter walked away.

“Do you want to take a look at the contract?” Jackson asked. “It’s a little different from what we’d agreed to initially, but I didn’t think you’d mind the changes. The salary is the same, there are just some extra clauses.”

“Sure. Let me see.”

He picked up the briefcase he’d had beside him on the floor. Setting it on his lap, he opened it and pulled out some papers, that he handed over to me, then put the briefcase back down. I looked through the papers quickly, focusing on the more important bits. There really wasn’t much difference. I just had to consent to taking regular tests. All the team members did it, anyway, and I did understand his caution so I wouldn’t relapse in the middle of the season and get the team in trouble. Also, if I was in violation of any of the stipulations in the contract, it would be terminated immediately.

I didn’t mind it. It wasn’t as if I was too attached to the women, the booze, and the drugs. I had Zoe now, I couldn’t remember the last time I had any alcohol, and I quit the drugs as soon as I could. Maybe I was just lucky, or I hadn’t been taking them for too long, because after some moths of cravings I’d completely gotten over them without needing to check myself into a rehab facility. I’d seen the messed up things drugs could do to people, and I was disappointed in myself that I’d once stooped so low.

Something feels wrong here, though. Would Ben really go through with this after what just happened? He kicked me out in the middle of practice!

It just didn’t add up.

“There is one more thing, though,” Jackson said.

Tags: Stephanie Brother Dirty Players Erotic