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This just made everything that much more complicated for me.

Because I was taking Ben’s deal, I hadn’t had time to talk to Zoe. I didn’t want to tell her anything when I was forced to avoid her, but if I told her now, would she even accept it?

I’d come to terms with it myself. I liked Zoe, a lot. I didn’t want to just keep fooling around, either. I’d planned, when things were safe, to tell her how I felt about her, and instead of getting back to how we were, to start over in a relationship that was a little more solid. We’d be dating for real instead of just hooking up.

In the middle of my pity party of one, I heard my doorbell and groaned as I rolled over, pulling my pillow over my head. I didn’t want to see anyone. In the next second, though, I froze, because who would come here to see me? Ever since I got this apartment, the only person who had come here was Zoe.

Could that be her?

I slipped off the bed and went to the door. I couldn’t ignore it if there was a chance it could be Zoe. Maybe she was done being pissed at me or, crap, what if she’d come to tell me things were over between us?

When I opened the door, I was surprised to find Zoe there, even though I’d already guessed it had to be her. She’d never come over before, though, without me asking her over.

“Zoe, hey. Come in.”

I stood aside to let her in. “What are you doing here?” I asked.

She glanced at me over her shoulder. “Am I not welcome here?”

“You’re always welcome here, Zoe. Usually, though, I have to talk you into coming here. Don’t tell me you actually missed me?” I teased, but I was actually kind of happy.

I walked over and wrapped my arms around her and placed a kiss on the side of her neck. She was in heels today, so she was at my height. She sighed as she leaned back against me, her hands sliding over mine. I froze for a second, because she wasn’t trying to get away, which was how this usually went, even when we were in the privacy of my apartment. Slowly, I pulled away and turned her around to face me.

“Is something wrong?” I asked. I cou

ldn’t completely erase the ball of anxiety in my stomach.

She must have known about our parents before I did. She hadn’t said anything to me about it, and I didn’t know how she felt about it. I couldn’t ask. I was a little afraid of what she would say.

“Nothing wrong. It’s been a while, I just wanted to see how you were doing.”

Her hands slid up my arms until they circled my shoulders. Dazed, I let my hands settle on her waist. It was true that it had been a while, though, the longest we’d probably gone without meeting.

“It’s been great, being back on the team. Honestly, I forgot how much I’ve missed playing football and being on a team. The situation now is definitely better.”

If only things between us were okay, then I could be happier.

“I’ve wanted to talk to you, actually, so it’s good you came. I wasn’t sure you’d pick up if I called.”

She shrugged. “Of course I would have picked up.”

I frowned. “Zoe, you haven’t picked up any of my calls for days now.”

She smiled. “I was angry, then. I’m not right now.”

“Seriously, you’re scaring me. Is something going on?”

Zoe laughed, and pecked a quick kiss on my lips. “I told you. I was angry before. It’s not like I don’t have a right to be. It’ll just take some getting used to, ignoring you every time the team has practice, because I’m always there.”

“I’m sorry we have to do it.”

She shrugged, pulling away. “Don’t worry about it, I’m over it. I’m glad things are working out for you with the team.”

Zoe toed off her heels, then walked over to my couch and sat down. I watched her for a moment, then followed and sat down beside her.

On the inside, I was still confused. Zoe wasn’t acting normal, and it worried me. She was looking around the room as if this was the first time she’d come here, and it really wasn’t. It was as if she didn’t want to meet my eyes, and her expression was odd, too, like she was trying too hard to be calm.

This feels familiar.


She hummed, turning to me with a distracted smile.

“I want to tell your dad the truth.”

That got rid of the smile.


I ran a hand through my hair, then shifted so I had one knee on the couch, and I was facing her.

“Hear me out. This was a lot harder than I thought it would be. I really hate having to pretend like there isn’t anything between us just because of your dad. He can at least be reasonable, right? If we come clean with everything, then that should be fine, right?”

Zoe gave me a flat look. “And tell him what, exactly? That you and I have been sleeping together for months?”

I winced. Actually, I would have hoped to tell him we were dating, and we’d been together for months, but she wasn’t wrong, that was how things started between us. I just never realized I could get this serious about her, or instead of seducing her into my bed, I would have asked her out on a date and done things right. If Ben heard the real version of events, I didn’t doubt he’d kick me off the team for good and tell me not to go near his daughter again. All over again.

“Maybe not exactly that,” I said carefully.

Zoe sighed. “We can’t tell him, anyway. We shouldn’t.”

My heart squeezed in my chest. “Why not?”

“I’m sure you’ve heard the news by now, right? That our parents are married, and your mom is moving into my house?”

“I heard. Does it bother you?” I asked tentatively.

“This isn’t about whether or not I’m bothered about the fact that you and I are now step siblings, Howard. Have you seen our parents? Dad... I’ve never seen him this happy before. He was glowing that night at dinner when he took your mom’s hand and told me they were married already. Your mom was happy, too. If you’d been there, you would have seen it.”

“I was there,” I confessed. “I was drunk, so I just saw you guys and left, I didn’t stick around, but Mom told me because she wanted me to help her move. I think she’ll be selling the house, so I need to go back and get rid of some of my old stuff, too.”

“That doesn’t bother you?” She asked.

I shrugged. “I haven’t been there in forever. Yeah, I grew up there, but it’s not like I ever planned to move back home, and Mom can live wherever she wants.”

Zoe made a frustrated sound. “Dad married Katie because he’s so clearly in love with her, Howard. Your mom cares for my dad, too. They’re happy right now, and if they hear the news of us being together, it might just break that.”

Tags: Stephanie Brother Dirty Players Erotic