Page 39 of Lick (Stage Dive 1)

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“Stop, Lauren. This is … shit, this is personal.” My heart and mind raced. “This house?”

“Yeah. They’d been together for years. David was gutted. Then some bitch he slept with sold her story to the tabloids. Also, his mother left when he was twelve. Expect there to be some issues all round where women are concerned.”

“No, Lauren, stop. I’m serious,” I said, nearly strangling the phone. “He’ll tell me things like that when he’s ready. This doesn’t feel right.”

“It’s just being prepared. I don’t see what the problem is.”


“Okay. No more. You did need to know those tidbits though, seriously. Events like that leave a permanent scar.”

She had a point. The information did explain his accusations regarding my leaving and the strength of his reactions to that. Two of the most important women in his world had deserted him. Though finding out this way about his history still felt wrong. When he trusted me enough to tell me, he would. But I hadn’t had enough of a chance yet to earn that sort of trust from him. Personal information didn’t just roll off the tongue at the first meeting. How horrible to have it all set out there on the internet just waiting for people to look it up and mull it over for their entertainment. So much for privacy. Little wonder he’d been worried about my talking to the press.

I took a sip of the soda then rested the cold bottle against my cheek. “I really want this to work.”

“I know you do. I can hear it in your voice when you talk about him—you’re in love with him.”

My spine snapped to attention. “What? No. That’s crazy talk. Not yet, at least. It’s only been a couple of days. Do I sound in love? Really?”

“Time is irrelevant where the heart is concerned.”

“Maybe,” I said, concerned.

“Listen, Jimmy has been dating Liv Andrews. If you meet her, I definitely want an autograph. Loved her last film.”

“Jimmy is not the greatest. That could get uncomfortable.”

She huffed. “Fine. But you are in love.”

“Hush now.”

“What? I think it’s nice.”

Mutterings from Lauren’s mysterious friend interrupted my rising fear.

“I’ve got to go,” she said. “Keep in touch, okay? Call me.”

“I will.”


I said “bye”, but she was already gone.


“You’re frowning.” David walked up behind me slowly. His head cocked to the side making his dark hair fall over the side of his face. He tucked it behind an ear and moved closer. “Why are you doing that, hmm?”

I’d been putting together dinner. I’d found pizza crusts in the freezer so I took them out to defrost and started cutting up toppings and grating cheese, while worrying about what Lauren had told me, of course. The house didn’t seem so welcoming anymore. Armed with the knowledge that it had been bought with another woman in mind, my feelings toward the place had shifted. I was back to feeling like an interloper. Horrible but true. Insecurities sucked.

“Gimme.” From behind me he snagged my wrist and brought my hand to his mouth, sucking a smear of tomato paste from my finger. “Mm. Yum.”

My stomach squeezed tight in response. God, his mouth on me that morning. His plans for us tonight. It all felt like a dream, a crazy beautiful dream that I didn’t want to wake from. Nor did I need to. All would be well. We’d work things out. We were married again now, committed. He snaked an arm around me and pressed himself against my back, leaving no room between us for doubt.

“How are things going downstairs?” I asked.

“Real good. We’ve got four songs shaping up nicely. Sorry we ran a bit over,” he said, planting a kiss on the side of my neck, chasing the last of the bad thoughts far away. “But now it’s our time.”


“Making pizza?”


“Can I help?” he asked, still nuzzling the side of my neck. The stubble on his jaw scratched lightly at my skin, feeling strange and wonderful all at once. He made me shivery. Right up until he stopped. “You’re putting broccoli on it?”

“I like vegetables on pizza.”

“Zucchini, too. Huh.” His voice sounded slightly incredulous and he perched his chin on my shoulder. “How about that?”

“And bacon, sausage, mushrooms, peppers, tomatoes and three different types of cheeses.” I pointed the chopping knife at my excellent collection of ingredients. “Wait till you taste them. They’re going to be the best pizzas ever.”

“Course they are. Here, I’ll put them together.” He turned me to face him, rearing back when my chopping knife accidentally waved at him. His hands fastened onto my h*ps and he lifted me up onto the kitchen island. “Keep me company.”

“Sure thing.”

From the fridge he took a beer for him and a soda for me, since I was still avoiding alcohol. Tyler and Mal’s voices drifted through from the lounge room.

“We working again tomorrow?” Tyler called out.

“Sorry, man. We gotta head back to LA,” said David, washing his hands at the sink. He had great hands, long, strong fingers. “Give me a couple of days to sort shit out down there then we’ll be up again.”

Tyler stuck his head around the corner, giving me a wave. “Sounds good. The new stuff is coming together well. Bringing Ben and Jimmy back with you next time?”

David’s brow wrinkled, his eyes not so happy. “Yeah, I’ll see what they’re up to.”

“Cool. Pammy’s outside, so I gotta run. It’s date night.”

“Have fun.” I waved back.

Tyler grinned. “Always do.”

Chuckling quietly, Mal ambled in. “Date night, seriously … what the f**k is that about? Old people are the weirdest. Dude, you can’t put broccoli on pizza.”

“Yeah, you can.” David kept busy, scattering peppers around the little trees of broccoli.

“No,” said Mal. “That’s just not right.”

“Shut up. Ev wants broccoli on the pizza, then that’s what she gets.”

Ice-cold lovely sweet soda slid down my throat, feeling all sorts of good. “Don’t stress, Mal. Vegetables are your friend.”

“You lie, child bride.” His mouth stretched wide in disgust and he retrieved a bottle of juice from the fridge. “Never mind. I’ll just pick it off.”

Tags: Kylie Scott Stage Dive Book Series